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Midlothian, Scotland

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?? On Wedcefday, t _, e __ or d P ro voft, Magii'li.tes, and Council, ei'ffct.d lamss Jackson, Efq Dean

... of Guild, and Convener Kes.psv to be Cnrttmiinoner., and ?? Fettes, ETq. ed'-it Baiiie, and Wiixiam ?? fin! I i-ces CovH.rdlor, to be Affeffors for ?? in the enfaing Convention of the Royal Burghs, ttrtrich are to meet en Tuefday ?? The late Mrs Duncas of Lundie has gene- ro.-fy left to the Society for the Induftrious Blind :n Edinburgh, or.c Hundred Pounds, which ««_, g tf. „ ?? ?? to the t: ...

KARreIEP, I Or. Frirlar, st Mary-bone CJrcrch, l.or ion, ?? ?? s= t „, hor .. f ac,ssd rf( s.,hter

... cf Eari S c ?? ?? «ns, ? a /P ?? t en>wer. ?? ?? the I. assy ?? After si.: carcr-eny, t!:a reiv- sis=.-r:ac per set cS for Cl.lslahursi in Kent, tiie sane of Sir Wlllii*.!--! I.usliln-tcn, to pesa the ilfflij iBliM Cn \Umiarf. I.Jr Rsmr HJ C . P , T| -vcTchan; Glasgow, to MlasJcAK KAci..cau~hterof Mr la- -es U-ii uf J.r-lr.holm, CatSica.-ts. At Gs-s, : i-.v, or. Monday, Air Aviisc. Mm v ...

BATAVIAN Rl. :--.§

... BATAVIAN Rl. ?? They w.irk wkh redoAfc,, j ports ot ?? Batavian ?? ■ and oonftrodion of new vc ; ' Djßd, marine wtil fo« U d.,o!e fooiin*; than at any ?? true, that thefe labours pradn^* iocreafc of expence, and, rf * what proves that ?? c fj ?? I ;■ beuig e. v ;tingu:il:-.d woh ?? j-j tat.t-i, b-irther.fe-.-.e as tfeej nt .' goal zeal and cxaciiiefs. - t: ...

PARI S—October 1

... PARI S — October 1. ln cenfequeuee ofthe capture of the two Spa- nifii frigates at Barcelona, ihe following State Paper has been iimed by the Court of Madrid i — Circular Letter addressed to the Eorcigu Mrniitmi at the Court of Spain. Sir, I hnve the honour cf communicating to you a copy of a memorial which the King r.iy mafter has delired me to tranfmit to his Minifter at Stockholm, in order ...

LLOYD'S MARINE LIST— Dec. 23. 1800

... LLOYD'S MARINE LIS T— Dec. 23. 1800. Tut Rcco-ai French letter of marque, of r y guns, from Cayenne ro Boimkaux, Is captured off Bour- deaua by'thc Comus lugger of Jeriey, and carried in 1 h lames an 1 Ruth, . from the liable to Ply- mo itb.,l * been taken iry a privateer,and retaken neat The Coi * too, Oram ile-, Erom Pernambncco to Oporto, Is ?? msr Oporto, and ail the crew. '•Ph.* ?? Irving ...


... S P O R T I N G. The Royal hunt on Tuefday afforded excel- lent fport sthe animal, after along chace, baving sun about 4o miles, tvas taken near Brickbridge -the Duke of Cumberland's horfe fell, but for- tunately his Royal Higmnefss received no inju- Tfhe Berkeley hounds had a terrible hard day fvc the hurfes on Monday laft ; after a Short run of at Bear Grove, they drew off to Shottefbrook wi ...


... e T fed - - * - - . L On the T3th curt. a Ploughing, Match ?? place at Carriden Pack, lately fet for three years in tiliage when nine ploughs belonging to the diffarent tenants flatted, and eich baving ploughe,; a ridge and gone off the ground, the judges, Mr MIAtCOL.i HENuLit- sox of Boruhard, Mr WLLIAM \WS 1 lvLSON Of Bridge- end, and Mr ALEXA:tEr5 ToD of Burnilsot, came upon it, and having ...


... n ?? -J. LWYSA HiES. (Omitted formerly for want of room.) The annual ploughing match, inatituted by the Kilmarnock Farmers Clhb, took place. in a field near that place, on Friday the 6th of March lafl, when a corifiderable number of ploughs ?? for the pre- miums; the plouighing in general was exceedingly well executed, and the judges were for fome time at a lofsin whofe favour the premiu-us ...


... NEWCASTLE RACES-i8or. nd MONDAY-June za. :ij A Sweepfiakes of a0 gs. each, p.-p. for 3 year olds; all colts S11. fillies 7ft. Tilb. Two miles. Mr Brandling's b. c. by Pegafus, I Lord Darlington's Muley Moloch, a Lord Strathrmore's b. c. by Spadille, 3 Sir H. Willliamnfon's Lancafter, 4 P- Mr W. Hutchinfon's Earby 5 e- Lord Caflills' b. c. by Pegafus, 6 te3 ?? G. Crompton's Brntum, 7 id Seven ...


... to THURSDAY. be Mr Kincaid's brown horse Chance walked over the 'o Course for the Huntcr's Parse of Fifty Guineas. Ile FRIDAY. ch The Ladies Purse of Fifty Guineas, ad Mr Fltclier's Logie O'Buchan. r ?? Kincaid's Bryail O'Linn. z dr. Xli r Trait's b. mn. Betty.dit if. if ?? one heat. of Places of Public Amufernent this Week at ts Edinburgh:- Races, 6 ke Plays, 6 nd Affemblies, lae Concerts, .. ...


... : .SATTTQ-l v r. -- t - , a -\ . . nsar ia a- SATURDAY. * cell n- Mr Kincad' h - - - fell h of Mr Law's bay mare, - - . - dr. twc ;el, A Hack Race of two heats with three horses, afford- ed very indifferent sport. the oned ' he races upon the whole have not afforded mtuch the ' to am~serrent. nev -in 4d. A very fingular race occurred at Nantwichn- the thle Each of three horfes that flarted for ...


... TQRIK RACES, AUC4UJST MEETING. .. - - .- - .} - ?? ~ - 1 o I ^7 turday Augn ft e;. Mr W\Ventwoor's 'Barnaby by Sti ide Zlt. heit M~r Baker's Jolnah, &ft. slb. 2ca gs. each. ?? nlil'k.--6 a~tl 7 'to 4 oil T-lals. i oid Darlington's IvThley Moldeli by .Tohn BuU, 2[t. Cib?. hcat Sir ?? Gafcxigne's fDoodie, 5t. 20o gs. eachs.-2 inihs. es at d tl~o I on Mualcy Molocls. Iornda7 One Hundred Guianeas, ...