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Advertisements & Notices

... S TOLEN or STRAYED, from Mariton, near Oxford, on Saturday, June 2oth, 1807,- A light-coloured fpotted COW, with dark Red on both Sides, very lame, fpreading Horns, three Years old, full of Milk, and bought at Abingdon the fame Day.-Whoever has taken her up, and will bring her to Jofeph Bleay, of Marfton aforefaid, fball receive FIVE SHILLINGS, and all reafonableExpences. FIRE AT CHUDLEIGH, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANGEL INN, OX ORD, a ROYAL MAIL and POST COACH OFFICE. E POST COACH to London every Morning a A at Eight o'Clock, to the Old Bell, Holborn. t A COACH every Morning at Half paft Six o'Clock,I thro' Henley and Slough, to the Bell Savage, Ludgate Hill. A POST COACH to London ?? at Five o'Clock, to the George'and Blue Boar, Holborn. A POST COACH to Birmingham every Morning at Seven o'Clock. A POST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G A M E. A LL Perfons are hereby requefted to defift fromn fporting on the Manor of- Broadwell. The l Gamzekeeper has Orders to inform againl; any Perfon trefpa~llng thereon after this Notice. Oxi ordire Game Certificrates. T HIS Notice is given, That GAME CER- IL TIFICAt'ES are now iffuing at the Office of the Clerk of the Peace for this County, at the Town Hall, in, Oxford, where Attendance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mrs. JorNzsi has jnft received a frelh Supply of the fol- lowing MDrICINES. 7%o the Retail keuders of Proprietary llfedicines. w NEWBERY and Sons, of St. Paul's . *Church Yard, London, Proprietors ef Dr. James's Powder, Dr. James's Analeptic Pills, Dr. Steers's Opo- deldoc, Dr. Auffin's Chalybeace Pills, Dr. Hooper's Female Pill-7, Dalby's Carminative, the Cordial Cephaiic Snuff, the Effence ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CTB6e SOLD' by AUCTION, by -Mr FOLKERTb 'bi Day, Saturday the 3t2h of March Iitant, xEo4, at the B/ee Bwar Inl, in St. Aldate's,1 Oxford, b'etween the' Hours of lhree and Five in the Afrernoi n; under Conditions a 'Sale then to be pro- ?? thofe defira>le and *',tenive PREM SSES, fituite in the Parilh of St. Thgmnas)' in the Subhrbs of the City of Oxford, in the Occmupsitnof I' r. WILLIAM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRIVATE TUITION. W ANTED, in a Family of Refpe&ability ' V V in Wales,-A TUTOR for four young Gen- tlemen, He muft be gentlemanly in his Deportment. of mild Ditpofuion, and competent to teach the Latin Language, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, &c. and if to thfe he adds a Knowledge of French, the more ?? It is particularly requefled that no one wvxl apply. who cannot produce unexceptionable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W;HEREAS the GAME on the Manors W of Somerton and Croton have been for many years paft very much poached and dellroyed-all qua- lified perfons are therefore requested not to *fport thereon and all unqualified perlbns found fporting or trefpaffing will be prolecuted as the law diredls, by WILLIAM FERMOR, Efq. Tiffore,, Sepit. 3,1 80B. Lord of the faid Manors. CAPITAL REbSDEN CE. O be LET, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOV BUTCIIEtllS. TrI 3 be SOLD by PRIVATC CONTRACT,- T All that convenient MESSUIAGE, with a SLAUGHT'ER HOUSE and PEEN0, latuly eredled, itougethtr with a flable, yard, gardeni, and pre nii'a, ?? at Eniham, in the conoty of Oxford, Intely oc- cupied by Mr. Thos. Brain and Janes Harper, butchers, and are well adapted for the trade, the ?? being coi:venient and Spacious. For further particulars, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIAMFS AND ISIS NAVIGATION. 'V OTICE is hereby given, ?? the Corn- l m miffioners appointed by, and affitig in purfuance and under the authority of, feveral Acts of Parliament made for improving and completing the Navigation of the Rivers Thames an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SbLPD bY AUCTION; by ^. M-r e EY, on Ttie~'aY th~e 25th Day of AuUFl, RAOw ?? in the Afternoon, at Mr. B3al goat Four °~ es4 oh hqe9 t Charney, ini the frd'S' thi>ks bjedt to CX°neti ¢cin L ?? stow gronving in the Mfadows at tb dAyR efaid, ?? t@ Mr. I'hatcher, to be Cba ,e afrt th Day of Oc~ober ne~ct, viz. t If ~ tnehe Mead calle ?? _st ___g Great Diteo, :1- - - - ao Ditto. ?? Ditto. p ...

Advertisements & Notices

... his dayj is ?? ~Price Ss. DISSERTATION on the LOGOS o, ST. jOHi't; in which is ditcuffed the queftion, r the Evangelift nisant by that exprefflon an , ohqher Perfon? comprehending the fubftance of Atibute ched before the Univerfity of Oxford. j>o chIARD LAURENCE, LL. D. ReBor of Merjhaam, Kent. O5ford At the Univerfity Prels for J. P'arker; and cd C. ivifgton, and S. Hatchard, London. ~o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ?? .SARAHlCLAF4-ad'd WlNIFRED-¢LARE0'' ii vAT ,~ix ilOR-CE -I3xisJg'UQKO~m dfcin'ed, Burinefs in avourof' Qi *1 Mr. iOJRN STEVENSj of the- lhi`L I NN d . 'B5u 6R T nO RD,'ake 'thiS O'portunity uf returniar'ther fanctere - 'Thianks to the -Nobility arid Geitry'vho'have honbtired - them with--th-&r' up orrX 'and big 'io 'recotn'rnend Mlt ,3 Srivz , ' ' ality ?? Public _ may 'relV on. ' ...