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WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A YOUNG MAN ?? an Affiftant in tbe IJnen- drapery Bufinefs. None need apply but who can be

... »°*** Il!s: X i Attorni s, . T fc» wiß be no more aeter.rfrf^ At the King's Head, in Richmond, oh Thurf theatre-royal; drury-lane. THIS DAY IS PtIBLISBEp, »RICB TWO IHIMIN6S AN D MXf ENC X, / DEAF AND DUMB; ?? ,°«» . THE ORPHAN PROTECTED, An Hiiiorical ...

Published: Saturday 21 March 1801
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11612 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

BANK of ENGLAND. THt COURT of DIRECTORS ofthe GOVERNOR and COMPANY of the BANK of ENGLAND, give Notice, (bat tbe

... Hifto- rical Drama, (never acted bete) called DEAF anfl DUMB % Or, The Orpfctn Proteftefl. At performed at tbc Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, with uncommon Reception. Witb New Scenery, ?? in Aft Fiift, tbe City of Tbouloufe, in France, with the F.ridgCfr-Alfe New ...

Published: Monday 22 June 1801
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16888 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

DOGS: Wanted to Purchafe, A B M C t,L°/^ MAI - L POINTERS, t ,-?V£*° VGH ?? ■ to **

... n of Dr. HAGUE, ProfefTor of Mufic in the Univerfity of Cambridge. tbe Vocal Part by Mifs DE CAMP, Of the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane. Leader Of the Band— Dr. HAGUE. PART I. Grand S-jm.—Hajdn. Piano Forte Leflbn— Mafter CAMIDGE. SONG.- . Duetto for Two Violins ...

Published: Saturday 05 September 1801
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8814 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

-g RUN AWAY, Od SATrabAY Evrsmc, the Ni K ?? NT * of Jv. September laft, From hls-fljfe, Mr If

... Poultry, ar.d fold by all the BookfeUers in To*n _nd Country. Thefe Volumes contain as under : The Strarrtr, as a .led at Drury-Lane Theatre; Pizarro; Twer's Vo-wi ; Cnnt Benyotv/ly ; Indian tnVt, ; RnlU, or tbt Virgin of tbe Snr; Deaf and Dumb- Adelaide ...

Published: Saturday 03 October 1801
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12569 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... His Royal High'nefs, whofe fervant then was.— This took place at the Opera Houfe, in the Haymarket, then occupied by the Drury-lane Company, where Sam appeared, in the appropriate character Hercules and hbigem'st. ...

NEW MUSIC, And Musical Instruments. If PORTER begs Leave to inform his Friends and u% the Pubtic, That he has

... Jarman. After ivbicb, a Ne-w Mufical Piece, never aSedbtre, called A HOUSE to be SOLD. (As performed at the Tbeaire-Royai, Drury Lane, ivith arced Applaufe.— The Mufic by Mr. Kelly.) Captain Kelfon, Mr. Carr; Charles Kelfon, Mr. Melvin; Beffirid, Mr. Wakot ...

Published: Monday 13 June 1803
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 19196 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

EDUCATION-- DONCASTER. TTERMS of Mr. FALCONAR's Claftical, Com- -1 i'.ti an-i Mathematical SCHOOL for ..

... Leeds. FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY. By Permission of the Worshipful the Mjtor. Mrs. MOUNTAIN, (Principal Singer of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane,) WILL prefent an entirely nouvelle Species of Entertainment (never yet attempted by any Female) written exprefsly for the ...

Published: Monday 09 July 1804
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 17489 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

MUSIC- HALL, Albion Street, Leeds. MRS. MOUNTAIN, principal Singer of the Theatre R.-.y -1, Drury Lane, brgs ..

... MUSIC- HALL, Albion Street, Leeds. MRS. MOUNTAIN, principal Singer of the Theatre R.-.y -1, Drury Lane, brgs Lta.e to inform the Ladic and Gentlemen, &c. of Leeds, that having (through l'everc Indiipofnion) hem prevented the Pleafure oi performing according ...

Published: Monday 03 September 1804
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16761 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

WHEREAS by an Order of the Right Honou- ra'oi- Jo. in Loro I'.ldun, Lord High Chancellor of fir. at Britain,

... will perform a New Mufical DRAMA, calicd, THE WIFE OF TWO HUSBANDS. (A, performed near Sixty Nights at the Theatre-Royal, Drury Lane, tvith the greatefl Applaufe and Approbation.) With New Music, Scenes y, &c. To -which -will be added, a Ne-w Muf cal Farce ...

Published: Monday 10 September 1804
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16513 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

PRIVATE EDUCATION. THE Rcv.WM. HORTON, A.M. (a married Clergyman of the eftabhfhcd Church,) begs to acquaint ..

... Servants wUlperform,iftT_ir.. herr the celebrated new Comedy, (written by G. Co'man F.f and performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane, withun, remitted Plaudits of Approbation,) cailed WHO WANTS A GUINEA > Or, The IRISH YORK SHI REMAN End of the i Play, ...

Published: Monday 08 July 1805
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 17900 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

EDUCATION. ■• THE Rev. JOHN WILSON, Curate of Bon-fall, in Craven, propofes to admit a limited Number of Pupil* ..

... Auguft sth, iSo..* their Majefties' Servants will perform a PLAY m.d FARCE, in which Mifs DECAMP, of the Theatre Royi.. Drury-Lane, will make her Firft Appearance on th.sSt-\g- . io Twoprincipal Charad ers . 15* Ine Prices on this Qcca£cn, — Boxe* 4__— ...

Published: Monday 29 July 1805
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16477 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

mains* &c. -TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS.— WWTED immerliatelv, an APPREN- TICE toa CHYMISI' and DRUGGIST, in a ..

... (for the first time) a Comic Opera, in ■ two Acts;, called YOUTH, LOVE* AND FOLLY. ( At performing at the Theatre? Royal, Drury-Lane, taith. distinguished tucctts./- Baron de Briaucourt, Mr. Williams; Louis de Linval, Mr. D'Arcy; lioriiuond, Mr. Melvin; ...

Published: Saturday 05 April 1806
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14256 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds