Advertisements & Notices

... Hunter, successor to Mr. Johnson, St. Paul's ; Churcli-yard. sea In one volume, post 8vo. price 6s, boards, ,r-1 E OEM S. BY JOHN KEATS. a1 ~What saore felicity can f1ll to creature. pe Than to enjoy delight with liberry.-SrrNSER. -l- Fate of the Buttesfly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... llivingtons, St. Pau2l's Church- yard ; and may be had of all other Booksellers. In post Sva, price 6s. hoards, POEMS. By JOHN KEATS. I What more felicitv.can fall ta creature, Than to enjoy deligh.t with liberty ?' Spenser-Fate of the Butterfly. Also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Spot where their Remains lave been interred. Price 4s. In 8vo. price 9s. in boards, lV NDYMION; a POETIC ROMANCE.- By JOHN KEATS. The stretched metre of an antique Song. London printed fr Taylor and Hessey, 95, Fleet-street. 4 Price two guineas in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... choseh if he had written in English, and in a later day. HEdinburght Ravievi, No.58. SxwYrmiov a Poetic I1oniance. By John Keats. Hand- sonmely printed id Svo. price 6s. boards. ' The IDENTITY of JtSymms with a Dxser.cunsisnrD LIVING CHA- AACTZM established ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hessey, 93, Fleet-street; of whom may be had just published, LAMIA, ISABELLA, the EVE OF ST. AGNES, and other Poems. By John Keats, Author of Endymion. By B. J. Holdswvorth, 18 (South Side), St. Paul's Church-vard, A HISTORY of INTOLERANCE ; with Ob- ...

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... Hessey, 93, Fleet-street; of whom may be had just published LANSIr, IsKExLLA, the hvE of ST. A asEs, arid other Poems. By John Keats, Author of Endymnion. By B.J. Holdsworth, 18 (South Side), St. Paul's Church-yard, A HISTORY of INTOLERANCE; with Ob ...

idOktS ?? TIS bA. tO

... Soui, iS7, Piccadilly. In foolscap 8vo. price 7s. 6d. boards, LAMIA ISABELLA, the EVE of ST. AGNES, and other Poems; By JOHN KEATS, Author of Endymion. Printed for Taylor and Hessey, 93, Fleet-street. On Monday will be published, in 8vo. containing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hessey, 93, Fleet-street; of whom J mnay be bad jtust published, LAMIA, Is4rELLA, the EVE OF ST. A oaSEs, and other Poems. By John Keats, Author of Endymion. On Wednesday next, A HE PROTOCOL; or, Selections from a Red l 1 Box, found in the Neighbourhood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bond-stveet.', In foolscap Sio.'price 7s. Gld. Ioars's, I AMIA ISABEL'3LtA the EVE of ST. AG'NgS, L apd other Poems. B' JOHN KEATS, Author of Enldymion. Printed for Taylor and Messey, 95, Fleet-street. Prl4.yd. Sed d Jesse Foot s, C ASES of the Succegsful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... be published9 by Taylor and Hessey, Flcet.- 'street, T AMIA, ISAI3ELLA, The EVE of ST, AG- JU NES, and other Poems. By, JOHN KEATS, Author of 1 Endymtion. !. S4V'RXD Lmxsuz; or, Poems on Religious Subjects. By the -1 ev. 'Francs Hodgson, A..M. Vicar ...


... 93, Fleet-street. 11 In foolscap 8vo. price 7s. 6d. in boards, AMIA ISABELLAS The EVE of ST. AGNES, andoth eroPoems. By JOHN KEATS, Au- tbor of '4Entlyrion. ' These Poems have nothing showy, or extravagant, or ec- L centric about them; but are pieces ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and other POEMS.-ByJOHN KEATS, Author of Endymion, Foolseap Svo. price 7s. 6d. boards. ENDY3sION: A Poetic Rnmance.-By John Keats, handsome. ly printed in 8vo, price Ds.boards. (Extract from the Quarteily Review, No. 37.) If any oes should he bold ...