Advertisements & Notices

... SHAKESPEARE ihi M1NYWA f SHAR&E's JEDIT!'' On Thursday, Dec. 1, wilj be pnoii lied. price 2s ?? newitatly isewvc'd'opd labelledI r VOLUME TFt i'sasr, r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vmfv M : - -- - - U NDER the Patronag-c of her Gri.ce the DUCHESS U ' M lA\CHESTMR. there will hea BALL, at thi Cro n inin LOWESTOFT, on Monday the 2-,tb nst'. \P Tlckets Ss. td. each, to be had at the Bar, 5uppilcr and Mnsic incuded. TpsaTCH Fonwth Suhscription ASSENMBLY will bc i at rite Asseinblv-room. on Thuisdvy. Oct.7. Ad mlittance to Non-subscribtvs, not hviiig in Ipswi'h, or svithin 5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOLD' 'u J. RAW-, 'Boksdke,' @c. BUTTER-JARKET, IPSIWICH. For COUGHS, CONSUMPTIONS, &c. PECTORAL ESSENCE of COLTSFOOT. 'I HE Herb Coltsfoot, called Tussilago by the An- cients, was distinguished by them, as its name sufficiently conveys, for its excellence ill the cure of cioughs and otherpulmonarycomplaints; and this es- sence has, in the course of a long practice, been found tile most safe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURNPIKES. THE next General Quartery Of th Tr tees for putting in execution an act, trtitled, 'in fo Act for more effectually repairing the Roads frorm St Ipswich to the Scole Inn Road, and other Roads in M the said act mentioned, vill be held by qdjonrl.' sa mentat the Crowvn In, Claydon, on Tuesdly the 1 elst May, 180'2, at Elcven o'clock i9 the forenoonm. T. GARRARD. Clerk to the Trustees, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EADLEIGH ASSEMBLy will be at thie New As- semhry Room, hI, Tuesday the 1Ith oi MNarch 1806.. Tickets to be had at the Wite Lion, GentlC- men lOs. 5X, Ladies5s. Tea,supper, c.included. GEO. WENYEVE, Esq.{:sicwards Rev- R. HEATH iears fHERE will be a BALL at the Crown Inn, it1 T Woodbridge, on Monday the 3d day ofaMarch. Admittance to Gentlcmen los, 6d. Ladies 5s. sUp- per included. Rev. Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The indis psiaio Shper-krrty itht GENUINE CHA1ICOAJ D;EIIFRICE.. pREPARED only by the Proprigtork KERNOT and P BLAKE, Che nists, 33, St. Jamei'Vstrect, Lon- don, over the various kirds in genetil circulbtion, Is fui;y establishedi by the decidcd prefercoc2 which thorle who have made aaiile tricontinue to give it; this idaily confirmedlyavery rapidand rxiensivesale. The Prbprietbrs therefore ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II Ii ;I , r . ? - ??r ? , , ?? A -e:? 1? -, medyin .V Woid, ~ssr~g htfli~tt~ ~ iW pi4! *hf We kl~oakcr.s~b ?? Mpdiwelyat kn.ownILM OF ?? jon~i~d n~dtee o i . bdy a~ :9e ttYles' brdit si'stih~irtiistli &caIdi df.. e~~ j, ohn'tti, Aise~ StfIfo-ik, ?? INi-Gfolk`: ihae ?? 01hiSver jAiaCC..niWNtiiddleiitch; 1't santottd otits Iper wich r,.nd dek',b it G , a ?? fihe snc, atd is ffuo ...

WANTS a Place at Michaelmas next, as Supcrintemlant Farrrt, man between thirty and forty years of age, with ..

... small family, who perfectly understands every branch of the farming business, qan have an unexceptionable character from Ills last place, where he has lived four years. The woman is in every respect well acquainted with the management of the dairying pan, and housekeeping in general. Letters post paid, addressed to Mr. John Aldhous, Dunningworth Hall, or to Mr. Henry Ellis, of Tunstall, both ...


... NOTICE CREDITORS. rjMJE Creditors of JOHN late ofTostock, in I the. county of Suffolk, farmer, deceased, to whom stood indebted previous to the day of May, 1805, when lie executed assignment effects, are requested to moot the assignees at the Ship Inn, in oolpit, Tuesday the 12th day hist, at Eleven o’clock in the forenoon, when a first and final dividend will paid to them ; and such the ...


... IiAKHAM HOUSE INDUSTRY, 15,1009. Directors ami Actiug tii*-Po#r v%ith- I the Hiiiulrctl ami on, in the county Suffolk, M ill hold tlieir i»e\t Gcm’ral Quarterly Meetiuj, the Crown Inn, Ciaydon, on Thursday, the day Dec. inst. at Ten o’clock in the forenoon ; when and where ail persons willing to supply the said House with good steer beef and wether mutton separate, good malt ungrotind, soap ...


... THOViaS SKITTER having taken the above Inn, begs permiflion refpcclfully to allure fuch the Nobilily, Gentry, Travellers, and the Public general, will favour him with their commands, that it ihall be his unremitting endeavour to fupply them with Wines of the bell vintages, genuine Spirituous Liquors, plentiful Larder, comfortable Apart meuts, able (’oft Horfes, with careful Drivers; and the ...