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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAR,|erate -At Lambeth Church, 'William White, I Efq. of Deal, to Mifs Prielfley, of Carnbevwell.-At Devizes, Mr. H.. Awdry, of Cbippenhamy' to Mifs Hill, eldeft daughter!'of Dr. Weft Hill, Devizes, Wiltihire.- *At Lifbitian, Cbunty of' Tipperary,; thc feat of Sir Robert Waller, Barti Captain Bates,-of the zxla Light Dragoons, rs to Mitts Waller, youngefr daughter-to the late Sir R. V'Walicr;, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNFRAL OF T1h4 ARCTIBIISIOP OF YORK. Tle remains of that venerable Preiate wvere relmoved, ?? eight o'clock, yetlerday mnorning, ruom his lite lhencfe in South Audiey Street, to Wveflliliinler Abbey, tor intrienlllt. IThe pro- ceflon n,-,ved in the tuolL Ioleriun, anti it; the following order Twlo mllltes. A plume of bilck feathers. ITHE HEARSE, Drawn by fix horfes, decorated with ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .at* ort OPitOMISZ CtXM4,RiIACi!i- .This w asaro 1nty . damagese ecute 'before the Sheriff ?? ri, -Uanets, oni Tt-e da' the i8th int.'it was to recover' 6'magesor -Breachkof TProin;ie of Mairiage '--The Defedan, had &'red, Judgient iy Default. -Mr.. Ce Beteteworth, S~1icitor, of Portfea, ad .drite~d the Sherlir ?? oh.behalf of the-Plain. tiff with: great f~orce and eloence; he itated that . ...


... Ri wrt Collett, M. A. for- merlv oE Trinity Collelre, Camblhridge, to MAifs Frances Meyler Smith, daughter of Henry Smith, Efq. of Camberwell, Sarry. -At l uffle Caftle, Scotland, vin. Ellice, 1.f6j. M. P. to Mijhs Rof',, daughter of' Hercules Rol,, Efq. of Rollie-At Kenliiigtov, the Rev. Win. Palmer, A M. Vicar of llton, Somerfetfhire, and of Varconmbe, Devon, to Mary, only daiuglhter of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... g D f e t t It 5;1 -1 3 0 .8 is II 'e I- a. IC a. to ?? Csi as in C-. as 1.C~ is as p- .1- -BIRTII& Sunday laft, in Upper Wimpole-ftreet, -the Lady of ?? Clive, E q. of aond. Lately, the Lady of the Hon. NMajorGeneral Need- 'ham,'of a fill-born child, at Ptefcati,-near Dublin. On Tuefday laft, at ColpRobert Craufurd's, Skit- ton, Surrey, Mrs. Daniel Craufrrd; of a daughter. On the x4th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES AND DEATHS IN INDIA. Fram the Cakatta 7ournaljfr Yanuary, 1804. BENGAL MARRIAR GES.-On the 6th inf,. at the New Church, Mr. C. Tetley, to Mifs E. Stibbert, daughter of General Stibbert.-On~the 3d inft. from the Upper Orphan School at Xidderpore Houle, Mifs Murray, daughter of Lieut. James Charles Murray, deceafed, to Mr. John Driver.-On the gth inft. Mr. Jofeph Wills, to Miss ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAeRRZED..JoJcph Lachlan, Efq. of Cooper's Row, to MMfs Gibbs, of Great Tower Hill.-Mr. J. Bull, of Gracechurch,.Streer, to Mifs Evans, of the Borough.-R. Peele, Efq. of Churchbank, to MiMa Peel, daughter of M. Peel, Efq. of 'Accrington Houfe.-At Gretna Green, E. Frank, El'q. only fon of B. Frank, Efq. of Campfall, in Yorkihire,' to Mifs M. Sowerby, eldeft daughter of Colonel J. Sowerby, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MsARRIED.-At Iflington, Mr. T. 0. Stock, of Hol- born, to MiAs Wilfon, of Illington.-Mr. Milner, of Iron- monger Lane, to ifs Emrmerfon, of Walthamrdow.-At Monxton, the Rev. C. H. White, to Mifs St. Barbe, daughter of the late Alex. St. Barbe, Efq. of Blandford.- Clark Hiliyard, Efq. of Northampton, to Mifs Tahourdin, of Bentley, Hampthire.-Ar St. James's Church, Colonel Bayley Wallis, PA. P ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... y at T FiNF R 1 AL . lock. , or ma: es to . .: 0ff?' ffO.0 CI1rAZL;1S JXJrif frq r sd to , i ,to o'clock on Fridayli tie funernl of t!ji, il1.1tj t it Stricman begani to move from ttsc $table *;rl ' )di a Jilttilies, ?? Abbey, in the tollo t Ofr- procession- 'A itig or-dr q or of Volunteer Cavalry. Six Marshalrnen, two and two ted a with black silk scarfs, silk halbaads anl gloves Jieut. Iglig ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... r BIRTTs.-On Toesday tue Countiess of limisklillen, of a ioll-.0- O Alotildla, at the li Dke of No rt`jlk's, in St. s .Ja imes s Sqiare, tike Lady of' Col. Howard, Al. P. of Ht Is dittighier. 5s augihtier w-4-ateiy, at Tortola, 1. ?? r. Pickjrigsq. son of Isaac l'ickeriji Esq.; of Foxie ise, Iams, tu M Miss Donavon, do u6iliter of thle lae 1 Donavol I - rt 1 S 'day, Ca t, 13. Plrker, of tbe ii ...