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Advertisements & Notices

... , t0TnE .a l- ASTHMATIC AND CONSUMPTiVE a AND THOSE AFFECTUED WITH COUGHS AND COLDS. n M R L CUNDELL mofl: refpe6lfully informs the f Nobility, Gentry, and the public in general. of I . the unprecedented cures effeited through the admnini- f itration of his IMPROVED BALSAM OF HONEY, I wt which muft have afforded a happy fenfation to thofe c who have derived the benefit; and as the heft recom- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLAIR's SERMIONS, VOL. V. & LAST. This Da, is pi,,labfed, and /J ly b 1 A. BROWN, BookfBlBcr, B t1omer's Head, M Broadfrrcet, Aberdeen. . Bf .at z>, ( Pric:z 7s. in] bo: rds.) r IC e , t SERMONS By HUGH BLAIR, 1 D. D. &c. f T, srhihs ; I slsxed, afiort Aecesntfh oftve Life and Cbara/?er of te ?B A athoar, y JA .ES FINDLAYSON, D. D. T'his vohluie wvas prepared for the prefs, and a great Ir part ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P R E M I U ;M S ONV ARIOCUS ARTICLES OP SCOTTISI4 MANUFACTURE. T, rrttteas J , Fdil?r-, 3sw. l4eb, r8o3 ITHF Commfirtorrers and l rufices for Filherics. 2 . Ainufaeurcs, aned Infprovemerits in Scotlanrd, tiave retuired to give the folloving Premiums this year np:?tn tbre Articles under-rneritiont r, to be lodged at the orrafe of George Tilormon. their principal : clerk, No. :3, YVor' place, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSFMlBLYX, HT1-ERE will be an ASSEMBLY, at the N l W 1 INVN, on Tl'hiifday the ^Sth inflant. Dancitg to begki at 5 o'clock -, ufusl. AY CAR D. ISSES DRYSDALES, impretfed'with'a grate Slt ful fenof ther patronage with *vhich they have- 'becn honoured, thivk it their duty to announce The. return of Mijf Margaret Dr!yfdate, who for fome tin e One pait has becn ftludying.Elocution, Geography, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fI() LE's PIOCKET EDITTONS, Clt :!Ae inoi I:L'hcered and Popiular Works in the Eng- Fill Larsgrrage. including Tranflations ; the whole I; hUP~tEl.RI\Y EMBI3E.l.lS'iEll, . 'l'o 'carnP1zodatc the Virtuofo in En 1ellifhlinents, a;!d tihe Adiirers of beautiful Printing are T'bliflied, SUPrERIOR EDITIONS, Printed on VWovc V0el1lm Parc, and cont ining Por- trait, of the rtfpeclive Authors, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CABINET Ut? UPHOLSTERY WNARE-ROOM, M. nisetllt S-iaeo . 31 YTILLI AM BARTLET inforims his Frieods and V the Public, tihti he hbi-olened a Wvare Room in Mariftlhal Street, with a felet and fallijonalhe af- f.,rtnment of every article in the UPHOLSTERY ,. INE, which, in future, he iltends to carry on in all i. branche;, under the fuperintendance of experienced v',arkmnl . W. B. cannot omit this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ril CHARD!;'iC'N, , GOODLUCK, b' CO. Of GOEYHiLL s.7 Clf.1Rt,1G-C.IOS, ESPECTrITE.LY rcquellP Iave to recommend to i1 s' ' thcir friends and( the nublic in general, an early | sncl*i.fe in the prefent i.otrery, as it is pri numed the tl icltzkts will be nearly all fold beforc the Wheels go Y nivorl, which will advance the price confiderably.- ?? he Sciense is univei fally approve of', having ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5* I .a.,Sc-~ufJwn'D ^ ILANDS FORt lA r, Cqusnty of .'iebtYdcen, ald Dz'?rz9 of Giwiocb. Thireiwill he foid by public tanp of ] Wednefday the ?? of Jose next, in Andsrfo's llotel, Oeen- A-.reet, wsw;xt 6 and 7 afternoon, rrHE 'I OWX N & IANDS of OVER iDODDOMNt, I. M'15 of lODDOM, CRAMIEBAN!; COIDWEI LS, and C,1 RNlESTON, together with the MiLt. of BODDOM, and Multures thereof, lyinne within ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ilmlr t1Jf5 D:al).E , s S3FD BANK SHARE FOR SALE. h11 he exolofed to public roup, within the : Mr Goidon, vintner, New Inn, Aberdeen, x. ;- the hours of 6 and 7 o'clock, on Wednefday iitt xr! of February curt. I S I HOUSE oln the eaft fde of the 1ireet of C I.; Aberdeen, near the Crofs, belonging to the i the late Mr George Willox, and prefently - s' Mrs Mlitle; with the back Houtes, Clofc, S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDS FOR SAL.E. DyiriA7 oeJ ?? a ( Gav Do' Ateeldos. S'here will be Sold by public roup, on Friday the id of O&uber next, in Auderfon's Hotel. QOeen1 Street, 'Ewixt 6 and 7 ftcrnoon, in confequericc of an adjournment for that purpofe, rj' UE TOW1VY and LANDS of OVER BODDOM, I MAINS of BODDOM, CRAIGIEBANIC, COLDWELLS, and CAIRNIESTON, together with the MILL of Boddom and Mtilturces thereof, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A CAPiTA!' EAIMY TO DEC LET To b le ?? to at Whitssnuday first, for tuch nomber of years as -ii be agreved upon, 'J'HE barnsof INUDR~t R, Cin in the parish artce'ssty N1Basriff. Ti ami iutdwti ,sides of the town and hasbotir of Thrinl, IS of Mlactsifi, asiid about Li of I'ortsoy, to all which placts thee- i nos cay. by excellent nrn~pilke road-s. It consist', (with ccr alit ttdjoiuhi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~R~~i1~fr~s07Ttit coui-ry Or RomS (ie-h ?? Ia ite toe huncuril tao ilect site yosrry Ropresen. Clt~vi- in iParli'. s-so, ntistit, istacr nn s)e etie veha ;!I , tti.5 , tetiest '*tiOsin.In rity prosent i ltation. fitr rt:rnvtsvd frosn voa astd from nsy tative coisn- icy, the imopressions tire jttpotrtionaill deeper. 'if the amost 2ealous dliselsirge of myr rofir-sionai dsstics abroad, sssd the ...