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1800 - 1809
7 1801



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On Thursday morning at eight o'clock, a person leaped off the center arch of Blackfriars Bridge into

... tinie on the 13th of May 1aft. Upwards of 6c.os (Vec- tators crowded to fee this exhibition. We are defired by Mr. King, of Drury Lane Thea- tre, to contradi,1, fo far as mlay relate' merely to the na- ture of his late indifjsofstion, a report which haosfounnd ...

From the LONDON GAZETTE, June 9, 1801

... Corn- Alreet Briatol. Attorneys, Meffrs. J. and J. O0lotncin Briitol; Melirs. Hill and Meredith, Gray's Inn. -Jomn Ritc, of Drury Lane, leather fadlor, June ?? 4, U, at ten, at Guildhall. Attorikeys,-Mr. Bousfiled,1Bouverik-erout, Fleet-itreet. Rachael Dawfon ...

In reporting the speech of the Lord Chancellor in the case of Drury-lane Theatre, a paragraph respecting

... ?? i Ia reporting the fpieecb of the Lord Chancellor in the cafe of Drury-lane Theattrel a para'raph repectin Mr. (f rn~hh niiali h o , enla I-Ad I^zi ?? , 4rl. IUUU,. ?? to nave Itood as ojQloWs- s Mr. Grubb maintained himfelf to bz prprieitor d a ...

A few days previous to the death of the late Mr. John Palmer, of Drury-lane Theatre, that

... A few days previous to the death of the laie Mr. Jobn Palmer, of Drury-lane Th'Ifea(.re, that gentleman, while walking in 'the cliurch-yard of Liverpool, with the deceafed Mr. WyJde, of Co- vent-garden, obferving upon the fuitable fitua ion of the ground ...

The KING will go in state to Covent-Garden Theatre, the first time this season, and he will do

... The KINC Will go in ?? to Covent-Garden I Theatre, the firft time this feafon, and he will do i . I - ._ I the fame to Drury-Lane; but afterwards he will go. to his private box without commanding the play, or giving more than two or three hours notice ...


... corated in lke manner, but with giou lealf, ncl the colours of the lamps were appropriate to that ocf the metal behind them. Drury-lane had the word Peace fiurnlounted by i crown, with the flme kiid ofrefleiotur as at Covent. Garden. Mr. Oakley, coach-tmaker ...