... resting-place Shalt thou retire al]me, nor couldst thou wish Couch more magnificent. Thou shalt lie down Wilth patriarchs of the infant world-with kings, The powerful of the earth, the wise, the good- Fair forms, and hoary seers of ages past- All in (me mighty ...


... TO AN INFANT. Al, cease thy tcars and sobs, my little life! I did but snatch nway the unclasped knife. Some safer toy will soon arrest thine eye, Arid to, quick laughter change this peevish cry. Poor shmbler on the rocky coast of wo, Tutored by pain each ...


... TO TIlE INFANT PRlINCESS ROYAL. 'Velomee, hnid lieside the rose, Otn *liiie stelrn oiir safety grons; Wilelcnome title SaxoIn (Goclph - Welcome for thine mon rntoall self; M dcl ome for thy fathltr, mather, IProud the one, and safe tile other Welcome ...


... Original. TO THE INFANT LYRMt l Art thou indeed of earth? or say, from heaven TO wieary mortals for a season given, Say, hast thou left thy starry mansion bright; l Elysiun blessed of supreme delight,S To lure, with seraph form and witching lay, Arsd ...


... virulence in Scotland, and especially ill Glasgow, where the mortality is very great. In London, however, the malady does not appear make progress, though the outbreak of the disease at the infant pauper establishment at Tooting shows that there are elements ...


... OEIRY. I., P E R , EI ON THE DEATH- OF AN INFANT. Oh who can tell a parent's heart, Or what afatherfeels, When slow but sure the hand of death Upon his infant steals He' sees the sad appealing eye, Whieh vainly seeks relief, And turns to hide the gathering ...


... POETRY. A MOTHER'S ADDRESS TO HER DYING INFANT. Written byt Mfehetafel Kt8Y4', Tender softness! inrant mild! Perfect, purest, brightest child! Transient lustre! beauteous Clay! Smiling wonder of a day! Ere the last convulsive start Rends tly unresisting ...


... POETRY. 1ELL E N. A SKETCH. lh! i fair and beautiful the promise shone Of excellecel onl Ellen's infant brow; Not in a blaze of splendour-but so calm, Lik to the first rav of the morning sun, ALik tild harbinger of glorious day:- Anmid there ges ?? in ...


... vottrlr. LINES. ON' IlE DEATHi OF AN INFlNT. Thy infant form so lovely and so meek, Those e es that bealled' with chl ?? Me's joyous I i li-01, 'I'lTat wk of' innocence, and smiling cheek, }lave lel't temptatiolns glitt'riag scne--the earth. 'l'lioej' ...


... ed years, On thy sinking spirit 4ie, Mocking ali.thy hopes and fears, Chl d of friil mortality ? Pause thee, theib and inark the ground Sacred to a dcapt'l sway , Infant age and thought profound, Here nustequaa tributerpay. IDosi thou, on life's slippery ...


... foud, foolish boy- Unchanged a woman's heart could love. To me she seemed as pure and bright As angels in an infant's dream: Ahd why do mortals trust to sight, Or think such forms are what they seem ? Why do the sweets of life decay And leave the hapless ...


... Heaven, and Heaven's God adoring ! And who can tell what visions high ?? bless an infant's sleeping eye ? What brighter throne can brightness find To reign on than an infant's mind, n Ere sin destroy, ere error dim, ti The glory of the Seraphim ? fi Oh I ...