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Advertisements & Notices

... a new work, ettitled TH-E BRITISH TREAT RE; or, Ace- a Colleiron bi I'laysiwhich are a'ted at the theatres l' ot Royal, Drury' Lane, Covent 'Garden, and -aymarket. - the Printed under -the authority and by permiftion ofthe ?? I tile Managers from the-prompt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... continued Weekly) of h new Work, entitled HE BRITISH ?? HEATRE. or, a C9, L ledtion of Plays, lshich are a&ed at the Thma Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden, and Havmaftq Printed under the Authority and by Perrniffion of thr Managers from the Prompt Books. With ...

Advertisements & Notices

... continued Weekly,) of a tew \5r entitled, 'THE BRITISH THEATRE; or-aC TLleaion of Plays, -hich are acfed at tha' atres Royal Drury Lane, Covent Garden, and . market. Printed under the Authority and. bop nifflitan of the Managers from the Prompt 5n With Bi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of o ther Theatre He has alfo been favoured antfcript CopiesIof all the new and popular i hcrnmed at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane CaVP t Garden, which will- be brought forward GĀ°Cear'r of the Seafon; and as every Effort will Ihe to inertS othatin, he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... has alfo been favoured U with Maiinfcript Copies of all the new and :popular uf Pieces performed at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane W and Covent Garden, which will be brought fotward H in the Courfe of the Seafon; anid as every Effort will gi be exerted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of SANDY. AND BLOSSOM. To which will be added, the Comic Farce of AsTHE MERRY MOURNERS. Asperformed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, with univerfal Approbation. The Doors to be opened at Six o'Clock, and to begin precifely at Seven.~-The Entrance to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dibdin, ilook, and others. The entert.tilnaeint has beenarranged and revised by Mr. Colmarn. The Songs (which Mr. Blond, of Drury Lane Theatre, Vill accompany on the Piano, z'ortc) are cornposed by Ddessr3. Dibdenaid Reeve. The ?? will be opened at seven ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IHlok. alid othor-. The'whle. entcrtainmenut as 2,o arraim'ed a-il rc'io-ld by Mr. Coloin. rho Swirs (xs hi-h Mr. Iond, of Drury Lane Theatre, a ' It :accomspaiy oin the Piano Forte) are cumpoued by Di ,-ssrs. n hden and leeve. :; Isoors ic ill be opes'ned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For Invca!ida oef tsb Sexes. Sold, Wholefale and Retail, at the Proprietor's Warehoufe, No. x3, Brydges Street, oppofite Drury Lane Theatre; and at Ward's, No. 324, Holborn, London; and Retail by Mrs. Jones, at the Pr-inting Office, adjoining the New Market ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and exhilarates the fpirits. r Sold wholeiale and retail at the proprietor's ware- houfe, No. 13, Brydges-fireet, oppofite Drury-lane Theatre, and. by Ward, No. U4, Holborn, Londori; .and retail by Mrs. Jones,.at the Printing Office, ad-. i joining the Newv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -.-Hariiott's Stiuisggles througllI Life-He- riott's' C ?? Travelling Recrnations. i Theatrical Recorder-Covent-galrden-Drury-lane. Poetry-The Shipwreck, Sonnets, 8cc. Tranafautionu of Learned and Economical Sorieties- Royal Society of London-Royal Academy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MON.D.1AY; Februhry 15, 180S, will bc pre. / seoterd, tle grand Melnb Dramie of As now performin g at the 'Tiearri& Royal, Drury-Lane, -@ith unboumled applause. To which %will be added thc interlude oA the *AtOlt. OF GARRAT. In the course of the Evening ...