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Advertisements & Notices

... Irc, RI' C 'FIr'S, truly grateful to her ,/ - ' t th Parents of her Pupils for all fyr '3vsll. ho;' r their Cortimt;ince ; and liegs p. vc to intt'rlO i~he that her SCIHOOL opens, aftet t~wd prefeoat Vatcation, .nLhe Za Inflant. and DATICINCt, ?? n otlt of 'rracl ]has 30(1. unemploved. A. H d11u pay the fame to any '.pproved P.urion v.3 o -vi!! ,;ztarr to hiO the Sum of 6z. o teu- ( *ikf 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ODD FEI.OWS. '-PH E, Brothers of this Order are informed, C I that the Lodgc held at Brother Appleby's, Ship in_, Ship Lane, Oxford, vill in future he opened ?? SAr ,oAvDandcommA-n-esthisEveniingwhe y ilhc Attendance of every Brother is moll particularly R requefted l3y Eight o'Cloc' E: N. B. Brother Garbert will attend this Evening, and difplay his wonderful Abilities in Ventriloquifos, and e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :iESSRS. SLATTER and MUNDAY beg Leave to inform the Ladies of Oxford and its Vicinity, that tbey have received a ?? of BUTLER's RESTORATIVE TOOTH POWrDER, fo well known f9riis gentlej deterfive, and reftorative Properties, and patronifed by the Queen, Princeffes, ?? BrancIes of the Royal Family, the Em- prefs of Ruffia, and the Nobility$ as the beft Prefer- vative extant, againft Tooth Ache ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NTOTIC E is hereby given to all Perfons ?? m may concern, I'hat at the next Seffions oE Parliament a Petition will be prefinted to the Honourable Houfe of Comnmons for Leave to bring in a Bill for continuing the rerm, and altering, anmendina, enlarging, and niaking more effedtual the Powers of four feveral Ad~s'of Parliament for Repairing the Roads therein mentioned, in the County of Bucinov- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . Churcb,-' 'iey, Degfbrook, and IJJ/E Turnpike Roadss. OT1 ICE is Ite rev given, That a Meeting N of the Truiees of the above Turnpile Roads ?? h 1,tinen, by Adjourn:n-eot, at the Crown Inn, * ; tv~erk-, in thr: Coumny of Oxford, on Thuitllday eo rctl' Day of July reat, at fwelve o'Clock, at By Order of the ''-tftcees, . ?? act, JOHN HOLLIER, 7 Cler1s. I3c5. R H. J. NOR'FH, 3 * FARh-S, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * GAM SE.-. . T ;HEREAS the GARTE. on the Manors I V ?? and Croton lsa've been for mary years paft very much poachedaihd'deaffhed all}qtfa years jt Te heref%. itr- - lisdA ,erfons b tiie6 requefted 1pn' thereon: and a)l ianqalified ?? fpofting or trefpahing will 'be profeguted as ?? diredse by: , W~ILLIAM tERMOR, Efq. ?? ?? 1805. ''L-rd of the Lai~dMiinors.' ' MANO0 RS of BATSFORD and L)DORN. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. T ADAMS, (by order of the Com iflioners of the Paving Aca,) on Tsurfday the 27th dayr of April, 18'9, at the Angel inn, in the city of Oxford, at three o'clock in the afternoon, under conditions of fale then to be ?? whole of thofe TWo DWEL- J.INc- HOUSES, with gardens and appurtenances, fituate at the foot of Mugdaien Bridge, in the parilh of St. Clement, now in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mUSIC ROO OM. Con THE Sevenith and laft SubfcriptiOn Concert T f6r this Term will be on M0ondty next; the particulars of which will appear in the bills on Mon- day morning. Oxford, Dacrry, 18(9. S1;~'U _ 14'OOJ) SALE (f UNDERWOOD, By AUCTION by Mr. HALSE. E N Thurfday next, the 7th of December, t180, at Eleven o'clock, will be SOLD by AUCTION, at Mr. Richard Collett's, the fign of the Royi I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STATUE OF MR. PITT. VLloyd's Q e Roufie Lo;:on, Ady Sth, i. SO. A SUBSCRIPTION for ERECTING a ST'ATUJE of the Right Honi WILLIAM PITT, LATE FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURY, AWT) CHANCELLOR OF.THE EXCHEOLTER. For the diftinguifhed- and valuable Services which he has rendered to his Country diring the Courfe of his able and upright Adminiltration. SUBSCRIPTIONS. J. J. Anger'ein ?? Io lo Angefftein ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PW~ ?? Life Inj'urance and Annuty Offce, In the SrrSaNP, add in COsNrSHtL, LosenoN. THIS Office was etlabiihed in 1792, and inlfu-es the Lives of Perfons defirous of fecuring' Independency to tistir Familics, sr to provide for them in aspy Vavy agreearble to their Wifhre s; to effoa which, an arsin al areniniury wiil be received for the Payment of a grofs Sum, or of an Annuity, to become due ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * ANN BOLTON, Widow of the late Mr. 'HARLzs BoroN, PLUMS1ER AND GLAZIER, 6jARENDON STREET, 12 EGS Leave to inform her Friends, that {he BI will carry on the above Bufinefs with able and proper Affiftants; and folicits mobf earnefly a Con- tinuance of thofe Favours fo long enjoyed by her late Huiband. All Perfons having any Claims are particu- larly requefted to fend their Accounts to Mrs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORDSHIRE GAME CERl'TIFICATES. WplS Notice is given, That GAME CER- 1 TIFICATES are nno iffuinr at the Office of the Clerk of tire Pe'nte for this County, at the Town i Hall, in Oxford, where Attendance is daily given from a Nine till Thiree o'Clock. a The Clerk of the Peace finds it necelfary again to repeat that rio Certificates will he filled up without a - Depofi of the Difty, nor any ...