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Hampshire Telegraph



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Hampshire Telegraph


... : ?? r , V BY. EXPRESS. * Fromi teh LONDON GAZETTE, Nidt'em~ it6.- *, :AOMJRAL'tY-OCFIC2, NlVME~i~l 16. i Copv of a Letter from ?? trnn. Lord Cllingwora, Vice Admiral of the-Rel. to W. Mai den, Elq. dated on board the 'Euryaluas; off C.,dia, October' 28. Sir-Since my ietter to' you ot the Z+th, flating the proceedings of-his Majelly'sfqsa4dron. our fitu- ation has been the mnft. critical, a od ...

Published: Monday 18 November 1805
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1918 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... * . HOUSE OF ItORlDS., T.Wlrith h-ad ?? tothe Commrnrlinerin Chief, re. t VII, APecting mesditated alterat ions in- 'ofsliaysytm aud of biest node, of organizing tile -jitin1dfne Noig h fi* could he more desirable thanjnfrrtinclle n twat -P by head from tlie'rmost expoerience MiiayOlcesi h *f Kingdom, as - witheut such imloii Aogiet~a~i :h wvas not- likelly'their Lordships Col omsocreta ...

Published: Monday 16 June 1806
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1666 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... I= LO =on = SATURDAY, ARSL 20. An uxnexpeaed rife took place yefterday in the Funds they left of at one per cent. better than t on the preceding day. No other caufe could be afligned for this improvement than the' rurmour of the arrival of a Meflenger frcm iNMorlaix, iith farther pacific profellions, from the Emperor of France. If any Meffenger be arrived from France, his mifltion roft ...

Published: Monday 22 April 1805
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 920 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... 5 AARahADnES. . AR AhD nES. Addrefs of his Es'ellencyC Gencral NlaitIand, to the Houfk of A6rembly. when called tloether by Proclamation, oh the ?? of Oiober. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of tlie Aflcmbly. I have feeti with real cotnern, tat' diff'crencec of ophinon 'aisiong yourfelves have had the elfht&, nbt only to retard thebulinefsiof she-Pdblic, but alfin to p3ralifie thc exiflcnee of ...

Published: Monday 17 February 1806
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 795 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... -, o?t?crtpt, ;; -FROM ZTHELONDON GAZETTE, - -SATUfRDAY, JUE 4; By'j!'tXPRRSS. ?? of a Letter froni Mr. Jimes'Dowivie, acting com-t -'idhnder ofzthu,'Eriretic' liaiam Henry. rdvenue cutter, i i trithe, Coinissonersi of; the Ciato'dmiat Ilinburgh: odd1 :1 ,i~trflu5u1ittedibyittl 'iccretary to thait'13nard to Ithe'Hon. . ' V. W. Pole. : : : .41Io0butalilo SJTi-I- beg leave tb acquaint vouiho ...

Published: Monday 06 June 1808
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 635 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I'MPERIAL PARLIAMENT. itO sE OF LORDS. - C - -,:tatIoals, MAtff .30.. ?? Loit§1 AUtCKLANm MTeed htr JIx a2cuntS of the Importt n .I ;sdpois frons the .orts of Lcnd9flt I#rirfol, .and Liwerpqel, with 's view to lay before-the Hot1e the :adlual ftat of i the trate.ficel thle Ortdets: i Conucil wvr iflihed. Lea a II &w3 uiatb adrsmitted there was a eonfiderable dInMtioI in the Coibmerce of She. ...

Published: Monday 06 June 1808
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2051 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... AIONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1808. Two Gottenhargh Mlails arrived last night, and brought a confirmation of the rupture of. the armisticc in Finland. We are happy to state, however, that the report of the defeiat of the Swedes, which arrived by the last Mail, has proved unfounded. On the contrary-the Swedish troops% bave obtaiined an important victory. An action corn- ruenced. oiu the 21 il oF ...

Published: Monday 05 December 1808
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2337 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... FROM TUESDAY'S LONDOR GAZETTE. ?? WHITEHALL, APRIL r4 tc The King has been pleafed to grant the dignity of a V Baron of the United Kingdom of Grdat Britain and lreeand vl uoitt Sir Thomas Manners Sutton, Knight, one of the o Barons of his Majelly's Court of Exchequer, by the name, h ityie, and title of Baton Maniers, of Foftn, in ;he ir county of Linmoln. AGUIRAT.TY OStrFIC, APRIL ;4. p Vice ...

Published: Monday 20 April 1807
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1215 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... - FROM THE LONDON -GAZETTE. .Ab.DMIALTY.OFFICE, DEC. 2Z. A Letter fforis Lieuierant James M Kenzie, Commander of his Majefly's hired brig Ann, tianfmiited by Admiral Young, itates the capture of tile Sp.ntih iugger privateer Vanfigo, pierced Ifor:14 gunI, but onlY fitt 4 pouniders and one long brafs jz pounder molunted, with 4; men, on the,2oth of Novehiiber; out eight days from Ferrol; had ...

Published: Monday 28 December 1807
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 931 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... IMPERIAL PAR IAMENT. , T RA. J TnAr c HOUSE OF LORDS. WEDNCSUAY, MARCH 6, 1809. Anv31.TE3f ?? the Order of the Day beingsread fir the3d reading of Brogt'ave's Divorce Bill it w.asdiscoverei, that it contained some clause unsuallin Bills of that descrip- tioD; whereupon the consideration,, of the Bill, andof this CLiuse, was postponed to Monday next. Lord AUCKLAND took(hlis occasiollo ...

Published: Monday 13 March 1809
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 7284 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... L vONDON. MONIDAY, SupIrEmBlR 12. 'last nigbt were received Frenell napefto the 30th ult. andm Dutch to the fith jist. The M.niteur has at ienglh deigned to advcrt tothe ptliticmtl situatiou of Europe. In the firna of comamelits ulan an article in a Lpiodon Paper, it ham brought umider review all the external relationms of the Freoch E.npire. Tlmq mnvements (if the Frenich ar- snies tile stte ...

Published: Monday 19 September 1808
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4649 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... -IMAlPERIAlT, PARLIAMENT. x,,nr-I nr I m . :. HOUSE OF LORDS. TP5USDE.&Y, MARCI S. . DAN1s51 EVXED1TION-LOnD DARNLEY rosetomake hris promised motion on the subject ot the Expedition to Denmark. Ilis Lordship moved, humble address be presertted to his Majesty, statirwg tbe ?? infor- mavion with %thinch the IIoDse had been provided oiluthe subject, declating the right of their ...

Published: Monday 07 March 1808
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1850 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News