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Portsmouth, Hampshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... N41VAL L `0RES- A' ;UTlION. (^'J1ARLES COOMlBES, Laboilrer,,refiding ;n the v Town of Porefie, .ras tbe 1a4*,8z A es, for hevvlihg hit hi;s .P9!/fljn a £+an~tit of Coer'Nal j, thb - ig's. Afltzk of thte iraredt A/~o w, and icendc to be tranfported for 1Fourteen Y1ats. - : --R iS'AVY OFFICE,2zsT JU'L+e,;18o CAUTfON AGAINST iMBEiZiLEMENTS. TOHNN HAGGER- 'ayd WILLIAM GRIF kiFIrTW4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTHAMPTON SAILING-MATCH. 'THE ANNUAL PRIZES, giveq.-hy G ao'ltot .RL HENRY Rdst, E. one of'the Reprefehtatives of- this Town, are to be SAILED for on SATURDAY, the zith of SepieibiSoi. N B. To Start, frorh the dufal Place, precifely at Eleven MAl1BLEDON,' iANTS. TO BE'SbLD BY PRIVATE 'C6NTRACT, A'.4D MA NTER'D on A A n ICK1UILT WINDI.MILL, with. A a Dwelling-Houfe ard a l arge Iake's Oven ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ICE is her~bby given, That all Berfonshav- lN ing any demands on H. and S. ABRAHAM, late of No. 7, Hawk7, reefa , Portfea, Will'opply at No. to, Little (George.4`eet, Minories, Lbndon, wherm' imlxediate atien- tioni vill 4e giv~en to t'heit dcairns. N. B. No L~tycr jvi1,e :received, unl¢el poR-paid. BOT lEY, HANT$. ?? TO BE SOL^D BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, AL L that comnmodius and' fwell1accufomed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . blity ?? ioa -of ?? em, fStiins, -rc'des &c. , ,Experiience lhs provieA the Mild ,ftiiuAtiing Power of p1es ctI.TEmof~ s.Esf, OF 'P S ~D: lls,.:andpi4 s ;.ever made known to the worl4, ,'off - havwing .liceeded''n; ?? o£jLfr-ejr, ten, 4 tther -eveafir1yYears -larsdinX after ererv other mean ha failed, -and-- it has' .bfoutelyt curedmore Patienfs'of ft -* [ above Comrplaints, than all the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD BY i'RIVATE CONTRACT. A Neac modern-bu'ilt ROUSE, fituat6 in Green Ak Road, near (jr~lhfea, within a few minutes Walk of tbie Thwns of Peoruinouth and Portfea; confifting of four parlours, four bed cijambers, -a kitchen and cellar; wafli- libufvead fable tached, withba largeG:rden. The Land c Tax is redeemed. The Premifes are Frtehoid, and com- Y mand extenfive land and lea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? . vtitce~ Mat'tyn WREL'`12 D -ifthis !tion.-r at tens o'dock in ?? heFP~ D to- &YU a tle .Pry.Offir-e, inl iis h1ejsr Yar, rer Pvrssex-sa,, fcvural Lots of OLD STORE$ Ct j s~r4(lid Coiswvr l ~pr t~f l O U.RP maFA .vt C:PS ?? P i aersz.T ?? *1 ~ J~;:riii~,&Fc. st'bett a,~y Persolis uriffljl to 6 F brorA j i~~t 'vrrr thersn tre 'working t-r ll b daj ?? %z e; Arnd a -,r Dejosie 6f %;L per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARISH- OF BILLEIGHEURST, Sssar.!. W, ANTI.ED insmediately, a fober, fteastvi7 and i m tindultrieuas MAN and his WI FE, (not havi,g nd more tfa~l two cnilidren, but more agreeable without an. ) * to fuperintend the managemuellnt of the Family in the Poor- ts houreu. 3or particular. aubly to Mr. John Towfe, Over- tle ieer of the laid Pari h.-'dirirnghtirft, Sept 2.4, 1So3. of LL Perfons having ...

Advertisements & Notices

... h 0IG oie Security - C fu ' * XNone' are genuine, without lsving SA Liverpool,' engraved in the Ramp: aiid Ten P - cRwdrd, for every bottle fold 'withoutn a 4lanb t S paid one corivicoli° under Aa of Paiart4imen th' Geo. Ill. ClI. i6. before any Jultice of the Peace heP f Dr. SOLOMON's FORDIAL BALM OF GI -fE .invraluasble reftckrative ftas'beirt admitn0; T ?? . ipvate praIgice, with the ...

GOSPORT. -.n.-'X.' TO SE SOLD VAT E CONTRACT, * A HOUSE, fituate in Middle-ftreet, adjoining the Bali’s Head, ..

... the occ«|)ation of Ur, RcUward, and fereral Buildings fituate behind the tre, that may, at a expence, made into font Dwelling-houfes; with a Piece of Ground adjoining .the fame', the whole is leafehold for 40 years, of which are unexpired, and is. free from any rent or outgoings, except the Lind Tax, the rent or outgoings being paid by the original Lefle. • further particulars may known by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BR! :f'lISH FIRE:-OFICE, LONDGNJ ?? Ce *fzSTABLISUP,1) for the Iilurante oi- iiru' f . Bltidines,, Ianufa A rie, Goods ,,aqd .ivfrcha4d2e- oL ?4iip; Y ~i'lel;,:Berges, and every kind- ot Cratt, wiejll *n lreir riglit, .arge and j1ores, inaey h-ibour, ttver, 4 otI ;,iiny\ a.getion Far~nnngj~tqck, and-all oth r prop-ra, . ?? d+mal by Fire ?? pd~aro i..reast Brlttaoi g z The Urectors h.hve e-,er ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Byr Deireof.CAPTAIN PRICE, And tbe OfficerS reurniedfrc.e *be Garrifin of.marcou. THEATgE, GOSP,O RT.- ' (-N MONDAY, May 2+, xgO2, his Majefiles. Servants wilt Perform the new Comedy -o'f LIBERAt OPINIONs.' OR9 THE SCHOOL FOR, ,REJUD1CE. After which a Farce called THE FAIT HPUL IMRISMIAN; .OR HONEST THIEVEs. The heatre will continie Open every. Ev'eninF. BY DESIRE OF The OFFICERS of. the Royal ...