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Derbyshire, England


Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ° ACKSON's NEW ANsD COMPLUTE j sr NEWGATE CALLNDAR; I Ai entire new Edition, enlarged and inproved, by the t;r L Ktois ROY;SALcen and Authority. Is HONTAININg m the liqs of the moft notoriouss ,c E sighwaymen, Foocpads, Robbers, Burglarv, e lio Stealeas, Murderers, Pirates. Forgers, Swind. n tr , Rioters, Traltors, and othcr Cr'iliials and Fe. , e.n9 &c. from the year 1700, to the prefent year ...


... Butts 50 to 60!b. 2od. to 2id. Do. 60 to 3o!b. z id. to 22d. Meichants Backs 2od. to 2o£d. Flat Ordinary igd. to 2id. Calf Skins 40 to 501*0. psr doaen 26d. 10 23d. Do. Cz to Solb. do. 26d. to aSd. Do. 80 to X2o2b. 2id. to 26^. DieiTmg Hides i 3 to igd. Fine Coach Hides 193. so acd. Crop Hides for cut. 2 id. to 23d. Small Seals, per doz. 60s. to 70s. Large ditto, 120s. to 140s. Tanned Horfe ...


... Bags -Kent ill. eos. to 131. s . Suffex ul. o os to 121. 12s. EIT-x ul. os. to i;|. 12s . p ocxtT . . Kent in. oos. to 141. c3s. SuiTex 12L cos. to ill. 03s. Farisaam 121. os. to ,61. Cos. ...


... We lament to fee that the fpirit of tumult winch has (.> unfortunately burlt torth into a..s or the molt wanton arid unprovoked fury in different parts of tie kingdom, has alfo .hewn itfelf in t'.e Metropolis :— On S._turd_y night or Smday in .rning, written hand bills were thrown abcut the itreets adjoining the market;, inviting the pc?p'e ** t-i attend at the Oirn Market on _..:ir_y, ...


... IMPORTATIONS t*7Vr :\EEK. B ' f *- «on_ I R .. M _,~ „, Brandy 2/ ?I!> „a|. „..,,,, 6j , 1( Birley .66* 4.. | D.tto __-v!,./ Butter 5,6 .-..ns 1., e.t jit,,.' Cotton 301045:1-. | M „_;,. , . r . Flour 4900*.', Freeh ..j Oats .36*4.5. | i._,.an -- Rag* 990 cw>. j c .- foik 90 tons | Wool (-^ .i.ii!.} b, if,] PKfcE ot FI.OUH. Fine. 93s to coo. _kcu..da, 84s t . 86s. Tnn-Ji 60s. 10 8-js. MiJol ...


... To Pirfoos witl. fmall Incomes. THE firft thing which a man wiih a large family and a fmall income has to confider it, bote to nuke j Utti t g* • oriat viay, in providing food and other cct.lfancs. n.c piefent methods of cooking victuals, occafion great and unneceffary waile. The houfc-wiU who r.afit, b'.'th, «' bates meat, wai'.et ons-thiid of what might be ufed at food, which either dries up ...


... to the Tnne of «• Mohican l'vtrtd A'^* t» ♦.-.';. [seiro at rtooMoee itn.] cEAR nor, my Peggy, Rormy winds, nor feir th* * exulting foe j •Tit Glory calls, my command*! and Colin rsew mutt go : Be goer, bet foon will come again, eatich'rj with gold and fame ; Say, dry thofe tears, my bonny Ufs, toweep it were a fhame. The crew* onboard, the fails arcfptcad, cur cona'riiiz •ag nnfurl'd, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - '. i e , i >s.Natkis UHerei C, Geni e ru AT the Pa tnieriip between R. andR. POOL of - I Derby, 'ryingpan-Makersj &c.. was diffolved by .. inutual confenlt on the'ift of Auguft s18.-Witiefs our -t hands, t II RICII~~16HARIJ POOL RALPH POOLf * N. B. The bufinets will in future be 'carried on by c 'e Ralph Pool. ':' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE. CONTRACr,' Es 1'IG3TnEEN Couples of very .)13 bred Fos; Ilovnrl d vilelps fromsi two to fo~riaipld. Poi~partieuar plt ~ A adi r, Derby. Coopers Wrnted. .,`. WO or Tlree good Wor1;men may moet with conifant e l' employment at leifrs. W, &T. Wotintmi>oros', Burton-upon-Trent, or at their Porter Brewery in Wolier- i:hampton..; a Burton, 9thAuguft, 1803., ' d MONEY. CS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IAiitr Ch PeNftelCdE 0.rh the Gl E r lief ie'AY~ rini'dle'a'ged Alan aa B3U L~ l~etwo Foqrijen are kcpt,--Alln g A0 EPEt~h Pe atl6yY c L s6& i tdid Ii hr B Urlht' cN Enqltntwe o(-MrXUAVE1Rj Ciowni Iiiii Thartbn-ipe0rf- None need apply who haive not 'lived i large Fumsilic~s; and who nmannt proddce duexceptidonabie 61aiid&'rs fromi *gIn, 6rtIrto give, titu. ior applucatson fts one will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CRIES'T1LRFIELD .WI[NTER -ASSRi1-BLIES, : . ., ., :IgO4, i thu Old Affmbly-Rooa, atthe ANGEL INN.- ,th, Wed&Iefday, aFeb. -2. , . - -'-tl,. W'ednci'da.Y Mh~ch'21. '';''t9' '. W. A. LORD, l'a'u.7 * ' ';: : . ' ; .' ,'t 1.. ;- .,S-; . i -A AIN_ of COCRS iv zi foughS or atle 7th SSth, .J7Iand 9th -of Feb-u!y?, f,4, -at ,Lacrasrxstbe- tween the Gentlemen of Nqtaba ptonfhire,. and tbeCea- 0lt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUBSCRiPTION HUNT. Tr'1E firft Dinner of the Sabtbribers to the D3crby .1 'Hounds, will be on Monday the third of O6tober, at the kisg's Head Inn, in Derby. D Sir H. EVERY, Bart. Prefident. Di on Table exactly at four o'clock. NWotice to Preparers anffezdprsofSIedicines,4c. T HE time for renewing their LICENCES commenced 1 ,on tie if t September in t.-All Preparers and Ven- ders of Medicines, ...