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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... Anuchlarid's 1 riumpli, or 'lThe tall- of Crtr'i C'9J.-;AInf, fpeedily will be publilfied, An f0eth to Bonaparte;r and tli Whig Club, to Charles Fox, in initatinre'l Horace. T his E ay i.s pobliihed, price zs. No. 8a, of 'THE REPE'WW'RY of ARTS and MIANU- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... und dlattershlinfelf -Le 7py ddepend ssln tihe continua of thcir b&tuct;PV~tss. . t B'H~WIG CLUB. rTiHE next Meeting of the WHIG -CLTJt will be on Tuefday the x4th of April, at tfie Ffeema-fon's tavern, Great Queen-farcet, Lincoln's ln-fields. CHARLES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A N. B. T'heDoors tobe optdirdat ten o'clock'; and the Supper 1 Rooms at one, at 5s. each perfbn. HIE next Meeting of the WHIG-CLUB will be tci on Toefday the 14tl of April. at the Freesnafon's Tavern, Great QS &en-ftreet, Linecolr:'s Irn'fields. G CHARLES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ka- A4 - ent Refiriiig Stave, to he he--n its ule uveryda.(!~ i Al. . CW1 npkta$t of Ove 1htlh Covers, L -WHIG CLU. qJT ext Meeting of the WHIG-C.LUB- MITI be .LPMORROW, at the Frcemnafvn's Tavern, Great. Q~ucen-ftrcct~ Lincohl's Innr-fitifds. * CHIARLES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pei ?? of MIefrs. Boglc, lFrench, Bdtodc, ;I Cagsifigi a, Ohd-L'toaci-ijccbt . ait1 Apmril5 aloe. . i' efr WHIG CLUB. &nle ]FI-l lE ?? -of the WHIG CLTJB Nvill, be tived4 onfl Tl'Osoy, the,,th of May, at the Freemaafn'sTavei~n, O i rcat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d: ?? ged fole tholte 1*v ho vis E -her to wait 40-on ~c~ttrs) post paid: mediate3r attondulsd to. THF next Meefin# of thn WHIG-CLUB will be onT-) I' SnAY, the 5th IoF May, at the Freeiitfori s 'avero. Great Q-Ce-ltrerzt;tircolns.L 'Pii u llon. CI-IARJL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Commlittee arc rcqucftei to mlext atelevens, JO}IN MII.LS F.VANS,. - Cless to the Corp. g p WIUG10 CLUB. H . next Medting of the W-HIG CLUB will be. . To-MoRltcOW at' the Freemaflon's Tavern, Grecat ?? -: 'The Hon, CHARLES JAMES FOX in the Chair. ST EWA ItDs ...


... to the meeting, and. faid it was the chief-, nay, the fole honour to which he: afpired, to defhrve the good opinion of the Whigs of England. The health of Earl THAN ET being drank, Farl THANET, after returning his thanks foT the ho-- imowr, faid that he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ioI6., atl I~.d anlby Npintmcct at ir. Aakfiigoj'k ?? and X~6,4dlopfgte~tr~egirouf Mr 4i wy, Yolk It Ir. GihidI~ Chyinjftasd WHIG CLUB. ?? Next Meeting of the WHMIG CLUB will be on Tuefday, the ad of June, at the Loundon Tii~ern, Bifhopfgate.1treet. Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... place m~lay lie hasl,-lhia L a Y'sScow Ea th- i 5 fr takviss hctafe out of Suit, d~ui, 's'cej Clot}, &i.a WHIG 'CLUB. j''HE :Next Meeting of the WHIG CLU'B Ni6i be on T7iefday, the 'ad of une attile London Tatvern, BtiopfgateF reeti Mr. Alderm. IlO MBE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... petc O~~er; an ?? Fof Mroo roo, at tl Box o intl~eIl~tec, w Wcr e IIXIC5 (j ?? l E k XVH1IG. CLUB. '[IHE Next Meeting of the WHIG CLUB will .be TO-MORROW, at the London rTavern, Bifhopfgate- ltreet, Mr. Aldermna.i COMBE, M. P. in tlse Chair. STEWARDS. The' ...


... long pa- negyric on the loyalty of the friil gentlemen who fap- ported the Bill, and on the merits of the Bill itfelf. After whigh. the queftion was, put, that it do pafs, which was agreea to without a divifion. Mr. Gao. PoveSONBY rofe to ali a--fe-I v ...