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Portsmouth, Hampshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... RATS and MICE,: EFFECTUALLY DESTROYED BY J. SMITH, ''be Inventor oJ tbcje PdIls. 'THIS Remedy (which has never failed where .a fufficient quantity has been ufed,) is in Pills about the fize of a nut, and one is fufflcient to deftroy the largeft rat, and broken in pieces Willkitil fix mice. They will eat the pills in preference to all kind of food, and never ceafe eating while one exifts, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A CONkCHMANAWANTIEDl , -ONr BOARD WAGES, ' X TiiO can be well recoiniended,; as being ' V Vw co npletely qualified for the Sermite, and as a fobe.w iteady, and attentive Servant. Appsy to J. C. AMOTTLEY, oppofitethe Parade, Portfnhout:s. SELLING OFF UNDER PRIME COST, At N . 7, (ueen-ftreat, Corner ot I-lawk-ftreet, Portfea. \ /fr C U S T A N C E,, begs to inform his IVA.. Friends and tsePublic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i tl e _ hick PORTSMOUTH. fol- TO BE SOLD BY-PRIVATE CONTRACT, ghc A Modern well-built FREEHOLD DWEL- ome LO LING-HOUSE, fituate -' St. Thoman's-ftreer, in hav- Portfriouth, lately occupied .by Mrs. Snell, containing very every room and office requifite for the refideince of A Gen- ice. tleman's family, with excellent dry roomy cellars, and am having the peculiar advantage of a Side Paffage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD BY i'RIVATE CONTRACT. A Neac modern-bu'ilt ROUSE, fituat6 in Green Ak Road, near (jr~lhfea, within a few minutes Walk of tbie Thwns of Peoruinouth and Portfea; confifting of four parlours, four bed cijambers, -a kitchen and cellar; wafli- libufvead fable tached, withba largeG:rden. The Land c Tax is redeemed. The Premifes are Frtehoid, and com- Y mand extenfive land and lea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARMY CONTRACTS. cC) m H I ?? -14NERAxL's OFFTC.E, G:!at sgC-Nr~ee, Lonidon, t221d Aqrust, 1505. -r OTr';i!~ 1iw~ebly gi-ven to tall Persohn desillunis of t'oscir ttin.~ to supply the folowlng Articles for tbc, v' I. AVflI av., N i Z. B q EA D; Zo his Itajscse)fs Land Fce it, C! ?oanmvts, Quarters, wid !'a~rrfck; !its t/jo undiwtneist~oed Cutiatics and I.- Allerntr,, Azigleesv, B~edfordl, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f BF3-EAUTY and Cleanlinefs. AMiB! 1OYiN t' Tooth Powder and Lotion. The drug from sv!ic-` s ?? Powder is prepared is the produizo of -sit. The natives, as well as foreigners, efteem th- druig tor !s e peculiar efficacy in cleansing and besuuifyinz tile treih, 'and curing diforders of the r.outh inid gums. It iennavsra the fcurvy, makes the lips and gums of a hcaltshr! :le faftens, whitens, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A mA1T-qrVAX.'. ANTEDit) aFamiy, shere a'to~i wages are ' S W A AAN-SRVM2 T Win has Isceir accttstoml. to Service, and cain produce a good Character,1 IN. B. Apply to tile Ptr'inter. itu~A HOSITAL T IuSLAtt, SEPT. 30, 1809. O N Thuvsday Abe5tb of October ne~t it e 'l t intemrig, Will i;e Sold by A~ucion.' several - Lots of BEDS -and CLOTHES,Athe property of Pastients whot have (lied in this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A CARD.-: ; , 7fVTF Ladies are most respectfiilly informed, that :the . FASHTIONS for the ?? are just rereiied at JX BAYlYs, Nti;, K Haniover-street, iortie: con-, sisting of a grekit varietv ofE elegari 'i541fP, Pi&r in atdS o6ihcr Tipptts, Fur Craps, Pelisse, Gisth;, Salishiry Flan- riels silks, Sa,,ilets, Velvets, rstislins; Priity, Lace.: Fancy Fllower;, Feathers, aind Cals-, -wit a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTHAMPTON SAILING-MATCH. 'THE ANNUAL PRIZES, giveq.-hy G ao'ltot .RL HENRY Rdst, E. one of'the Reprefehtatives of- this Town, are to be SAILED for on SATURDAY, the zith of SepieibiSoi. N B. To Start, frorh the dufal Place, precifely at Eleven MAl1BLEDON,' iANTS. TO BE'SbLD BY PRIVATE 'C6NTRACT, A'.4D MA NTER'D on A A n ICK1UILT WINDI.MILL, with. A a Dwelling-Houfe ard a l arge Iake's Oven ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -BY THF4CING's ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. For ?? ' ,CUNDEIL'SL. MYOCTQRNt .. - - -: For effiAtually. DESTROYI NG RATS, and otiher- DES'~UOTIVE'YERMINl Preparpd (only) apnd' Sold'by th, l Invcntor ?? w-l NARY CV N4zEGL;,eC ifh , No. 47,MidOries; Iold ' Vyholvfale, (by liispipiiitmint,) by Mfrs. HOWAn : and EVArS No.i4d,'-Ja~ia, b Loll- fdonv role Agents for tii-e fipply of the''tiuitry.,' - 2X MON G ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L ~ i P=B .==rj ; ,dsiaed 9c KJ~0S 40 CsgEb4ENT MAJ~TY, f 4i , a 1g ieb pf , >' entII Nrv s rtloi , e T which A~~~ ~ ?? 1110b, c p-e Airn~iry e v tention of 'i PaWnis, Guardiaiisr &c. d kc. whofe dutyqit is to pay ieciii regard ti d heinteroftsz . .*Qf tbO rd4i4 grttiofl . Istiitr Jiinleorintsxied 'Alia~iild be t1 kid ei duty gar hoe~oi4'b Irrguarf ;Xitheut ts ~pdin rtiula *Angr irtg en.oi ...