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London, England


London, London, England

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... pld mid l 2WC44 . The Ftc NIc Sbcidty on Friday even ing gav the flrftX pairt of their Fete at Ranelagh, after a variety of changes and mich flbcation in the plan of the enter- tatinnient. It confutIed, agreemb1t to the advertifeinrnt,, of a Ball add Supper, the afcent of a Night taloon by Mr. Garnerin, and a grand difplay of Fireworks.- The tickets were two guineas and a half, and-the Sub- ...


... SIPO PA'G IMVELLIGCAICE. ?? 11AitiES RACES; FRIDAY) AUCUST 6. The Couttty IPite, valut 5a1. for Horfe, of all denoiisations. 3 year oids to carry 6tl.,; ,; year olds, 7ft 61b., *-eer ?? uit slb. 6 year Olds, it . sib.; and aged, Sit. 711) Mares d't i eld- ings to be allowed 31b. The lct of three heats, , miles b ii His Royal Higfhnes the Prince 4f Wales's b. li. Rebel, 6-yrs old, 8It. sib. - - ...


... MARGATE, E r.I. . 4 if., t , 4. Prepar~tions commenced at an early hour geterday 1`10'rll~igo for t1 1 !i tmorning, furthle fports whlich the following adver- tieetwill tae ?? ANS will take placc th s afternoon at froro t ocloct, and will coin- JiN lilo~~iet~ewith a JiNGL ING nnAV cvCI for a SILVER WATCH. provi ttiue foI half an h11hur. Candjic:ltes for this prize Motft piey c11tlt fielv0- ...


... 7.I aief e Te heiepid ume. of this: ?? work; has j3'.d qq4 m ade its appear t'c and at f utffyl all thlae ?? 7 i-d F~ - . whlich the b` ftlhe i lr u n, excitedd vb.Iviety of the- ' i indigenous ort and birds of oport, which-te ?? i iT to ha~ve. been iaturahzed in ihefe king- - n the dos contain allthat could have been loked for lo- Xi ' the!, CfIf 'Il natnirahit; while hi$ de iptiota of ta e ...


... NETTASR E 7 CRAZ VBS MlJZTEAck. ?? Vonday laft the grand matci for OneThifatd Cguineaq was run'between. Mr. Fletchier's IHigblhand and Mr. Da14fon's 6)iz. It was rathef a teri. ,qyll than a victiory, with fach eafe was it won by ...


... . I'OR&Vi~d I-A.TBiGN';.7St, TlIduc VVMAPJ.- W CRAVEtN Wh¶G Pl&. P' ?? oife afeotcail, 'is ft 'Col-,4r lli~ Sir F.Szitmifl~' ile byI sir-Pete,-, not 'of' iorat' nrcr fr. Mr. 'Cirufni~ozbch byf'I Tnln Bd, dmis by Fdpelrott OdpI. et F rrdi.s ih oute, ?? of Spi-cad Leatita a,pd. bwC'ALealC(: ofaor. chI. It. D.1 -Sir e- Blrbss' rh-id tu tl ;i.. r.Wilforr'51) bc-by Yo:.irrg Eciipf'~, lith yl.b ...


... NEWMARKET CRAVEN MEETING. ,TIIURSDAY, APRIL 14. Subfeription Plate of 501. z yr olds carrying 7rt.; 3 yr olds, 8¢. slb.; and 4 yt olds, Sit. 'Tlb.. Trwo-yr old Courfe. Lord Gro'venor's b. c. Squire Teazle, 4 yrs old x mr. Sitwell's b. C. Pipylin, 3 yrs'old, - Mr. Ladbrokc's b. t. Julia, 3 yrs old Mr. Delme Radcliffte's gr. f. byPrecipitate, 2 yrs old *Mr. Watfan's gr'E by lniiigb6rough, z yrs ...


... : 'O , I . .; , , 141ID'Ot4kd?,.- Ift i? ktl kul 1. . Sk,. : ArURD ?? UT 20. . laerd ~i~linitonflAgomiftes , by Sir lPeter, 6 ~rs. oJ. (rod b.y Ws Puirfe.) SfI alb. beat .Loed.Fuzwzlhar's Miradr (rode. .yJ Jtehon) 7tt 71b four miles, coegs 7 b'to 4 aibd,' Ito I -on , .oiglittes. A\A eoiem v., I .: I . : ?? . ' Handicap Staktet otf Sog'r ach, ,h ft. for four year oIds, ' ...


... :S1?c~rKG 1Nh-7ES~l.ZG~wvc4 YOR-K RACES., MONDAt, Ari 22-ffi, Ma cfty% s. four year oldct iorcd Darlingtnt,'s A (nin eY, I)y Sir Peter, 6 yrs uld / 1 St ;usttv-s b ?? standaid, 4yrs old ' At ?? .5 tof 1. and in runnitg w to'l, 6i Agooiftcs. A Subfariptionf, i gs. fourmiesi Lcrd Darliogtot' tii l znl, by Sir 1kddr 6yrs old 1 Sir T. Oai;ti's ,LioT by D)clpaiiSrs old - IVMr.xGarlorth's I. c. by ...


... 'POL TI-rc7 INTE ?? SPO~AY-G ISLGXX INTLLGECE * YORK RACES.-Tuefday, Agutlft 23. Swepftalkes of. 2,o:. each, for colt3 and fillies. Lord Darlington'el c, c.Iby St. George . Lorl Eii yvwijliam's h. f. Maidtn, y ,Sir Peter - 2. MrLee's Nriiette, by Scrtvetot - ' I hre to Lfon Ld. Darlington's ch. c.-won in a canter. - 51. fret for any horfe, &.c. 5ir'. Gafcolgne's c, f; by Buzzard, 4 yrs Wld I c ...


... YORK RACES.- Ftharfday, Auguft 25. ,FiftyPounds added to a Subfdription Purfe.-Fuur miles. Lgrd D~arlington's br. h. Haphazard, 6 yrs old Mr. Garlorth's Marcia, by Coriander, 6 yrs old a Hou. L. navile's Cinnamon, 6 yrs old - 3 5 to 2 on Haphazard;' 3 to r agft Marcia; la to t agft Cin. namon; a good race, fo much rO that 8 and to to I was bettcd that Marcia had won. : Produce Swecpl'takes of ...


... * 4POR T-hX JNT2LLIOEN>?? ,SPOF >IiVG JINT'iitlICENUPI. * ~ aWIAPsIKtT, WRED9ESDAYzrC, t. Drrlvr~IVrL Suvofcription of osf. each,to which will he a,- 4,d the 'ovvn i'l4ie of 5nl for 3-yr old e6its catryikig Sit. '61h, andfilie . . D. 1. b.of G;rnitots b. f. ?? -I Cotl. LciA's igr. f. by Pricipirate , &Ilr C. Kolhkaury't b. f. ?? to PaFamenla, bly 'v hilkey 3 ;v- z. otfoit's b.e. t)rialdntugbt ...