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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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... and Arm' 4, and other tranfient refideut* in Barliados, m loft a nioft attentive and hbfpiribie fri nd:—Hi* mild temper, enlightened benevolence, and fmfeinating nianmrs,‘are deeply, - and |>eriiuncncly, imprelicd in the heart* of hit numerous ...


... Covent Garden Theatre.—Her . chara&er for every quality that could adorn private life; and the foftnefs, affability, and of her temper, endeared her to Very numerous circle of-friends. —A happier couple than this venerable pair, never entered into the matrimony; ...


... law. The deceased W as defervedly efteemed her numerous acquaintance and friends, for good fenfe, an invariable cheer,ulneft temper, and the uniform correctnefs of her conJuift. HIGH LIVERPOOL THE ENSUING WEEK. With the Hstcfl-is the Tidm, FROM HOLOEVs TABLE ...

' fer if Ibt Urd.'rv*i&ru ■at tloighii; Carter SfiJ Co’» WareAdfe,• M«w Quay, Tuifdar ben tfce M taMveo’cloca,* ..

... of-, that Prince, and Brown (in.taih) may be made, At titUrm vrriit, tliu*— Ine chaeadteriftic, diftindbop .tbac mark* the temper of Hamlet, a penfirr, yet genteel humanity; heiibyna“ tuy* of atoelincholy call, but lu> polite education has il“ the fable ...

■- • SAILED. April 28. Washington, Swain, New York. ! HOUSE OF LOROS. Erijiiy, Mjj 10. ROMAN CATHOLICS Or IRELAND

... Thu petition being read the clerk, his Lurcfltijj oWcrved, that hoped the matter of the petition would impartially and temperately difeuffed ,-ai.d he bad doubt but the petitioners would meet with ample junice from the Houfe. His Lordlliip then entered ...

A Quantity of COPPERAS. * few BarreU WHITE HERRINGS, Alio conflant fupply of NUNS THKEAI>, in Boxes of aol. to

... and E. MARROW, CampWLflreef. TO BE SOLD. A her blood-Heron AI ro? n chfsnTV They are rem.rtablr handfome, will warranted temperate. Her were Inuh p roper I phvfickcd in the bcßnnmgof the reafun. and are capital condition.' in ftrunv regular exereifc, and ...

■* *' • •• ■ , . . $ ty. Auction. WUl^.w>MonwEe. o, V^^* wareboafc, Powaail-lireet, PORT WINE. Apply Mr

... daughters, » defirou. of receiving into her family. Six young Indies of pcntecl A. the cultivation of the mind, and the the temper, are her linl ohje-a. education, P-efume, .t mav found defir cable fitnat.ou for hters of - rents, who, may equally anxious ...


... warmth feme gentWnett who, redding there, had been expofed to f.i.utr. ever iDfetrarable from civil war, and liable have their temper* foured, and their miod.-prejudiced, bvthei- every fpecie* profcriplion and preclu ion to refelal expofed item A* any partiality ...

(br tufted o« eollai , fetch mere teoacr. Ropt we ftatioiury price, end the wool |t» experienced httle ..

... engagement againft fi> great a force, ooce furprifed and delighted, and was ever of in terms of thole who it. The Commander’s temper difiufed itfdf on every elfe, in whom, I while it excited the greateft ardour,- it combined with it the greatefi and all to ...


... W'.'.N 1 K1>, . .„'.i Airily, 't feme diltince irom 't**!* *' • 3 * 4, * Wna*%, ID, aiul ** , l l-iily.—>. ; u4ttief» ai.d temper will **. k ulul'/ utl. to ). •'o9.y. rT a a Gen>rrl from tire-lloun )‘l, •'! yioTSof in a Bon ding co .o I'c.ang ...


... excels indulgedcict i WVtime* of rcfinctecnd apd luxury. It it certainly true, that the farther we depart from fimpUcity and temperance in diet, and the more wr lactifiM wholcfotae eiercifeaxo the inadkivity attending doeneftie ilements, the gttater' will ...