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Portsmouth, Hampshire, England

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... . PO1RTSM.O ;TH. ARRtVAL.S. TlArfday, the Ulyffis, armed ?? Sayer, from the Moditerraflen, tlaft Hoin Corik. Friday, the Argo6 Of 44. guns, CaptalirBower, frot thii coaft ot fauilca;, a.d. the Penelope, of,, 36 guns7 Captain Blackwood, from the Mediterranean. ohe i-put under qual artiffne: Sattrday,-the Ambqfcade, of-36 gunsi Ron. Captain Colvili,, and rhe Carrystorts of a2 guns, Captain Drum- ...

Published: Monday 22 March 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 571 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

An elegant and most superb entertainment, consisting of a ball and supper, &c. was given by his

... (SUSSEX. . SATVRDAY, JAIjUARY 7. f An elegant and moft fuperb entertainment, con- fifting of aball and rupper, &c. waj given by his 1or 1IT -A LC A t I, L A c_|A G noA _ Roy~rl Highnefs the Prince of Wales, to the no- win( 'a 'blemen' and gentlemen of this county, &c. at the roc ts, Brighton Pavilion on Fridaiy la{t. The whole cele y, fuits'of apartments, fitted up' in the moft fuperb a n ...

Published: Monday 09 January 1804
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1151 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... S.ATURDAY, AUGUST 21. Paris journals to the I 6th infrant came to hand g on Thurfdcy. The birth-dlay ofthe Firlt Conful was celebrated with great eclat, and paffied pif D ijthout accident. Thle C iful was waited upon c in qf re by all the reprefentatives and chiefs of the . poblic bodies, civil, military, literary, and com h Tnercial; and by .clrgv, Catholic And'Protetlant: n Al thefi bodies ...

Published: Monday 23 August 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1136 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... SATURDAY, AUGUST 28. This day three companies of the 5th Regiment of foot, marched into barracks here. The harvelt has commenced round tbefe parts with the moft promifing abundance of all kinds of grain, which in quality far exceeds many years paft. MRitIED.-On Sunday morning laft, at St. Ann's Church, Holborn, London, Mr. Charles Savage, draper, to Mifs Ann Baver, of this city.- Lately, in ...

Published: Monday 30 August 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 615 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ij?- I V, tO , X , ?? C a e ; . l 1r -- r . - rge ' EA AYe Ct6Bi'- ire, ?? i iU'- TheiHamnburg1j M- ithat ,grrivedthis m in wr has brought nothinfg pacqlarK And pthe tqaqg er Paperys&hat a fio !arrived'co'ntain' o intel`lgen 'u J tte~r fgervizng notice,. except that ,z et t i sg ., ddlivered its- ,Lbirnaim wbsch is: entirely ar-th:e Ix, frit.of ithe vote :Aafti, .f &n;r AnoiilcdlA,' c1&464kc ...

Published: Monday 19 October 1801
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 394 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 

This afternoon arrived his Majesty's ship Raven, Capt. Saunders. with dispatches from the West

... PORTSMOUTH. SATURDAY, APRIL zo. This afternoon arrived hig Maje~y'& bip m Capt. Saunders. with difpatches from 7theWeft. Indies.-By -her we learn, that a Frenc'h rigate, arrived at Jamaica the zoth February,. ith an account that the French ?? under the comxrnnd . of Gen. Leclere, had taken poffiemon ?? the co of St. Domingo, except Cape Nichola',Mole-i,, Q ...

Published: Monday 12 April 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 895 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... E.. .. .-- : . .I I _ O, 'I. D Y.,- . .. tr SATURDAY, JULY 30. ti The City of Chicheffer was in the night Qf SUtn- S( e d.ix iallt ytrown in'to con-fiderwable alarm: 'the-M-u- G nicipal-officers were called up, &c. occa ionedt by * a the report of the fignal'hou'e, a't Selea, Itihjg. H notiled.that a tforeigx mnarine force was offthe., coaA. It is fuPpofed that t~he veffel fo ...

Published: Monday 01 August 1803
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 774 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I. : iia 0 . A private letter fronm Hamburgh, dated the zrth inft.x iates that the King of' Pruffia, and feveral Princes of the North of Germany, cornprifing'the Dukes of Brunfwick and H6l1fein, the Princes of Mecklenbierg Strelitz and Schwerin, and the EleEiors of Heffe and Saxony, have formced an armed neutrality, for the exprtfs purpofe of pre' vepting the lamling of all roreign troops upon ...

Published: Monday 21 October 1805
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 715 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... H3USE OF LORDS. ?? ti vc J ri v;O. MooNDAy, FErUsr ART 3.] it was ordered, that no rc- ports upon Plivate Bilht ftiould he rrceivedaftertlie ailh of April next. Adjourned till to-morrow. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Anewwrit svasordered for the Eleoaon of a Burgefa fi;r the Borough of Weirdove;, in the room of the Right Hon. Charles Long, who had accepted the office of Chief Se- cretary in Ireland. Lord ...

Published: Monday 10 February 1806
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3311 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

LONDON, May 13

... Lo-'VDON, JMI 3, . . r rii I _ .. Private accounts. from Holland continue to fpeak of the increzled preparations for the invafion of this country. Tranfports for this purpofe are collefting in all the Dutch ports; and the general opinion is, that the delperate attemrpt will not be nmuch longer delayed.. By a letter from Dr. De Carro, of Vie'nna, to br. Jtnmer, it appears that the bills of mort ...

Published: Wednesday 22 May 1805
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2682 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... * IL I3ll'o II. SAtURDAY, MARCH S. Yeferday morning, about ten o'clock, his M. jelty fet off from the Queen's Palace, in his travel. ling carriage for Witnifor. -klr Mojefty and-the Princeffes left the Palace foon aftei eleven for Filackheath, on a vifit to the Princefs of WV..Ies, where, afterpartakling of ain early dinner, they fet off for Windfor, by the way, of Claphan coin- mon and ...

Published: Monday 10 March 1806
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 497 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News