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... Ass1d Fs. kV At TLarcaftcr Assizes,,the great causelient from Ikte Cour LE. oit Chancery, to, try the validity of the will of the late~ Mr. Perrin, oS Warrigot am nbfreM.Jsice Le Blanc.I' r I wil h e rernern he red,t ch At the i es tator, w liose p roperty i S3 and said to armount to more than too~oool.,disinhi~ritcd his only, St. daughter, if she ahould marry a Scotehman; she did'marry Oi' la ...


... MRIM. CON, tH tOURT- OF KING'S BENCH. r SATURDAY, MAY 31. tAYLOR, ?? THE R25V. M. aiswkooD. b This was an Adion to recover a coompedfation' In damages, for criminal convetfation with the Plaintiff's' 1 Wife. The Plaintiff refides at Totnefs, in the County v, of Devon. The Defendant is curate of a village in 'b the neighbourhood. The Damages were laid at The ic ThbrefamdPm'ndi. IE By the ...


... LAW INTIE'IQEk4E.. COURT or KINGC' BENCI:--JULm 10. SITTINGS'AT qUILi:HALL. Trt KIN.G Strfus O WEN AND tdARDLE. This was an indidtment againft the Defendants, fdr knowz- *hg/y having had in their potrleflion certaini naval Aoresj' warked with the broad arrow. Mr. ATrTORN C-GzNzRAL. faid, this prosecution was carried on to reprefs a pra6liceof tile moltalarting nature. Iftthe rapacious and ...


... COURT OF KING'$ BENIC Hi, NOVEMBER aS. U3aXL- UPON 2.4,L. ST. VINCENT. 'TH KI N5 S'eBi~tliN-Mr. Woodtheilwed ca=14againft a' rule obthined by Ntr. Erdkih, ia the inlitance of Lord St. Vincent, for 'a crininat informadion againt Mr., Bourne. Ffe read arn affi- davit-from Mr.. Bourne, whod6epofiedthat he had never- heard of- the' pamphler inritu'led' 4' Auadi Gtieram partem, till his return ...


... . Point 67A MANsstoHTfusz.4SaturdayJohn Conmar.wasbrought before the Lord Mayor, charged wvith off:ring. for faka quantity of filver plate, which he confeired he had brought from the wvreck.of the Hindoiftu,,loft offl.Margate. . A PPawnbroker in Tooley-treet~produced the plate, colt- 3 1 fifinugof fploons, ldles, and Alver forks, with two Mid- a fhipmens' dirks,-:all apparently new,. and' ...


... LAW' INTLGEINICE. CO1JRT oF KING's BENC14, F.. 23. lrhe following being a Trial fingular in its Circumr fiances, impot:ant in its Refult, and which mui prove exceedingly interefting to the generality of 6ur Readers, we have given it as mnuch in De- tail as the LimiNs of a Weekly Paper can poffibly afford roa fingle Subjea of public Information. BREACH OF PROMISE OF M;ARIAGE. FORSTER V.- ...


... 'COUR-MARTIAL ONILORD GAMBIER. FISrTIl DAY-SONDAY, JULY3. T T l An h A T.) IA. . F ?? i)AY-iVJoNJDAY, JULY- 31. Upon the President's desiring the witnesses to. withdraw, as usal, Lord Cochrane suhmitted to tlie Court, that it: was not the custom of Courts-Martial to exclude the wit- nerses From the Court during the defence5 and referred to the ctiye of Adtiralitlarvey i PRLEsa.ENT- ?? Lord, ...


... -7> ?? :.;il ,S - , :, CI tofM,.-4RTIN .C. iOB0.7ar,. - _ ' SHEERirF'S COURT5 $SATURDAY,;.APa.L ?? This was a writi af i quiry of damiage exe- ,d before theSO ifjt, in an a4ion wherein , Wiliam Martin' ?? Plaintiff, 'andF'Fortefcue Popjoy Deedr;'va~t eoe-damages' for; crimifal corverfafidn with the Plaintiffs wife. The Defendant had fuffered judgment by default. There was no - 'Cgfeju ?? ...


... CCHRGE OF MURDER. Bew STRE ET.-Moncidy John Wilfon, John Lyne, d( and William Cranc, wtrc examined before Sir Wil- t1 liam Addington, and H enry WigSftead, Efq. refpecing T the murclcrof Louis Barthelemicki, the Opera Dancer. The Prifonex Wilfon,wvho was the Officer that went of to arreft the deccared, was aoprehended on a Warrant re i t' edagainft him by Sir William Addington, grounded pz ...


... I ?ico&Arpr xTut.. 1 :1, - 7 Y ? 61 A-? , . .. ?? A Court Mai'tikaias bffebedopprd fla ; hiR Kea*, off Aleiandri, ia. Tuerday, thmz 7th day f-, A liba prient..Sir Arc *# BRxP 9 rOp,,h. PF BartAr . - rniral of the Whiakc and feniot~ffcer iin th~ conimaiiv f ?? hzpsnd vc~diibefore Alexanldria, Pretide, 11qpjg. Alex. Cor irpt, CapO. ThousaLoutgoa. d-eoire Martin, 'N-Sir Win. Sidney $ndtb, 4}o~i ...


... Robert Redhead, formerly a wine merchant in Mark Lane, was called up for fentence in the Court of .King's Bench.-Our readers will remember thathe was detecIed in obtaining the drawback upon the exportation of an entire -freight of brandy, which upon infpeffion proved to be packed in double cafks, the center one being filled with a mixture of water coloured with Cayenne pepper.-He af- terwards ...


... Ps~iu Ta W.1G ?? dI:\iDwV 4 iDi5-Th0 defetan ?? ,6rcsgl~t, ups to 'e~ceivie nzg ie '!iijudgtnenf df 'ihe'Coa'n ; when MNr Jssuee Gref, 'aEcr the nC; ~ ' f~~nealb~~e everal' chargecscontis*~ealn' the ihic~ik larl h themn i~ Cb~anc c;zd effl 'a fellows, Srcrrt , ' i¶~4u, Robprt Pisffing~am,' aiiiy~ci, John. Edwards, have mec oD orilt1'bz(:: esn fiound guaili/ of artiof maliciougi and 'di- thc ...