Advertisements & Notices

... tranflated by Bensjasin Tbonpmfn, Efq. contain- ing the STRANGER, a Play, in five Als, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane i from the German of AUGUSTUS VON KOTZEBUE. On the ait of February will be published No. II. which will contain the Tragedy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mifs TowNsivrii. N. B. The above Romance is brought forward with In; entire new Scenery and Drefihs, after- the manner of, Drury-Lane. The Scenery by Mefirs. BANKs and' r CLARSC. The Decorations by Mr. HAavy. -I This Piece will be performed ievery Efening ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Two Ae5, called BLUE BEARD;. o,-, FEALE CLURIosIrr. As perforined upwards of One Hundred Nfights at the Theatre-REoyal, Drury-Lane. WAh New Scenery and Machinery, * Painted by Mr. MICHELL. New Drefe., - and appropriate Decorations, The Original Overtures ...

DERBY CANAL. t TF_K I'Ot'NDh lUWmKO. WHF.RI.AS on Wi:ONbS»AV rh. a^th Jan. laft, i amt ptr'.-m cr perl ..

... of PIZARRO. A cied night af cr night to the moll croud-d H.vfc, J and with un_.ov.nded app. aufe, atthe Theatre Kiev, l, -Drury.Lane, and honoured hy the command :.nd warmeft approbation of his M.ijtllv, at that Theatre, attar an abfence of many > em. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CABINET, - ' Reprefenthig an Emblematic Tranfpaxent Painting, u executed by Mleffis. BAN;sS and CLARrE, of-the SIhaetre Royal Drury-Lane. 'The Song- Little Ifland, by Mr4-ATTo0.. Hulting Song, by Mr. BARxsNrr. he With tle Farce of f THE JEW AND THE DOC;TOR ...

C bcatre^l&opal

... C bcatre^l&opal j. C O N D NIGHT. The' thaced't of p I Z A R. R. O. , -the 'I i.eatre Royal, Drury Lane, taken from r ;.Y fii ?? and adapted to the English Stage, By R. B. SHERIDAN, Esq. strand Magnificent Scenery, Dresses, and l Decorations. L Coe ...

,-;■:■ jf •>

... of Edinburgh, Hereafter oF Goodge Street, then of Gresse Street, after- wards'of Broad Court, and theri of Cross Court, Drury Lane, London, in which last place she died, will apply to James Robb, writer, at Mrs Rhind's, head of Leith Wynd, they will ...

WINDU L A1w. i J)sy

... Oc- tavo, 0So. fewed. This day is publilhed, price as 6d. A NTONrO, a Tragedy; as it was performed at 1 the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane. By WILLIAMNl GODWIN. Printed for G. G. and T. Robinfon, z5, Paternofcer-row. O f whom may be had,hy the fame Author, r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PasT0aeLLL-A N'oniLE. Anew'Ballet is in preparation and ?? be produced next W ee. Vivant Rex ct Rcgina. )f - e h' THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. Ths Eening, their Majefties Servants will perfrmn' A l'RIP to SCARBOROUGH. n After which, (7th time) a new cdmic Opera' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gtiuine., This Day is publilhed, TIIE VETERAN TAIR , a Comic Opera, in Two TiL AIdts, as perfornaed at the Theatre-Roy-l, Drury-lane, By S. S. ARNOLD, Jun. The rnuflic compocfd by Dr.. Arxoro. Printed and publifled by 3. Barker, -Dramatic Repofitory, Great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sodj a, -Co., CtitletiS acriJ S'~Jiso-td 1Ph t' \5al 'Ii ufetiseui. LOT a RieNI.f lb 1 ie i tt the Theaitre Rboyald, II Drury-Lane, for at teens of I 'ine'-fti-e- sC'TU`s, pVen(_iIciug15 fhsilhugsg, and filseeice cvi sy tine 'of e~lir1 ?? or I-IiiC ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... principal Vocal Performcrcs.-Madamae Mara, Mifs Martyr (firft pcrformance), and Mrs. Mountain; Mr.I'. Wel~h (latt taftcr Wclh of Drury-lane Theatre), Mr. Vaughan, Mafter Ki.3t..r dirl ?? - lM.r- Smith. and Mr. Nield. Leader of the Band, Mr.' Salomon ; Couduccor ...