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London, England


London, England


London, London, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Salilbury, Iady Anea Mraia Cotton, wife of Uieutenazss- Colonel Cotton, of thle x6th. light dlragoons, cldetl' fon of Sir F.o- hert Salihbtry Cotton, Bart ot a tonalld heir Un the st h il&. at her houfe in Buciginham.-treet, Fitzrny- fquare, Mis. Menzies, of aein. On Thurl'day laW, tlie Lady of Edward Butl, Ffg.johl-rett Bedford-row, of a dauhtct. MRRIED., -Wednefday weekMr. Joln lty ?? at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .* BZV f-S2ri. . tt At his Lordfhip's f rft at Quoros. in l ei :ise, the Lady ofthe Right Hun. the Earl ot acfto, of a daughter. Lalt Week, at Bur7Yv Park, the relidcsicn ct- his Rd-a1 Hih nefs the DukeoSClarancc, Mr;Tt.irda~n, ofa run. f ?? ?? Dra) ttoh, !i Is . J. L'.e Br ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Saturday se'rnight, at '1uam, in the cosonty of Galway ?? He solrrrble L ady M~atilda B~urle, of ason anr heir. Last wveelt at Stockport, the Rev. Georpe Hormsby, Vicar of T1r&kdlean, Gloucestershire, aud Chaplain to the tarqui, of fluniley. to Cordelia Emnnia, youngest, laughier of the late Johir Artlcy Esq. of Dukinfield Lodge, Chceshire. On Thursday last, Wm. Bowdler, Esn. of Chrap-ide. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? Yesterday-, the Lady s8017 of a So' ~ ~ yd~~zrmC-ecss. s~M.P. of a hoo and Heir, at his Iusc MCharleaostreet; erkeley-rqiuafe. Lt ThUrSuaa, se..i4th anst. a; Barton Seagrove, in North. amtonshire, the Hon. Mrs ,Stophrd, of i Souo. e The ;Las bf t~se+ H-op. MontgomeirlkStewlart, of a Son. i~ Sartsstlay t'nni-t rsgegat the oVuracĀ¢linaeDuncan's; Edin-- r ,M. If~kRlhl* . p At S. Luke,. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAKRIAGES. Lately, at Glasgow , Mr. Alexander Lock, to 31iis3 Janet Gan. This is as it should be; for w-hat's a guz witholut a lock ? At Broughton, Lincolnshire, the Rev. J. Gifiard, of Raby, A.-M. Claplain, R. N. to Ann, widow of Tiiomas Swann, banker, of Gainsborongh. At Walcot church5 Bath, Majo!' Edward Batehellor, 6f the Madras Establishment, to Miss Everard, daughter of Edward Everard, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. On Saturday, at Tuplow, the norable Mrs. Grenfell, Lady of Parcoe Grenfeil, lEfq. M. P. oF a daughtrr. - Or the 14th inllant, at Mrs. Dallas's, inv Upper Fitzroy-ftrert, Fitzroy-fquare, Mrs. Th`isi.a We(t, of afon. On the Isth ult. the Lady of Cbl. Moriarty, of a daughter. On Monday fe'otight, Mrs. Vere, of Grofoenor-place, of a idaughter.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IMAi5RRiED. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .M J!TH. On Saturday, Mrs. Bonner, wife to Thorlas Bonner, 11'sq vf Cleveland-cnurt,St. Jamiues's-p'ace, of a Ddisghter ; who had tlie miblortune to lose t' few hours before, Dy, the hlopipg cough, her voungest child, ao ntontli old. M Ale Al/; i 15. ?? On Saturriay last, by mpecial licence, at Cre.liton. hv the Rtv. J. F. Howell, Vice-Adtsiral Sir l.T. i C Dl'.Wtt-. ., ?? WI Uear, ilu the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH : On Sunday morning hst, in Bedford-plact, the Lady of Johli Henry Hogarth, Esq. of a'still'born child. At half-past three oiclock, P.M. on Tuesday last, at his house in M~errilon-sqare, Patrick Plunlket, Esq.. M.D. In this excellent mail and distinguished physician society has sustained a loss which will be widely felt and deeply la- ?? admired for his talents, and beloved for his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I ND I14. BIRTHs, MARMuAGES ASo DEATHS iN ZNGAL, nr FEBRUAR17 a.Nb MARCH.LAS'r.' . IR ?? the 2- d February; lady ?? K. Barlow., Efq. 'of a ?? the zti Feb. at Kidderpore, Mra.Burnely, of a ?? thie 19th iFeb. the L'ady of 'Alexander Haig, Vfti. *of a ?? he_3'a larch, 'te Lady of Robert Richardfon; Efq of a ?? 'tle' s8th Feb. the Lady.of Major R. H. Culebrookc of a daunliter ?? tile 13d Feb. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 6)1 B~r 5)b lzfc at 'VatMuth ljjel, r t tid, ijart. nfa I a I'i~ On Nlonda1y the U2Uhuilt. at St. Geoteit., -1am~ojh frjnare I ir. (;orge Keating, Printcr, and lookfieller, Duck ltreet, Grofvenor-tquarc, to IMlils Alicia Ehifworth, enuzty ot Rol- t ommom , Ireland. At Chrilttihurch, Surry, nn Thwirfaylaft, Mi. pfcph ov.e ; uf Ch~%rtcr-hitire-fquare, tr l\1ils Maria -Mac Lintilli, tfliri ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Meuiuwalryi win c fto4:d ~en: imm l~h inaster-to ~.V~Yhzgh, 5Qfl man97 ?? l i d t~~ken from the pi~tures ofM ett A~t mate of ?? ofte vPna.Wil lnot9al oC ?? has nantied ?? ,hadt. het so gprad a uj& nipnn oiirocso hash -are h:ihl ditigtshdhime i h'a ui iruly'gipFc, for itobns _pif&hsoyo h battl Wit sucha bust of;p~ss~n~a'to rouseever geirusd-~ehi h`se Athe poin.t of ?? 'tat hk a td swn slasn u ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHI; On Tuesrlay last, the ILadVy of IJamnis Roberts West, Esq. of Alscot, Stvaiford-spmori-Avun, of adaughLter. I I . Onl hursday morning last, at Dreckendoibbury, Hureis the ?? Was. Ient, Esq. of a Ciaughter. 'Wednesday, at Weym-7uth, thae Rev. LtWvis Clutterbuck, of Nlewark Parlk, Glocesterdtre, to Frances, second daughter of Edward Elton. &Eq. of Clorester-place, I oldon' On the ad of ...