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9 .rf . ..I ... in- »■« w .. brasion the e!e£Uon of Lord Milton, one of the reiiteloiitatiTeJ of

... from the city ol Wellmrnflei let us look the county of Middlefex—that county, in which is the feat of government. Byng. true Whig, a friend to eonrtnutlomd liberty, ha* there been elefted to a Sir ChViOnphei Bayne*.agen* tlenie.i of whom we know nothing ...

wwMtfie fiend* ol war fwift to bathe (tame. And Mar* break* hi* iron car, And baa lance Fame; boot the

... Petion at their head,.to afeerdia the realon Chriflophe's advance. The troops met about three leagues from Port-an-Prihee, whig) Ghiiftophe's advanced guard was ordered Petion in perfon lo hall. General BaifTr, who commanded Chrifiopbe'a advanced tat'i} ...

Travelling Companions —[t may be in- formation to thofe who at this feafon_are trayelling over every part of ..

... WHITES * was so;information filed by = ney. Genera R- the she’ ae whom the latter the proprietor of ¢ he the Independent. Whig, for--pablifh 17th and 2atb of January in't bat ngabe trial by jury, end whe nite vas ‘ The libele-wete fer the record’ - ttoruey ...


... of my Noble Friend who fits near me, lay a few words upon the ohjeA of this meeting. are met to commemorate iheeleßion of a Whig Member lor this great county, but 1 (hall indulge in no obfetvarions calculated to' revive thofe aniinoftties to which the ...


... fervants, from w hence he: fled in an open boat to- and furrendered to Sir Hew Dalrvmple. Nit White, the ri ter of the Independent Whig, now in confinemient an Dorchefter gaol, tor a libel publithed-in Loadon, has declared his. in- fention of Appealing ¢ ‘o the ...

Iti tlh .nOID BY AUDI lON,

... the other a tall Mar, fwarthy Wace, had’ on Boors and Spurs, ¢hort blair, Coat much the tame. anda bad 4), one bav Horte with whig-ow lev Face, and the ‘a brewo Harie, borb hav- ing the Appeattinde of Hacks. “They left Richmond there he Afterndadli of of ...

V far flvrir respecting Ferdinand.— conchuioD, Mr WhUbrcad mirVnl iLb*** |lw> monafcb. 1 wd A’Sllxrwt. which ..

... obev the people’s voice, and consult the na- tional interests. would iudee.l be perfectly ; idle conceal the feet, that the Whigs, the professed friends of the people, have now descilcd them, as they did in Walpole’s time. A few, '■ and only a few. staunch ...

BOX APA R TITS SPEECH THE CHAMP DE •* They can but say was a King•• They cannot call fool,

... feelings were much heightened the uoliou tliat he was now appearing in his firstand most brilliant character, the true friend of Whig principles,, unembarrassed any men or any measures which might impede him in his honourable Ctreer. His Lordship’s arguments ...


... acted Whitbread was neither a Wing nor Burdettite—he all the Whig buteettfae Whig Party. He acknowledged most of tbe Bunlrttite Prut, dpies, but not tbe Burdettite Flirty. He differed from tbe Whigs and Bordett, because was a friend a Re- VMUH9 **i> FuauastEsi ...

RETIIOSPBCr LAST WEEKS NEWS. * Tbcatoinct «i)d tai»f of «1k l,o^^ ße. Particulars attending the Surrender rf ..

... removing toe source of ■ that have flowed ftamlhat cmwtiy upon the world, inrist the total dimohiUmt the ISSine Vrenrii army * Whig detcreuned, intlic event rfmmStion on the put of Uavr.ust. Suchet, tWl.aad toeSto leaders of toe beyond the Loire, to en• foree ...


... sitting, viz., iiie 6th am! deysof December, and the Islli day of January will live ut Icaat prior to the day which they intend whig before th** comrrJasioiters, wio iiie Dan kin House, in • y fitntenr)ent coutahdrtg the lurticulars and nmounts of their ...