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... failed from Newport, ia Rhode Ifland, on the 3d of November lat, havieg on board the Envoys bouad to Europe. Mr. Dignum, of Drury-lane Theatre, was feized on Friday laft with a fit of delirium, snd, we are forry to hear, bas ever fince continued in a mental ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tranflated by Bensjasin Tbonpmfn, Efq. contain- ing the STRANGER, a Play, in five Als, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane i from the German of AUGUSTUS VON KOTZEBUE. On the ait of February will be published No. II. which will contain the Tragedy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mifs TowNsivrii. N. B. The above Romance is brought forward with In; entire new Scenery and Drefihs, after- the manner of, Drury-Lane. The Scenery by Mefirs. BANKs and' r CLARSC. The Decorations by Mr. HAavy. -I This Piece will be performed ievery Efening ...


... fword is emblematically poortrayed the tyt of Providthci lookicv Briitjo fi The beautiful chamber between his Majefly’i Drury Lane Theatre and the faioon whs much admired by the royal family flight. ic lined with white fatin, richly fringed with gold ...

Published: Tuesday 28 January 1800
Newspaper: Kentish Gazette
County: Kent, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 7989 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

LEWES, February 17

... regions the Clerk the Peace, order that may be rendered as convenient as for the affiles. Tbe attractions of Pizarko, at Drury- Lane, are in no degree ; not even tbe novelty of Speed the Piougk, nor the indilpoiiuon of can affect them, as appeared the ...

Published: Monday 17 February 1800
Newspaper: Sussex Advertiser
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 1221 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

Advertisements & Notices

... CABINET, - ' Reprefenthig an Emblematic Tranfpaxent Painting, u executed by Mleffis. BAN;sS and CLARrE, of-the SIhaetre Royal Drury-Lane. 'The Song- Little Ifland, by Mr4-ATTo0.. Hulting Song, by Mr. BARxsNrr. he With tle Farce of f THE JEW AND THE DOC;TOR ...


... DRURY-LANE THEATRE. Tluirfday night the Royal Family went to fee The CAan- Aefline Marriage, and the new faice, Of Age ‘lomurrow, with both of which they highly dclighud. The King plauded Decamp very much in her long in the latter, and the piece was extiemely ...

Published: Tuesday 25 February 1800
Newspaper: Kentish Gazette
County: Kent, England
Type: Article | Words: 1164 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

»y and various other complaints in men, women ldren, being frequently occaftoned by Worms, Mr. Apothecary, ..

... for the The fg t , (the Jew) and ‘Lingo in the Agreeable Siirprife, that night only, by MR. DOWT O N. From the re Royal. Drury Lane. 'fcw Cujlom-houje, Dover Feb, 19, 1800. , vv Hereas it has been reprefented to the Com* iT his Majcfty’s Cuftoras, that ...

Published: Friday 07 March 1800
Newspaper: Kentish Gazette
County: Kent, England
Type: Article | Words: 963 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Friday's & Saturday's Posts

... fuftains his pretenfions with uncommon impudence, and offers to Garrick his protcttion, if he wifhes to prefent himfelf to Drury-lane theatre. At length, the London manager having caufed Garrick to be purfucd, his facta is arretted in his place, and the ...

Published: Monday 10 March 1800
Newspaper: Hampshire Chronicle
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2370 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

Audit-Room, Sunday, April 6, iSoo. ‘h Committee who have now attended four out 'he five weeks appointed for the ..

... o'' e the eveninz ai Addrcfs appropriate to the oc» Af, be fpoken by Smith and Mrs, Worthington. Mr. of the Theatre Royal, Drury lane, j offers his fervice* tKs occafioft, provided his engage town will allow him. ■ °ors to opened at fix, and begin at feven ...

Published: Tuesday 08 April 1800
Newspaper: Kentish Gazette
County: Kent, England
Type: Article | Words: 927 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... Addrcfs appropriate to the occafion will be fpoken by Mr Smith and Mrs. Worthington. N. B. Mr. Dowtok, of the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane, very obligingly offers his fcrvices on this occafion, provided his engagements in town will allow him. Tickets to be had ...

Published: Friday 11 April 1800
Newspaper: Kentish Gazette
County: Kent, England
Type: Article | Words: 1797 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

Sunday's Post

... rounds in Broad-court, Bow-it reel, he was alarmed cry of tire. Following the found, he came the lower end Duke's Court, Drury-lane,'wben a man, much intoxicated, accolfed bun by faying, be was fure adjoining houfe was burning, bad accidentally put his ...

Published: Monday 14 April 1800
Newspaper: Reading Mercury
County: Berkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1600 | Page: 3 | Tags: none