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Advertisements & Notices

... WA.SHINGIl ON. fR.PHlILL]'VS ilda the l;121v I lion to inform tl-c M Public thait Jie h.4 7ift receise, d.. }vir. Bussll)I) WASilltN oiNo1, the Alassleript of tte Ol l (3 I rE tile LI FE ot CV I:RAL W tSi ii\ G 1 ('N mill that tle *:le- gant Q ULrto Ldilti',n a ill hCe rcady tor ptibicathin on, hal et lt' the Ilth i .ib. tuid t; a ().''tt V liiI2 V 15 ( 1 tldita½ tin. 2451 i inj. 'rhis cS..e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Tbis Day is publifted, price 3s. t'1E CLAlvIS of the BRITISH WEST IN- A -DIA COLONIST'S to the RIGHT of OBTAINING NE- CESfARY SUPPLIES from AMERICA, and of employing the nrecelfary n- ans of cffectually obtaining thofe fupPlies under a limited and duly regulated intercourfe; ifated and vindicated ira Anfwer to I ord Sheffield's Striclures. By G. W. JORDAN, Efq. F. R. S. Colonial Agent for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sdef!-n i r AYUCIOmN. Leafebold:Dweling-houufe bhop and Warebouces nexttThe River 'T amnes, Wappfigvg-sall, with imreliate m offellloo. s ByMe fs.SKINNER, DYKlE. and Co. At Garraway's on Wednefday next, at II o'clock, in I Lot, by r Order of the et ligfie-a sftMr, Mattbew Fay, Butcher, A Very eligible LEASEHOLD ESTATE, ad- I IAtL varltageiufly litutteat Wipping Wall, occupyirg about 30 feet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THr'iE mclancholy ~train of ideas and infrmities a de- ± tirudivc habit brirgs oa thofe whQ are urnfortunatcly at- taclted to it, claims our pitv; and conlolation rmthir than ourven- gean.e atJd contempt. I Lrnl then, ve unthin;inzg mortals, turn trnan tOe paths that will lead you to crftruatioz, and walk irt the road cit % will lea. you to liappiners. Fly from this tenfpyiing- eais deceirful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... El.ALW L1.F IO 01 oit Mr. GU1DWUN'6 Lli-E1i~. atAULn, 'I N\/TR.1~ P UL~IPS llas tile 4`1tls~ac~lonlo inform the C IL~~l,l '. ltin eon fieqaen cce of tht vcry f;Lvo a reise ri-cep Col ionan :a :'i(s. S!c ot thle F tI di It~ it 0 f P-.' (;IAXo, vI's L.F, tiid Arc ds ('n,soc~r., tic haF piopinc~! a new Ild6iidos. isi (au: 1551 iLoOC- tz2sisc.;, nelavo, v. hit h may be liad of di 'SBookfcl. Fi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i 1&; N Ev WV C LiY. This Day Is publilbed, price Half-a-Crown, ' 13 TERo the New nr ptunexampi applaufe at the TheatrcRoyal, Drbry-lane.-Writte ly-Nir CHERRY. 'Printed for Richard Ph~llips, 2. 7a, St.'Panl's (Chareh-yard; a da to be bad of all lBookfellers. - . HOLCR007'S.LAVli S. : T is ayare publilhe4, in twoelegant volum,es qart6, d-co- ra~ted with a great numbeir of Vgrcttes, witih ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE ~q- TW ATYCTIO01. ~'~''~' I '''~ N rez- thre i-tanm i, Covent ( nh B Mr. STMIT'flH *i..,' (e Tthil '11 May, at I2 O'clock, gooi a)0 rpair, colivellitit 'i sijuatalci, NC). a, T1- hga p -cy'vi'1 hl N. 4 Oa'5 C 111 Viiti On ~~a~i', and pl'tictfar, th-en h d. t G(n.~. I Y' a.v rd 'a tin'. - Ca4, tiT o, a r , d S I di , To 4 al -/s At ,s, IIo lriJ~ly th'; Iota Of PM.1y at 02, Ii 2. li~ts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILINIIN and MUSLIN WAREHiOUSE. I ! T SAYL most rTspedfully inifrnms the Nobilkty, C . i-li'ry, a:;d u-LHr in general, that lie has openeea large av,- eulvenlient U'ARELiCbiOSE, 40. 41, PICC/A iLLY,O-7OSitQ btJ. moes's C:liiic ,, ekzl n eixtrsive am!t elegant assortmlent of TIU -l :S nf e ; dieac'rieidoni'vwarranted to be of a very superioy quality to goods generally offered fer sale, being all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANIS A PLACE, .A0 S NuRSERY MAID, 01'or to attend upon an elderly, 1, younLidica young Wronan fiom the country; can work evel' lt Hrnericile. L&etters ;addressed, post paid, to 'S. B Mr. Gv'--nnert'§ Fishmonger, Little James-street, Bedford-roxw A-1NT S a Situation, a Youth about xu Years of Age, i. a* Shop, to carry ou: smnall parcels ; rkow8v6 to-w, and calvrmte sery well. Apply to Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dr. REES's NEW CYCLOPEDIA. OnC tero Tat f Feiruary will b publi~hhc, :eI Rs. :n boards, }'art ViE. (Part LX. eillbe pi~blishedin about two noulls cfter,) of H1 NE'7 CYCIOPE13IA; or UNIVER- I SA-L I)-tT'IO NARY ot' ARTSo an dSCiEN!CES, fornned vpsan a more enlarged plan of arrangement than ihe Dicdioroary of Vr. Chamnbers; (ornprehending the. varirsi articles ofithat work, with additions and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £ ]3a~c in IREAND. printcd for J. Hsrdihg1 36, St. Jan s's~s treet; and J. Archer, Dublin. ' . P-ATRIOrIc FT IND.-This Day, s'publishec. vvice 2s. THE -SECOND REPORT of the CObMIt- JLT Ts'EE; tontaining Minutcs of their Proceedings, from. Mlarch l~t, 12,04, tO March 16t, i8o0r. II - Prinecd :itl sold, by Phillips and Yardon, Gqr-'e- yard, bard-strect. -gy i s iul-lishetl,Price is. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEgPAL & N LELTION. WESTMINSTER ELECTION. THE Friends of Mr.SH I the Constitotio, are earnestly requested .iot to -.plige! ^ *themssalves-o any other Can'idate;-A a Dep~utation will,~ th~is daq see ?Mr. Sheridan, with the most perfedb qonfidende, that he wail withdrawv:hisdeclaration of re0igning. - The FPriends of kfr ,Sheriertare therefore- e!rnestli'request. *ed as soon as tbey read 4tsis ...