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Examiner, The



London, England


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The Examiner

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MA RRIA-GES. Lately, at Worthiog, P. Powell, El q. of Kensington, to Miss Cleiott, eldest daughter of the relehrated Dr. Calcott. DEA'THS. ?? On Monday; in Piccadilly, his Grace tl;e Duke of Port. ?? this -ohiemnan has for some time been conisi- dered in at very driogerofisutcaie; his immediate dissolutron wzas Dat apprehended bvy-t'e Faculty. The excruciating and in- creased pain which his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MA RRI AGES. Lately, the Tlon. General Meade, to Miss Arne Louisa Dalling, sister to Col. Sir Windham Dglling, Bart. - A t Cheltenhwun, 51r. J. Coleman,the Neiwuham Harperi aged 17, to MAiss R.-Buckingham, aged 16. DEATH S. ,On Moenday evening1 in the.74th year of her age, at flanrpstead, Mrs. Gregory, widow. of T Greryj Esq. late Principal of Cliffot'd's Inn. On Friday se'nnigbt, at his koese ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Monday last, Heary .r. S'iepherd, Ei,;. of iltcotels Inn, -to the Right H on. Lady.Mary P9rsiooe, dau.;ite ,f the Earl of Roseberry. On Sunday last, at Brighton, Briga ier-Uen. Iterry Frederic Campbell, to Kr. Knox, widow of t ie laie Lieut.-Gen. Knox, of the ist Regniment o,. GOard' On Saturday, the 2d insi. at St. Goies's, Redliin, V!r. Buroharn, Sargeoo, High Roiborn, to Miss ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARR i tAGES; Mr. B. Lister, of wttinri.9gtjj, near Hin!?, aed 9e, tf Miss Boyd, aged 25. The bridegroom wilth di fiul.u crawled to church on crotches. Mir. Win. Carter, masterand owner of the Sand-a Wci, of Stockton, aged 5j- to iliss PEbihe Pert, ,ged V2. Thry never saw each other till the evening preceding thle .epts, and the match was made up in Lvss thanl five mwuites. At St. James's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAKRIAGES. Lately, at Glasgow , Mr. Alexander Lock, to 31iis3 Janet Gan. This is as it should be; for w-hat's a guz witholut a lock ? At Broughton, Lincolnshire, the Rev. J. Gifiard, of Raby, A.-M. Claplain, R. N. to Ann, widow of Tiiomas Swann, banker, of Gainsborongh. At Walcot church5 Bath, Majo!' Edward Batehellor, 6f the Madras Establishment, to Miss Everard, daughter of Edward Everard, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE L-4TE' JiqR. GOIDS1It. Sorme of the Papers have dwvelt on the Pnfodnded insinuafionrs respecting thie 4eath of Mr. GoLos35I, but it is alwdys a consequence of maystery to, crcst ?? does tihe case stand ?-Ai rqport is current that a wealthy and respectable mvan ill of jeria:usv terminated his existence by hanginghimnself. A Coroner's Inquest is held on t13e body, but tlh piali- culars ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Lately, at Eversham, about four miles from Pocklington, Mrs. Rudd, wife of Mr. John Rudd, a very respectable farmer at that place, was safely delivered, without any assistance, of one male and two feinale children - alive, and likely to do well. MARRIAGES. Yesterday, at Croyden, Surrey, Gcorge Pearce, Esq. of Broad-street, to Mrs. Spencer, relict of Christopher Spencer, Esq. of Great ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARR 1AGES. On Monday last, Horace Beckford, Esq. to MjI4 Ri's v after the ceremony they left toun for Lord Rizers's scat. in Hampsiire. On Tnesdlay. Richard Dallet, jun;of Ucerton Iala, Sur. rey, to M iss Mlary Sparlks, youngest daughter of Richard Sparks, E'sq. of Worusiab, near Guildford, SurreY. DEATHSs 4t Clea, near Grimshy, Mrs. Elizabeth Fridlingston, of that place, a maiden lady. She ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PARTICULA74RS OF m. PA s. DE O ATHI. T'he inquest was held at Mr. Paull's house, in Charles- str St. Ja'nseJs-square, before A an, o rH y GELL, rse. job i Bastiek, butler and valet to Mr. Paul, depoed, that 0n Friday Dorzing he cgsme horre fvat tive o'clock. fli~ell ait~ ustaliN to ?? anld about toon o~clocic a mnaid- Servaet alted ,iis tire, preparatory to his gerttilrr up. where vas ar ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... O. the ult:nit. Mars. Moods, i>f Ferrylill, was deiver ed of fo fela e hildreat. The first lmvpd nearly an hoer tr'e s~econd,; thr~etqouarterts of an. hourl the thtird, half'ass 'hour, anrd rtise fn'rth, nesly a qurter honre Thle monthter is ina fair say of r'ecovay DEATS On rsnday eheng, at ithe house of Mr. Pearskes, is Clarotte-strea ,thpre -ivwas a party ofaeabout twelve per- 'sbns,' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B1CRL IL OF THE DEID. Lj Tgr R5GrsT PFVrREND BE'I-ny PORTEts, LOrD BISHOP o0I.FONbON. ?? itstailding your induction of Mr. Usko, a ioreigner, pious 2mnd learned as he is said to be, into a valuble E i vh mivin, while st inaliv of clr excellent native Clergy ?? starve in pisiing solitude, iin a degrec thc ?? of your lawn sleeves, you have still the credit of having the 'welfare of your diocese ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I DdiID BARCLAY. David Barclay,` who lately died in his 81st year, at Wal- thamnsio*, the ?? surviving ?? of Robert 3arclay, ef Urie, Author pf ttie ceebrated Apologyfor the Quaker-. lie vas ?? to business in London, and was long-at the head of amust etensive holuse in Cbeapside, chiefly ?? in the Aoterican trade. liI was at that time as much distinguished bv his talents, knowlede, ...