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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... Sit'P NEWS. On Aatusrday a mail was received in town from .Lisbon.The letters of the x6th March mention, that the Duke of York transpoft, from Gibraltar for'Lopdon, wvith Soo of the Low. n- stein regiment on board, put into the Tagus on the 9th inst. in great distress. The troops were to be fanded at Lisbonz. The Survelliante French brig bf wvar, on the isth, arrived from Havre, with the ...


... S H- I P N't W S. The following ships arc now in the course of being paid off: San Josef, Royal George, Atlas, Princess Roy- ?? Malta, Ajax, Mars, Imupetueux, Ruby, Stand- ard, Texel, Trusty, Argo, Inconstant, Astrea, Pallas, Thisbe, Arethusa, Apollo, Dido, Success, Romulus, Mercury, EnterprizeUlysses, 1lermcs, Wolverene, Terror, Wasp, Blazer, Teazer, Has- ty, Sparkler, Swinger, Pounce, Wolfe, ...


... S if I P N. E W S. Arrived the Indefatigable transport from Egypt, last from Malta and Gibraltar, having on board a detachment of the Royal Artillery, and the fulidwing- officers of tkat corps; General Lawson, Major Borthwick, Captain Currey and Payne, Lieutenants Munro and- Holcombe, Surgeon James, - Mr Commissary Stace, and Lientenant Commissarv Lane. Arrived his Maiesty's cutter Earl St ...


... S HF IP N E W'S. The remaining seven mtren belonging to the Temeraire, who were condemned by the first Court Martial to be hanged for mutiny, were sent round to Woblwich on Thursday in the Vestal, to be confined on board the hulks here during his Majesty's pleasure. On Saturday se'ennight, as a seaman of the Royal George was tending the capstan to pre- vent fiffion, when the forecastle men ...


... S H I P N i v S Ode.I me been rd&'ised at the Azoyl L)S- pital, Pfynsouth, to reccivc ?? pr-soner; of any nation rwe I.av, been at 'vwar tith during til IIte contesz, whro rnay arrive froma alyjqreign sta- I tion, an d to 'jects1 thcn till tley cai he s'nt to their native countries. Avery humane ;nas I and hi-lly creditable to tlhe 3Iritish C;G s in- | 1 lcter ?? receiver! by tile Racoon, from ...


... S It I P N E W S. I The following is a list of the ships left on the Jamaica stations March zzd, by the Rosario: St Georg, of 98 guns; Sans P.mreil, of So; Le- viathan, Captain, Bellona, Warrior, Zealous, De- fence, Elephant, Carnatic, Spencer, Ganges, Go. liah, Brunswick, Vanguard, Powerful. and Corm. berland, of 74 guns; be Rbtser and Cormrn'.n-' del of 68; Abergaven;iy, of 54; Decade, .8 ; ...


... SHIP NEW.S. It is said that the Morgiana sloop of war, which arrived at Portsmouth, on Monday last from Martinique, brought intelligence of a very unpleasant nature. The spirit of discontent which broke out last winter in the fleet at Ban- tryBay, has, we understand, again manifested it- self in some of the ships under the commaad of AdmIral Campbell, in the West Indies; but has been ...


... - To the Editor. Sir, In the Sun, dated May 24th, there is a para- graph stating a mutiny having taken place in Admiral Campbell's squadron; the accounts said to be received by the Morgiana sloop of war. Having the honour to command that vessel, I authorise you to coiitradid. the report in the. strongest terms, there nct being the least foan- dation for the report, I am, Sir, Yourhumble ...


... . . -- - - NAVAL AsYLUM. e The second anniversary of this truly interest- ing institution was held at the London Tavern L on Wednesday. Lord Belgrave, the Chairman, addressed the company, among whom were se- e veral of our most distinguished naval heroes. He g stated that the Society at present provided for so orphans, boys, and girls, children of those y brave men who had fallen in their ...


... . IS-H I P r't4 W S. -- - ?? . - -mm ~ Letters fiorn Jainaica state that the Bi tish E fiect there was unusually healthy. Out of s8 C sail of the line, and nearly 46 frigates and sloops 6 of var, there Avre- not o:1 the sick list of the 6 Royal Hospital more than so seamen and ma- 6 rines, mostly fltxes, fevers very few. There was a squadrorn of 14 sail of the linc andsomne fri- gates cruising ...


... Dispatches have been sent off to Admiral Duckworth at Jamaica, with orders to send home all the remaining ships of war upon that station, except the few which are to continue on the peace establishment. The Dedaigneuse frigate, I which sailed a few days since, has similar dis- patches for the Cape of Good Hope and the East c Indies. One half of the ships of war at the for- mer place are to ...


... The following ships are coming home, pur- I suant to orders senttout by the Hunter sloop: Temeraire, Formidable, St George, Sans Pareil, Leviatban, Goliah, Zealous, Spencer, Audacious, Cumberland, Ganges, Warrior, 1)esirec, Tartar, A~ohis, Druid, WVinclielsea, I Qucbc, Circe, Tysiphonie, Snake, Lark. Captain Butterfield, of the Navy, by whose ecertions the Triton East Indiamen was saved t ...