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... GRAND RIJVIEW- i , . Of the saperb and encoturqginig spe~ace vehich, was vesteiday etxhibited in Hyde Park, *te shall not attetmpt to give an adeuate- des- ctiption. They-wbo siw iti *ant no other pic- tutie than thht which dwells 6o their bwn recol- le1ildn. It ains, indted, a glhrioos Oaj for Old England. It displayed the youth of the first city I of the 'inivetee, asemb)led in mil-,tary ...


... Oa Sasrf,5y, tbe 25tb of Yanuary, sill be puloU~eds, ?? 1. (to be completed in Eight Weekly Numbers, ' Price 2s. 6d. each) of THE ANNUAL REVIEW, and Hiflory of 1 Literature for i8o5. A. AMlIN, EDITOr. Content' of the firft chapter, the greateft part of which will be coosprifed in the firlt numbel Bruce's 'Trtavels, Dr Griflithsos Travels, Lindley's Voyage to Tlrafil, Colledlion of Coternporany ...


... Hence-cank'ring care, and hopplefs love, With uufing melancholy; At beft they're only folly, And never can our biefs improve Then banilh every hurtful ill, or f{rife, That tends to nip the ?? thread of life- Hail mirth ! and focial joy ! Whole iveets can never cloy Kind friendihip dear, With love ficerer; And, hoping yet for future b lefS, Still let us ta fte the balmy kifs ; For time, whofe ...


... .NRRW TMiEATR.E. I -n . AM«~~~SNW £rIt.AL;M.D l- ,. The Theatre-Royal, head of Leith Walk, un- der his Majesty's new patent, was opened on Tues- 7 day etenina, with the coniedy of the Nine5 AIo'n, j and the farce of lori fze's Fiolla A very nume- rous and gdnteel auidi6rice attehnd4di and seemed. p highly pleased,not only with the perfrmnance 1 nad performeri-amany of whom were old favourites, ...


... THE CAMBRIDGE SCHOLAR AND THE GHOST Or A SCRAG OF MUTrON. In the days are pall, by thc banks of a rdream Whofe waters but faftly were flowing, With ivy o'ergrown, an old manfion-houfe :lorod, That was built on the fcirts of a chilling damip wood, Where the yew-tree and cyprefs were growing. The villagers fhonlc as they pafs'd by the doors, When they relled at eve from their labours And ...


... CONSULAR INDEil, h j r. ON his pillow, deep-repining, As the French CLsEr CONSUL lay, Cause and consequence combining 'Of his lost Fgypian sway;, Various projects wild Ambition His vex'd bosom threw across, Hfow to better his condition- How repair the bitter loss. 'Tis folly, he exclaim'd in anguish, With proud BRITAIN to contend While France sees hcr Commerce languish- Whilst in port her ...


... E r I L 0 G U I, SPOKEN Bl COLONEL GREYTLE, WEsT is Pt c Nic ? I hear yon all exclaim, What does it mean, and whence the odious name! It means no jifechief, thus far I may tell, Nor is it, as funic think, an Imp of Hell! Tho', Y 12ie-,d, like Talifmans oi old,. It gives to its Poffeffor wealth untold. Some thin', 'tis certainly Panthra's box, While others think it fimply metans the Stoclts! ...


... - XI :,i THEA TRE . The XOUbG RoscTUs played G,2avn'aJa al For his benefit on Wednefiay. The houfe wax r lcrowded in every-part. He was received on his firli appearancd and: throughout the evening with Wthe xarriielf demdnfrationi of applaufe.. After the firfi a5a of the farce 'he delivered an addiefss . in a itle of firft rate ikce1lence.; It was ho- 3t noured- with reiterated plaudits. We ...


... TH EA T.RICALS. No chara1er in the Drama requires more powers in the actor than the part of MJcacetA, and hence, compa- ratively fpeaking, few have been equal to the tafk.- The performer muft have a bold martial figture, ex- preffive features, comprehenfive voice, and free, manly, acqion-he ought alfo to have a perfedt linowvledge of the author, bercufe no paroting or furface acquirements can ...


... THEATRICAI S. Mif; SBauTm s 'lady Jlfacbeth/ (which flie played for her own berefit), was a molt admirable performaince- Indeed it is inpofnlible, I without the fenfible and true avouch of eye, as well as ears, to have conceived that an adirefs fa young and fL handfomre could have dii- piayed fuch di era', energy, and horror, as Tbe fioile in this chara5etr to a brilliazt and overflowing ...


... Drefs Irits have not appeared yet in the grand clrc'- afs ormerly, alfter Eafler. Nothing hut turbans, or tiar - richly embroidered lu gold or filver, with veils to cno refpond, the hair drefdl a la S-tia+iere or ale Grecrae, ?? or muflin, and lace cap.4, with large veils. are muc! worn in the morning, as alfo chips and firaws of ever: defcriptito, ornamented with heron plumes, frivolity and ...


... LLOYD'S MARINE LiST. — Get. St. Tax Friendly Credit, Brown, fe'.e.l from Angola ■i r rr : ■ ?? —__. ;. ra i.,r«.ts » dam isoolhor n=-r Boulogne. Leßraave Privateer ot BoardeaOT, has taken and La Beitcea s-e-iVteT cl Bom-derm:;, nas ?? a wheat, &c.the former arrived at Racheiie, 2-th bep- A veffel, f.rppnfe.l tobe 3 collier, was captured off Weymouth or. loihinllaiit, by a French privateer, ...