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London, England


London, London, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... O. the ult:nit. Mars. Moods, i>f Ferrylill, was deiver ed of fo fela e hildreat. The first lmvpd nearly an hoer tr'e s~econd,; thr~etqouarterts of an. hourl the thtird, half'ass 'hour, anrd rtise fn'rth, nesly a qurter honre Thle monthter is ina fair say of r'ecovay DEATS On rsnday eheng, at ithe house of Mr. Pearskes, is Clarotte-strea ,thpre -ivwas a party ofaeabout twelve per- 'sbns,' ...

* . S~IRTHR. Ont Moe

... ~srdaeveninflg]alt, at Itir lsoufe In Grnfverior-plate, the ?? of Colonel Bayard;, of a daugster. On Friday laft, at her houf& in. Ncw'nan-lAreet, the Lady of J.Ward, gfq. of a daugtrter Lately in Yorkshire, Charles Hoar. Harland, Esq. to Mrs, Henry Goodricke, of Sutton Hall, near York. On Tuesday last, the Rev. William Pochin, of Emanuel Col- lege, Cambridge, to Miss M. C. Green, youngest ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 23d. tilt. at Chatham, the Lady of Ca tain Yock, the Sid Regililcut, of a foi. o Ihurfday afternoon, tlie Lady of Mr. St. Georgc Caulfield', at his houift in St. jamc=s-fruare, ota daugher. -- At St. Martin's Church, by thle Rev. Dr. Wingfield, F. B, Hi1pilcy Coxu, Ehpj. to Mifs Jefferys, only daughter of 1Thomas Jecferys, Efq. of Crmed-plae, in fGiouceiterfairc. On Monday last, at Mary ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . OD n.Ti~luday, the tth itift. fuddenly, at tier Ioad¢ngs ft fhc North Parade, Bath Mrs. Price, of KilIgwynnej in the tduw y of C(marfblhen. a.gel6r. y On Saturday ?? David Hotchkis, ofthe Royal Navy. a~cf-frrejfryfih'e 'He, dej6oted hinrfelf to ta't feas rt II yca~rs of age, comtn anI le a hip to thaeft I dies at r , ;I nrcihfo prt*- Ife a feain anvas ade Licuteanat afteifhut-vcarc aud a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B I R Zli. MR. EDITOR, . There seems of late a wonderful infclinsticto cover the birth of such-n'en as have bec d !* iu fthe worid, andrlhis I could excuseif it tter ploycd only in the case of those who have bec ern. -nowned by their praise-worthy deeds: To be say, that a fiero or-a wise man is a cOur.t, townsman, is. a very iiatural, and may b a n 0s pride; but when the same curiosity is e to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. On Mondarlaft, at Winchmore-hili, the Lady of Capt. Cruw , nof a daughtrer n *~uefday evening, Mrs. Hclnry CovMll, of Graccchurch. e f. of a daugI~tcr. -nh Wcdnefa.y Iaa, in Wiipole-ftrfee, the Lady of the Hon. ,.Douglas, of a fan. MA RlJkD. .l . - - On Sunday, 'Williasn Henry Atowlatc, Ef(q. of the Middl le, to MilN Marv Emily, -of Great Chlarlott-ftrclt. Yefterday, at St. Georg(s, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Whltbhantow House, Essexr,1 te Lady of Sir Ro',ert *Vigrasi, Bart. M. P. for Wcxlbrd, tif a son. At Clapitzin, ou Friday, Nov. z8, Mrs. 30yd, of Merton Hia-ll, of a daughtes.- * On Friday morning, at Hereford, the Lady of Captain Henry .Wauig, R.N. 6faSon. On the zad ult. at 'Mrs. Colonel Pet-.; Murr.y's house, in 'George-street Ediuburgh. the Lady of Colonel Robert Macgre- gor Mlurra, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Lately, at Eversham, about four miles from Pocklington, Mrs. Rudd, wife of Mr. John Rudd, a very respectable farmer at that place, was safely delivered, without any assistance, of one male and two feinale children - alive, and likely to do well. MARRIAGES. Yesterday, at Croyden, Surrey, Gcorge Pearce, Esq. of Broad-street, to Mrs. Spencer, relict of Christopher Spencer, Esq. of Great ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1JEATZ OF rqE DUKR½F BBDFORD. a It is with the mofi unfeigned forrow, a feding ln e which the public will deeply partake,.that ve. announce r 'thi death>'of the mol: Noble damqcrs Duke of Bao- l. RD.; His Grace died : t his feat at Woburn yelter- day, at eleven o'clock.' An 5iprefs brought the me- e lanch-oly intelligence in the .aftcrnoon. He was born Auguff i th, 1765, and fucceeded his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Sundayj Mrs. Oiennie -of miinecing-'iaze of a daiughter. - On Monday lNft, the Lady. of Kcitli jopp, Efi. of a fan, inX Welbeck-ttreet. ' Onitlie i8tli intant,. in George-ltreet, -lanover-ficuare, Mrs. Caleraft, of a fon. -MSARRIED. On Sunday morning, Mr Wiljarni W-Plll, of;Stratford, Et. fex, to Mile Shortrldge, .of WJralworth, SKi y, daughter of the late John Shbrtridge Efi. of Briftol1 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TAi ARAIAGlS. On Monday, at Harrington-tousae, the Marouis of Ta- vistock, to Lady A. Al. Staubope. The ceremony Was performed by the Arcrhhisho6of Dublin; the happy pair immediately set ef for Oakley, in Bedfordshire. On Monday, at St. George's Church, Hanover-square, Sir Charles lteyrick Burrelli Bart. to the Hon. Miss 'Windhans, eldest daughter of the Earl of Egremont. Aft ter the cerernony ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ji~ Rt 1. ?? On Monday the 9th inf'. at Woodford, in U' ai., the Lady of b Petcr Godfrcy, Ef+. of a ouglitcr.r On the 2sh. iniLmit, in the Rock-hijhdings, Brighton, Mirs. 0 Parr, of klarpur-llr ct, i/iomfbury of a fon. bi On 6unday the ladl, 'f Plix Ladhrolie, ffq. ofa fon. On the ithlant, at liryalrAn, Dorfut, ti;e Lady odlfd. P ]?ortman, Efl. M. ?? of a daugiter. C At Sir 4:tin ...