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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


... c La p .sance so 5erai:e peut maltraiter un brave homme, mais non pas l dsho~norr.-VoLTA iE. A li uncontroled Sovereign has the power to ill-treat a worthy mnan, but nOL to dishonour himd M\r; COCUiRANE JOHNSTONE.-This gentleman having in page 203 of this vo- lamae, published an Address to the public, upon the subject of the conduct of thle Duke of York, subsequent to the transactions re- ...


... S ?? seems to me a desirable object to refer as much as possible of our natioral prc- ceedings for somne years past, to the influence of the late minister's character on the public feelings, and to the blind confidence cene- rally placed in his talents and integrity. The errors that we have been. led into by a con- fidence of this sort, will be sooner retrieved than if they proceeded fromi a ...


... PEACE -IN INDIA.-From the Calcutta Ga zette Extraordinary; dated Fort Widllam, Jan. 27, 1806. v A Dirspatch, ftron the Governor Generrl lo the Hon. G. Udny, Vice-President in council. Honourable Sir: in my dispatch of the 5th ult. I bad the honour to transmit the Copy of a Treaty concluded with Dowlut Row Scindiah, by the right hon. Lord Lalke ,on the 24d of Nov. under my instructions, by ...


... ANGRY FUND-ITOLDER. II. I SIR,-I-However inadequate I may feel myself to contend with you on almost all points, 1 cannot.resist the impulse, to state my objection to the opinion you entertain with respect to what ought to .be the fate of the Public Debt It is astonishing to me, that a man whose arguments hn alrnost all occasions, appear to be given with a preci- sion nearly equal to ...


... DOMESTIC OFAIAL PAPER. Kings Speech.-OA Friday the I 9th of De- cemler 8oW, the two Hoasei of Parifa- ment having Met, t eo n was .ped Py Commissio with thi folwi ig Speeds, which ryes read by the Lord Chancellor. My Lords, and. Gentlemeni-1is Ma- jesty has commanded us to assure you, tat, in the difficult and arduous circrmstyames under which you are now asssmbled, it is a great Satisfaction ...


... TO THDt,2 a t - I I E L w :Dsbli','2,dth 4i. 1803. Sti,-. Your, statement, ir your .ppbr of the 27th of Angu~sr, of the ,ransactljcns which took place.bere on'the 23d of-July, was received with satisfactiob, by many re'al friends of their King and country. t'ph were glad tofind' hat thieaffairs of Ireland had: attracted your notice. Thoogh your paper is sent to,. and read by many here,7;t has ...

Correct Copy of the RESOLUTIONS moved by LORD MEADOWBANK, at the late Meeting of the County of Edinburgh, on ..

... Carect Cotpv of the RESOLUTIONS ?? by LaRD, MZAOWRAAk, at the late Meefirg of the Codllny of. Edinburgbh, on,4ke.A4t in- stant;, and a/o of the Resoltion moved by the Lord Chief Barono and, qferwiards adopted by the. eeting. [See preceding sheet, p. 554, et seq.)] RESOLVED,-I. That it is without doubt proper that the chief part of the regular forces of the country should be destined -for the ...


... I In the Regifter, page 298, we gave an account of the Dzfcriminating Duties, im- pofed in ?? States of America. We Thall now give an account of the countervail- ing duties laid on in Great-Britain. WVehave received a report,which has lately been made, on this fubje&, to the American Congrefs, and which is fo miuh better than any th ing that we ourfelves could have drawn up, that we gladly ...


... PROCEEDINQGS .;N PARLIAMENT. On Thursday (June 17) no debate of consequence took place in 'thel-House of Lords. - After some business before the House had been ?? through, the order of the day -for their lordships to go into a eommittee on the Debtors' Relief Bill was read. The bill was opposed by LordAl. 'vanley, who thought it highly objedion. able, as it would -go to place an unfortunate ...


... AMENT.* Tuesday, October.29, 1801. This day His Majesty opened the Session with the following most Gracious Speech from the Throne: My Lords and Gentlemen, I have the satisfaction to acquaint you, that the important Negotiations in which I was engaged at the close of the last Session of Parliament, are brought to a favourable conclusion. The differences with the Nor- thern Powers have been ...


... IA, -PBLI P APE RS GCnwst'on seettrAhia, vce,0 eand Rwsia, 'tdjr at 2'ar iss * the 46ih Dct. 0 i .: i s Mfajesty t mpern, Kisng of Hungary and ~B~qhmia, havi ign~r~hath could niii cousi- ~? ~ 1~tieo 1; he~ trt of Luevlea far ai it r )lS~ishia K~ovsl HighniBticrh did Jsrand -rauke of Tusesn6 asuf- 4 ,j he planoof Thdemnitics~agrecd >o b Q)iptat qof the Bmpiry;and~ j as he g~6sn miorc,at heart ...


... ANGLO.G4LLIC CREDITORS. This subject appeared to be closed, when the letter, which will be- found in page 592 of this sheet, was received by the Editor. The public will have perceived, that these creditors have been very fairly dealt with, Thieir remonstrances have been jaertedi anid though ofvery considerablelength, their re- presetatjon of their case, which they them- $elves published, and ...

Published: Saturday 17 March 1804
Newspaper: Cobbett's Weekly Political Register
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 6887 | Page: Page 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 | Tags: News