... la Y repeatedly without effea, they burft it open, t and, after fome refearch, found the unhappy a Lady dead in the back kitchen, with feveral marks of favage v!iolence on her body, and her mouth flopped with an handkerchief. The t Lhoufe was plundered ...

!TO FARMERS, &c. TT' iRMERS and Others may be fupplied wirh SOUND SEED £ POTATOES deliverable at Leith, by applying

... vicinity of Glasgow, cither for the sale of nursery, or for a fruit and kit- chen garden. The house consists of four rooms and a kitchen, with other convcr.ienries, new and neatly linished, and might, in connec- tion with the garden, be occupied to great advantage ...


... ilet in the Borough, sonl they law &1iddletsn in t ie Street, jait at before they came to the door. Upon going into the at kitchen, they found H ker, and another perfon called an Gallo~pin~g Dick. T hey refilted every attempt of the as, officers to take ...


... dinner; and it appears that witneisa having mentioned what lie obtlerved to Mit's Rasines tr! and Tmirs Leefoss, 'went into the kitchen and corn- li( nisoncatnd it to Mils; Gregory, who immediately it went up' flairs, and, as before lisated3 went in fearcla ...


... the prifoner; that on Saturday the 3d of May laft, between eight and nine o'clock in the evening, his maiter came into the kitchen, ordered him to get his (upper, and go home, for lie wanted the family to go to bed. He accord- ingly went home, and returned ...

r los -p. , ?? -th. betwixt the h. i.l of Pre - ?? 7:i ! ?? little : bove

... bed-room and liitclicii furniture. l,ting-Klasses: feather beds, r::i:re77,f7 -;7.7 anil Scot, bl7 nke't's, carpets, a gaol kitchen Tick, an cu-l.t day clock, a month ditto, ?? clirveetal, and stone ware. tt. B. -I'herc ?? alsi be sold. Two Fields of Barley ...


... that on.Saturday, the 3d of May laft, betweeni eight th5 zreal nine o'clock in the evening, his mailer came into faic the kitchen, ordered him to get his fupper, and go lett home ; (he flep t in the town, not, in Mlr. Mledhurft's 'hall houfey,! IZar he ...

NEWCASTLE, August 16

... pazed or forced open the door leading into the front-kitchen, and the noife occafioned by the fall of forne part of the frame of the door, awaked the under-butlcr, who flept not far from the kitchen, rnd who came immediately to the fpot. l-he reft.of the ...

jwjJngtT! of ■rEttin&ntsji* t-.-he dilfeient Erarich'es of Ednca- ;''• .Vencd th-r ensuing S-aV. la as iol- ..

... necessary for ,i, cring j Count Romford's Kitcoens, and a Sample of his Roast- ) I A ?? Digester,, and of Count Rumford's j Kitchens upon a small scale, for tile use of private fa- Hous. •» furnished' with all sorts of Carron and Iron- ORKNT.Y AND SHETLAND ...


... nine'her mafter returnd'e, bui prvious, to .this her miffrefs had gone up ?? tioler roon. 'On his 'eturn he came into the kitchen, where the witnef& was, a0d-after mendoning ±hat, heard ,thli&ueafcd hadbeen drunk in the afternoor4 reproved -her very, feverely ...


... gift 'of the ,iaoip of London. * Sindal' morning, at- his Houfe in Pimlico, Mr. Tohu Luke, 4Wfatei Scowercrrn his Majefty'i Kitchen; he was takcn ill on .Tuef'da laft. STOCK EXCHYNGE. Fank Stock . . Imp. Annuitics , per Ct. Red. 564t I Irilh . per Cent ...


... which witness gave to Johh M'Neil, who de- ir sired him to keep the cloth for his trouble. The wit- ness theri.eehit into his kitchen, and John M'Neil . came to him and desired him not to stir till he came back, as he was going one. He returned again in ai- ...