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East Midlands, England

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... We lament to fee that the fpirit of tumult winch has ?? unfortunately burlt torth into a..s or the molt wanton arid unprovoked fury in different parts of tie kingdom, has alfo .hewn itfelf in t'.e Metropolis :— On S._turd_y night or Smday in .rning, written hand bills were thrown abcut the itreets adjoining the market;, inviting the pc?p'e ** t-i attend at the Oirn Market on ?? which would ...


... Butts 50 to 60!b. 2od. to 2id. Do. 60 to 3o!b. z id. to 22d. Meichants Backs 2od. to 2o£d. Flat Ordinary igd. to 2id. Calf Skins 40 to 501*0. psr doaen 26d. 10 23d. Do. Cz to Solb. do. 26d. to aSd. Do. 80 to X2o2b. 2id. to 26^. DieiTmg Hides i 3 to igd. Fine Coach Hides 193. so acd. Crop Hides for cut. 2 id. to 23d. Small Seals, per doz. 60s. to 70s. Large ditto, 120s. to 140s. Tanned Horfe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ° ACKSON's NEW ANsD COMPLUTE j sr NEWGATE CALLNDAR; I Ai entire new Edition, enlarged and inproved, by the t;r L Ktois ROY;SALcen and Authority. Is HONTAININg m the liqs of the moft notoriouss ,c E sighwaymen, Foocpads, Robbers, Burglarv, e lio Stealeas, Murderers, Pirates. Forgers, Swind. n tr , Rioters, Traltors, and othcr Cr'iliials and Fe. , e.n9 &c. from the year 1700, to the prefent year ...


... IMPORTATIONS ?? :\EEK. B ' f *- «on_ I R .. M ?? ?? Brandy 2/ ?? „a|. ?? 6j , 1( Birley .66* 4.. | D.tto ?? Butter 5,6 ?? 1., e.t ?? Cotton 301045:1-. | M ?? , . r . Flour 4900*.', Freeh ..j Oats .36*4.5. | ?? -- Rag* 990 cw>. j c .- foik 90 tons | Wool ?? ?? b, if,] PKfcE ot FI.OUH. Fine. 93s to coo. _kcu..da, 84s t . 86s. Tnn-Ji 60s. 10 8-js. MiJol.n*, 60s. fo 90s. Vt-ryli., -f Fine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBY ASSIZE ASSEMATBLY, VILLbe on Tltf `SDAY the 24th March Infiant. N V ' Admitiance - 7s. ?? each. Supper by Mrs. HOAIE. . S. BSCRPT'I'ION HUNT. HiTE Next Subirription Hunt Dinner will be on 1 MON DAY March 21-9, at the GU5ItLOS I N-., Rev I. P(3LE, Piefidelit.''' Derhy, hlarch 15, 1808. G ENERAL HOSPI'A L., NEAR \'T`LNI-GHAI- I; March 8th, 180>8.- RIDAY the 25th hiltant being Lady-Day, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STATrE LOTTERY .Begirtns Drwing The ?? lf JANUA KY. 1607. GR,4,D SCHEME. 2 Prires of , 30o,0 S , I'rizes of C-,.40no O,00() 5 . - 1,000 2 P - f10,wo)( - 50() And 5,160 others, ftos £1I00 to d2O- W1FT and Co. are Celling Tickets and Shares in great b ,variety, -a their Office6, No. it, Poultrv and No. 12, CiCarig Coifi, London; ?? by their Agent ; RI CIIAS. SUTTON, BIokfIler, NOrTlyGIIA'X. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MANCHESTER AND NOTTINGHAM. The L O R [ElSON CO:)A CIH. T4H1t Prophietors of rr~he above. COACH, eg leave to .1. return their inecse batia, to sle PUbIig Yo the very liberal elnd dihtsjbiO fupport'hich they liave received fhica it commsoi6cd r dnning-, :itd to ifisj them that they are .uider the necelityufformitjg a N1ew. Copartner- Ihip, and of Removing the Coachfrom the .KEWINN, to Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * Splflbrj'aA zed~diorbu& DTepi. st Perloft,*pliclito me at the lNPeiepcfirk, No. It, A - `i Soho, Squarc fosthc 16lieftof a fmfiH Sorbhutik -Tceter e on his-ksi-wth- 0ii~ff'f~d UkimkeGs of ffdimaeb want of ippetite &Neilt. AFter taking SPILSBURY's *PATENT ANT1OCORRUt1e DROPSforfiometime, an efuptior of- i ftrilfile appeatrance, and confloecit, .broke act all. ver him ; his tiailth, freentth, ...

~~~~t 0 . =? 0 L- D

... t) ~TO BEi SOLI), I 'rfitart to a Decree and lfiuhftquent Order of the High . lrt ofCihancery, wade ilt at Caiue PRESTON and r others agmintl BARaER, hcfre Mr. Wlliaui Bond, Attoriley atLaw, the Perfon appoinied for that pur- pole hy Saxsiel Compton L'ox, tlq tbe .Malter, to w whom this Caule itands referred. at.the G(eorge Inn, 1 i ito' citv of Liclifield, on 1'Vliuldav the 7tib day 'of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO COVER THIS SEASON, At S*wVAtsaOsEx, nedr Derby, The handtbtue browni fiorke . O R 1,. A N D 0. JD A MG Blares at Five Guineas, and other Nfatiet a. 1JA Two-Guineas iksd Five Shillingsthe 6rotim. TWotomgh-bred Mlares, tbat have won a Plate of £-'i br pifvd will he covered Gratis, (6tcsini'a Pee ex- cepted) O*R.1AN6fo las ?? by Wntstmre out of Amelia; Whif- key was got by Sairaram ote oi' the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO COVER THIIS SEASON, At SWAUKSIONE, nefll5 ierby, lrh liandfouie brown Horfe' 0 R L A N D ?? ] ACING.Mesares ?? Guineas, and other MIsrcr at R 'wo Uuiiieas and Five Shillinigs the Grooru. 'Ilioroughi-bred Blares, that have won a Plate of £X50 or upwards will be covered Gratis, (Groom's Fee ex- ctlited. ) ce LANDW) vs i g v IsxEy out of Amelia; Wbif- ley was got by Sahtram, one of the iargell ...

Advertisements & Notices

... etttgX c s D1tIDEND S 19vidi~eld of Six Shilliskus tttd E7!nijli .t 1 Ib ,tiiud wil be ?? to She Creditors li td t u Vetls ilder a CMrni'on of , Pro't TjHOMA5 UtTX'ItON and iITHO~MAS ?? Blittiun a te .oaogh of LdAeiie.s, lBdn. ,1it Muu58ty .tl ?h dpy ol Seplein- lIIlt¶, diatie ,hs, at tlhe i14ei~teI, £in Lucelter, il b1 f T g ivell foni ?? z iW One O'clock ' chi s credilors It# ?? ...