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... LJ M CONSISTORY COURT, BOCTjiS DoCM ONS. GVARA) V GfJAR.l. ^is wai s a caosc of divorce, ?? Lient. Col. Guard .sirlst ?? Letitia Guard, his wiffc hy reason of adul- tevsY with Chxixles l-Indge, jit. of Otteryj Devngshire. The parties were msarried in ISO?,; and have three children. In 3896, the Culotiel received ordlers to join his regiment at the t ape of Good Hope, and to go from theotf to ...


... b-in BAlLE,. FRIDAY, JA14. 16. ;~ay 12 Prifoners wvere tried' x of sfi'om was capitally ctoniwaed viz. .70zw -Ri1eets, for felonibufly ?? T9ho nhs Wil- fon on the King's highway and robbing him. of thlree fhillings and- fomehalfpeiice. Eight were cnvined of fiony, viz.. J TYiiAazz, ElizabelJs }K~eeqe, .Sie!Bake, john flanfon, ElizaMbr gh Giles, Roeokand vghes,e Jane E'wuen and -George sbirl~e. ...


... . A' G C iAU 77EZ, 111G,. 5 . I - . COUPRT OF IiNG's BENC I-, APELIL 29. THE KING V; STEPlHENS. ,The Drefendat is one or the turnkeys of-the gaol of MaLlidflone, and vwas found ?? a criminal in- for1intion of hciviing whipped a prison-r in .a different place FIoil ti IA in whkhll he Ii id been ordered to be ivhipped by the fentence of the CoGiUt. The Judges made fome very pbinted obfervations ...


... MD sb AIPk. Y;0e~rdy &: firibnes~swere ht riod twod; i' whom tall ?? ., * s ns wa' ?? iorfremaling ctaf and i-oies to the; aicouiintof 7:.ah tie property of Williani Wood, -ii his dclling houete. 'GdkyaIt . The trla1 ofiheZ F.o'eig'ner who-mb our readers will *r~collea to have been comrmitted by the Lord -Ivyor, for finng' a-loaded piffol, 'witb Intent to murder Mr. ;yari L~olelnitlh, irn ...


... ape .II. -Z o . ~ A w doe agind h r $ T1yar.1fie vw 'filhe torvr 't'he -woutd ?? ;btent. :;aer; ihe hes Tin oan ?? ey m , ftimeherd*all hc prt :ha4 Je~ thenre $v;itW bi 0 a ftrd~y, ~Uree'we k teor Chrafiig, le. ~ ko fo~llt~zfir w, faid fl~±e l rie-nps ?? r :hu pi~chbuer gan the P-decegtoed h4uar aliirn abute , rmtin| Ihe Suoda the ia'r 5wtI,br 30 4an t a : foe beefoftak thikh athenid Nyh r~lx ...

OLD BAILEY, Friday, April 29

... I04Ld BdL.Cr, Frid.yAprl ag. 2komas'Marfin, a genteel looking young man, who was IaAz week fgund guilty at tire 'Middlefex.-api ions, of fkealihg a filver falt holder from the Msfter bf 'the St. James's Cqffee-houfe, was this day tried forpflealing, a filver watch from Benjamin Capper, the ;dLifler of, another coffee houfe, but acquitted rhroughininfflcieniv of evidence. I i A poorJew', aged ...


... - COMMON ,COUZV'CIL. Yeflerday a Court of 'Coritmon Council was held at uikhadlat whichtwere prefent the Lord Mayor, t9n ...


... ~t2' teVsLtR~P I ?COURT of Ki'tNs BEN7CH, July , Silii~hgs at Gulildhalk.. ! HUNT ?? LORCNO. qhi afin~a broo&tat to recover i~e va ue 16f2 ~ pul~ii~flS of irl 'vhci had beeri loff t6 the, fby tie cneog' 6etC of tilhe DefeI dfnr rr a ~erdin evidence th it Mr. L~orit d thle filaeff t2X, ere veffl1, which vas fome time ago lying at gotterdamnl bound 'or L6ndon. While he hinifels was flns from the ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCP. cOURT OrF Xl%1G S BrENCFH, MAY aV. It was extpefted that a very interefting ('rim. Con. caufe would have been tried to-day; but the Court was adjourned till Wcdnefday next, this feafon'being too holy for fuch profane employments. In the accoutit given in our paper of the trial of the Imuflin-worker at Stepney, for cruel treatment to his apprentices, our reporter. very ...


... LAWY INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING's BENCH, JUmE 4. BROW'N V. ALLEN, and -inoteir : This was an aclion of affault. The plaintiff and bis wife riding in a two-vwieeled carriage on the Cat- fialton Road, were met by thd deCndants, who cas they paffed, made forne indecent re marks upon. Mrs. Brown. Mr. Brown, with becoming- indignation, exclaimed- Irrpertinentpuppies ? They immediately came up,' ...


... CLERKENWVJLL SESSJOYS. _- J- _. -Z 1 I 5 - I I I rr An - Yeflerday 2BWoe, Chiar/s !Vaf; and ,70bn Har-xood vere indi~qed for riuoouflv and tumultuoufly affembling with divers other evil-di&pofed perfons on the z9th day of April (the night of the General Illu- mination), in Pall-mall, and breaking the windows of Mr. Cobbete, a Bookfeller. The citarges being proved, they were all ...


... LA iT7ELLIG~lVCE. . C6URT OF KiNGS' BgNXCFI, MARCK y I, -4 ASO4 A.ND LA.CE, V. ,VORALL. . ,:hc Plc titfiat holders otf t Lvrtorliry flutej.brcnugiat this r~aniadiols was sornesihat irrtluahn John Waotrail, tleI bIro- tier f the Dwefeilaiit, wanting mianbey, the Defendant agreetd to lend ninh bills of exchange, to the a'mounlt of i6dol. for.w'hich the ?? received no 'consideration, rnd JohIn ...