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Advertisements & Notices

... FULL. Now LOADING at HULL, IYil'hfirft Convoy far- QJ-I B E C, ' The QUEBEC PACKEET, WM CAM PLEM A N, Corn mander, ,_ %_;B u rthen 300 'ons, men aniwerable. ?? (intended as a conftant trader between Hu l and Qebec, Btitilli built, and only one month oid. Has extecllent accommodations for pafl'engers, and a conlfiderable quantity of her cargo already enigaged by the (hippers in London, who have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H-olmpton Inclofure. ; lyHIE autendance of the Pro,,rieors cf Llana'S ad Tithes afe&cd hy this sp%1dure, is particulatly requetted at the Horfe j yockey, iu Hedon, on ?? next, ,et .en the hours of Iwelve and ;onec0'l dedermine tipos wehat further flepsjialt he' 15eJ with refpeg to the prefit f'late of ,clqofure, and the proceedings againi .the )Yoner. FARDINANDO & PICARD. l7ull 5 tb Aga04 -1 i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Yt1iw ; tYFeVer- No. 4qo, CfARING.CRQSS. rt t ]~R. WiLLICH, late Phyfician tq the M SA.~XON AieAriADoD at ?? Court of Grat is Britain' anrid Author'of the Dqme(ic Ellcycloftedfaf' a 'l Traieo egimien arnd Diet. &e. &C. cc aprw f and recoilnreaends;tO the inilnndiate notice of the ?? .Pa it Iarge;('(and thofe in particular who are going ;e to'the Weft Indies, America,'or any other part of d' ...

TEMPESTS, Esqrs. and

... Co's. FEE FARM RENTS. The inattention which a number of Proprietors of Manors, &c. (chargeable with the payment of those Rents) have shewn to the notices given by the Receivers, of their regular audits, has directed the owners to give positive directions to proceed against all Defaulters. The next Audits will be held at Mr. Judson's Office in Beverley, on Saturday the 11th day of October next; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mna _ai ensgs THE FOURTRENrH XDITION OF t he HENDERSON's dI or- Art of Cookery, Carving, &c. E :h; * THIS DAY IS PUBLISH!EDt, PRICE SIX-PEC to' Emhrlliltbed with 3 capital Portrait of Mr J. C em SCIINsDttLie, and a beauti;l ReprefeatationL Of )en the Alhiny, Piccadilly, Londona, ied NUMBER I. (to be continued weekly) of p ont The flousekeepe?-s Instructor; \ dlv Or. UNIVERSAL th'ei FAMILY COOK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HUL, JUNE 2f For OPOR O The New Ship QU ?? SAMUE_ CROSLEY, Commander, Carrying twelve and fix-pounders, fmall-arms, &c. To. fail with the cowovy appointed for the Sth Inftl ?? particularslapply to the Mafler on board; or at the Office-ofa WM4. GEO. tW iCHAS. SELLERS. Fih-Areet. HO'LL, June i, I'o0. N.B. The ?? is internded fora conflant Trader. MARkET. PLACE, HULL. MILLINERY. S. & J. MIDDLETON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G M ' C1R T 'i , -::A ,E ; ,IGAME- CERTIFICATES. tAST.RID1NG OF YORKSHIR:E. -A LIST of CERTIFICATES illued in the Riding aforrfiaid, with refpect to the muty, between the aft day of July and the 5th day a September, 1804, purruant to the afts of Patlia- int, granting a Duty on .fuch Certificates. - Name:, Additions, and Places of A&orc. Arden John, wine-merchant, Cherry Burton Ayre San'uel, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~ U For the BRAZILS, The new fast-sailing copper-sheathed {( -Ship VI G I L AN:T,, N- Captain F. C L I F F O R D, jun. Will be ready to take in Goods in a few days, apd sail for such port as the Merchants. Imay deem expedient to send-their goods to; and' will be succeeded by other copper-she4thled Vessels, suitable for the Tiade. JOHN BURSTALL. IHULL, Dedembei 24thj 1807. ForR1O DE 7AlNEIRO,; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l Meafurc of Limie. e n the OWNERS and OCCUPIERS 2;A~filS i, tir Oinifions of SOU TH and MID- L'd HA dODEgbisS, htld at the Old Sun, in jon, the 7thl May, 1S04. ISsA CSOL VED, ,it dppetr el -o tihe MKeitbng, ft r,. ! g ficribed in the Statute 1 tb l ; i- e proper 1ega1 BujJbi fbrr i lling 1iuie and Coals; whiics Biofliel is fj, fl.ojing dimetfions, t'iz * Eight inches j quarter deep; eighteen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0gECGAPlTULATION Or Ttli MOST REMARKABtLE OCCURRENCES DURING. THE YEAR 18C.3. CjfA UA7UfRY. A COUNTS received of thie final uliiojatgation 3- J of Switaeriand.-His Majel.v's Ptolclma- -i ;1 hijed. to prnhibit the taporttatiow of bread-corn from Great-Britain or Ireland to any other coutitry, wvifli eacepteirrnof maltand rice; and alfo of live rattle, F'eep, fwille, arid provifion, except to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fit 801LOMON's GUIDE TO ac of THISI* DAY5 IS IIJBLiIMISD, price nS. ,_ III orne volume, octavo, of Ilc;Lr 30os palo0 wih A ~~~elegant portrait Of thle AuthoP'Wal of (And may be had at the H-U L1. PACKET IDplE IA NEW EDITION (with Adhltions) of ti) IEWO HALTIH, or, ADVIU'J 10 ;it A .SFXFS, ina- varietyvfc.''s-~ S It the most simlple and efficacimis rernedie for to 'ies laich are treated ?? ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1tJLL GGN#,RAL' IN#1RMARy AtUGU7ST,7 180.. ?? :gpearbs to thie Boi'df e e pfsl ely ce ied jorr she pulrpe) f-rm theree f 1 Medical Gentlemen who attendekd 'taa ,pwards of 17,000 perfo 6 ve been inoctdated, °oao onn and elfewherejfor ike. CO. -POX; 4:hat there are very fubjtantial gr ounds to b i,, it is an efelual preventive againfi the Ssallap.P p: and it appearinga that the Poor mas reieve ...