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... SPORTIN'G INTELLIGENCE. NEM*MARKEV CRAVE3 MEETING. , , 'FRIKV }lAttIRiL; It. AS fhbscription Plate of scl. for 2-yr olds, carrying 6st.71b.3-yr olds est. dlb. 4-yr olds X-t. I31b. s-yr olds 9set 41b. 6-yr rids; andaged9st.81b. D. M. Mr Panton's eh. c. Arnatiur-, by B3zzarda -yrs rld Mr. Goodisson's br c. Sarnpson, by Grbuse, 3-yrs. dld . Mr. Windhuni's b. f. Glin ana, 3-yrs old - , Mr Frogley ...


... SPORtING ItELLkGFCkk. ani .GHAM RACES.' WEDNESOAY, SEPT. 3 gir T e Ladies Plate of Sol.-`for three and Rfur year olds. 'Wi The best of three t'*-mile heats.I tord Ere~iaoht'a b. c. brother td Cardinal Bealyfort i for Mr. Forth's b. h. Hipponres 3 5 L 6rd Stairell's b. c. J umper 3ds' qu Mr. Pierce's ch, f. Patience 4 dis mc Mr. Lidbroke's br. c. Sir Peregrine - dr ler Mr. Croft's b. f. Epsorn ...


... sPORTING INTBLSGENC;E. NEWMARKET JULY' MEETING. . 4 ,, . W.6NESOAY, JULY IZ. * TMr. Vansittart's Currycomlib, 8St. iol. beat D. oV Grafton's .I6lefuL.7st. Ab M Ieogs h. ft-,to a on~urrycdoaub. * Mr.. Vanittarts' Currycomb, SW.' sethh-beat Ld'-'Lovwitle's Xellow Hammer, Sst slb_ First half of Ab. N. ioogs. hi. ft. -_I to 's ncurrycomb. ' . The-July Ottlanlds of gozs.;each, h. ?? the Flat- -Mr. ...


... MARGATE, E r.I. . 4 if., t , 4. Prepar~tions commenced at an early hour geterday 1`10'rll~igo for t1 1 !i tmorning, furthle fports whlich the following adver- tieetwill tae ?? ANS will take placc th s afternoon at froro t ocloct, and will coin- JiN lilo~~iet~ewith a JiNGL ING nnAV cvCI for a SILVER WATCH. provi ttiue foI half an h11hur. Candjic:ltes for this prize Motft piey c11tlt fielv0- ...


... 'SPORTING ,NTELLIGENCE. NEtMwARkET CRAVEN MEETING. rT7ESDAY,APRIL~ 9weepstales ofloogs. eachl, h. ft for thq-produce of untried mares cvered hi x8oz, by uintried stafons, polt,, 8st. 31b, ahd f ?? 8st. Acrost the Flat. Er. ?? f' by Worthy, cut of Comedy ' Mr. Lakeis:f ?? ?? Sfi to'n Mr. Wilson's f The Sdond Clags of the Oabland ,Staes of 50gs eac., li ft: 1. *n6era~l Gowvcr'zSwinley, 3 1yrsold ...


... SPORTING IN TELLIGENCE. NPXWMARKET CRAVEN MF.TING, I83o, W'EDNESDAY, APRIL, 20. `:Sr Forinor's Cerherus, beat Mr. Shakespear's Wo~rruwaod tst. ?h. each. Ab. M. ico ?? tD 8 against Cerberus. A Subscription Plate of rolb. for 2-yr. olds. 7st. 3 yr. olds, 8st. - 71b. and ?? tsldq. 9st. Two yr. old Course. 1ord Stavell's b. c. Deceiver, 4 yrs. old - 9ir C. 'urncr's ch. c. Mr. Gundy, 3 yrs. old - - ...


... SPO' iAu77 lc; :; - ICPNICE. EF.'?I5' Aitxl'4A',pj.-) S'R3.' MEEL'Lb~rG, M .lL, '.1ho', 't t I, il. . 1 j ' f i ,f 2CC ,. i'. lV ffitii's Pasviiit',,onbt.zA I - K Sof Too h. ft. Across the llat. 've. . ...


... NEWMARKET CRAVEN MEETING. ,TIIURSDAY, APRIL 14. Subfeription Plate of 501. z yr olds carrying 7rt.; 3 yr olds, 8ยข. slb.; and 4 yt olds, Sit. 'Tlb.. Trwo-yr old Courfe. Lord Gro'venor's b. c. Squire Teazle, 4 yrs old x mr. Sitwell's b. C. Pipylin, 3 yrs'old, - Mr. Ladbrokc's b. t. Julia, 3 yrs old Mr. Delme Radcliffte's gr. f. byPrecipitate, 2 yrs old *Mr. Watfan's gr'E by lniiigb6rough, z yrs ...


... SPORTIIAG 1N7 ELLIGEINCE. NEWMARKRT FIRST SPRING I90E4lNG, t8o4. MONDAY, A i'j, L 15. Fifty Pounds by Subfcription for 4 proids, 711. 91b. 5-yr olds,73ft. 311). 6-yroldsand aged lit. 71b. R. C. Mr. Dawfdtn's ca. h. Ouiz, 5 yrs old - I Mr. Deline Radcliffe'sb h h. Driver - 2 5 to z on Quiz. - Secpfftales of IoOgs, each. D. L. Mr. F. Neale's Bobtail, aged, 8tt. toib. I Mr. H. F. MleltiQl's ...


... SPORTING IJrTzIG NCE;I .. .. .N ZV NEWMARKET',RAVE; MEEtING, 1809. . 'WEINE5I5OA, ARIL 4. Geo. GrQsvencir's b. c. Woddwell-head, by 1Witelegs, beat Col. Harbord's br. c. Generalissimo, by Genelal' gst. 41b. cach. R. M. IOogs. b.ft.-3 to on Woodweill-bed. Mr. Thornhill's Ralphina,. 8st. 71b. beat Ld'Sackviile's grey' c. Snail, by Stamford, 8st. Ab. M. 5ogs.-i to i agst. Ralphina.. Sir S. ...


... SPORTINCG ZN'T.?LIGEATCB. :_4WMA.RXRT 1 COND OCTOBER MEETING. , AT tRt, ?? o B Zt n1 .* Swveeps, 4ks 01 t . eoch~ each. -Ab. M. ?? s voluci i;'ar. xotb. - - I ~vir *Wyttdhra~i t~a rni., 8st. 211). - ' - 2. Gcellral Go'Ver' tBrthtry, 7st: 61h - - 3 Sevalto a ?? i.5 et4 ?? Sir C. .1'uoer's Miidtletilorpc, 6;. 711). beat Ld. Lowther's I~oiere, ,3. Iih. .1.Io~g.-6 o4nr Ji Id ethofire. Sir C. ...


... - 3PaRTIYG IZ.ThL LIG2'ACE, AVMARKNT.I TRi-R) OC I')BER, OR HOUGGHTON ' \IFi'L~rI'G.-S~it~eoA~t, Nov. 5. ' ' ets - Gro Grenoar s M11ays , e1.,at svr. I.loy.'s Fun, 76t.- *L tsvoyr. i>u o Ctur e, 53ols -s to .j on Mi Y. ?? 1-4 H averldiluhs Hymen, 85t. 311). beat Gen. Grosve- ?? jiy. Bst. $1 j) Ab. M. SOP& -3 to I on Hymen. n;to ir treor flhe G04lihsvay, 6st. rll,. beait Mr. Lloyd's ?? 8sti.7lb ...