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Trial for Murder

... 'fr.;et, on the 16th of Jaliauay. IY vdr2drar il stated, thait the prisoner wias a priiate id in the Gernan Legion, and the woman who was ti mtrderod, at-the time a shopkeeper, at St. Peter's, in the Isle of Thanet. Site had taken a walk to, el Broadstairs ...


... Bri- tifh army. He had no reafon to fuppofe that the con- du&t of the French Commander anid his army would not, with refpeft to Lilbon and its inhabitants, be in- fluenced by the fame confiderations which-have adtu- ated other Commanders and armies, in firnilar ...


... Friday week, Henry Gage, Vi- toint Gage, of Castle Island, Baron of Castlebar. il Ire- land, and Baron Gage, of High Meadow, in England, and a Major General in the army. His Lordship was in his 47th year. He is succeeded is his titles and estates by his ...

LONDON—Nov. 21

... command of the army. It flated, that he failed in the Donegal from Cork, on the 12th of July, and arrived at Corunna on the 20th. He landed there, and had frequent conferences with the Supreme Junta of Gallicia. He was there informed, that the army of Caffile ...


... comisnttikg a mest-.'rieient assauit and daring outrage upsr. her person;. Mangaret West, servant to nr. Lumlev, the ctrner oF ]land-cossrt, Ioibhorn, said, that her master sent hear, on Tuesday rmorningr, to a livery-stable, in Duke-street, Lin- cuhsa's-inn-Fieds ...

SURRY SESSIONS.—Horfemonger Lone, Oct. 9

... appeared in the public papers, that an extensive co refpondence is carried on with the Officers of the Army, by perfons ftiling them- felves Army Brokers, to induce thenm to enter into pe- cuniary engagements for the purpofe of obtaining commiffions ...


... hour'or litlh rnore after athe murder, a- man was discover .ed cdncealiiig himself in a ditch,, within a plabtav tiofi in'the lands of Lochend,- wh6 was appre- hbndea, and th8. Ietter containing. the bill, the watch, the puirsedaind silver; and papers, of ...


... be upwards of 7o years of age, and the prifoner to be 'under cr. Sh(e ated, that fhe underftood that he was a Captain in the army; t that flue underflood that by rafirng twenty-five men he 1 would be likely to obtain a major's Commifflon. It ap- peared ...

LONDON—Nov. 18

... an t i DaSvid r Baird's army, dated -el'ce i a we 7rrived at this place on the 31st fr .fG o i.ig march of four days from Cornuna, ji 3e fa . .b-re and barren in the extreme, and of 1pt tICO pde'nspply the vabants of a large army. PZ §sverty e natives ...


... whick alfo faved the reflof the crew of the priva. teer, c'icept four who wete 'drowned, and who landed them at V'igo; that undergoimg many hardihips by land, he got' to ' ±ilboa, and from thence to England, by.a Spanifh veffel, bound for Cork, but which ...


... found it to have a very re- ?? appearance ; he inquired of a woman of a gen'eel appearance as to the character of the prifoner a4d his ?? who informed hinm the prifoner was an officer in the army, and his companion, SimRs, Vas a gentlcmran who lived on his ...


... distance from town to town through Europe. This elaborate work has great sale, particularly in all the sea-port towns. The Army, Navy, &kc. are strong- ly anid most resed'fnlily solicited tc purchase this useful Map prior to enmharkation.-Sold by the ...