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FAMILY WHISKEY. Reflified pare MALT SPIRITS, engaged to hear 7 waters, at 7*. W- g=Uon—fold .Ifowherc at 95. 9^ ..

... 7*. W- g=Uon—fold .Ifowherc at 95. 9^- DUFFfcY, 43, Caftic-flrcet, moft refpeftfully ir.fornif the nohility, gentry, his friends and puUic, he is cxtcnfively afibrtcd willi wtll*choico llock the above, purchased for ready money, which enables liitn to ...

Published: Wednesday 30 June 1802
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1359 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

TUESDAY OctoBER 19, 1802

... Of this number two died in confequence of bad treatment before they came to the Hofpital; two others died of a fever, and one without any apparent caufe. In January, February, March, 1802, 435 were delivered.; of this number one died : !he had eaten food ...

Published: Tuesday 19 October 1802
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 4069 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

■ 1 , . '' • •übltc. will mc» ‘its reward,, by «wr young fa* . hi>!.'■.*** ho«tfe Htt- petlormince

... hitharto oftfered to the public. . M. B. The Shakfoeare Oallery, and the parts • wf the Mdfcunt, tiU 4 each day. r -'- ■ * t«r‘y' great saving. TT*OR •uMtalt it (fee ftippcr at fat to fi » New rtencfa Plumt, i.« fmaU tone*, to>(* qtntity tint aw» cw»« to natfact ...

Published: Thursday 03 March 1803
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 908 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

crrY'O* tunis. w , MtfSEUM, No. 9. _ ♦The public are rtfpeA6dly Informed, that die p*** rations the Great Room,

... Wateis, To be bad the old eftablifocd Grocery Warehoufe, s6, MaryWbbey, oppofte the Bank. D JAMESON refpeftfuUy informs his friends and the public, he is now completely docked with every article in. the line, of very quality* via. Teas, Sugars. Wines, Spirits ...

Published: Saturday 05 March 1803
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1022 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

CORDIAL BALM OF OILEAD, DECIDEDLY is the rood and efficacious medicine ever yet difeovered fer nervous difeafes ..

... ariling from a relaxed Aate of the nervous fyAem. And as various d|fbrdcrt of the human /rmme are brought on bydiffipaiioo in youth,and the grofs violat’on of tbofe ruleswhich prudence difrates for the prefervation of health, and laying the foundation fora ...

Published: Thursday 28 July 1803
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1718 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

CARRIAGES SALE, GEORGE WATFERS’s, Coacbmaker, ay, Domi- (tick-flreet: A Second-hand Coa.h and Poilchaife, both ..

... acceptance of any bat approved critical Likcncfle*. POST CARRIAGES. P. BROPHY, of Johrftown, retanj; hisfincere thanki to bit friends and the public for all pafll-d favours conferred on him, and begs leave to inform them that bit Chaiic and Herfcs continue ...

Published: Monday 15 August 1803
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3015 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

THURSDAY A 2s_ i fla-3

... arifen refpedling letter which Captain Elphinflone, of the Ruffian navy, has addrefied to his friends this country. Captain Elphinflone merely flates to his friends his having been appointed to the command of a gun frigate, and adds, as a re; only, that a ...

Published: Thursday 25 August 1803
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 4616 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

fl I I auprehended in the demefne of Ball's-grove, iVIr. Ball'sfervants, fufpicion having broken open one the ..

... militia, to Mils Anne Cox. DIED. Mr. John Hanlon, late of Drogheda, maker.—At Waterford, Mailer Jofeph Ryan, only fon of Jeremiah Ryan, Efq.—At Limerick, Mr. Geo. Clarklon, lerjeant m Captain Maunfell’s corps cf an infantry. Died, in the 49th year of her ...

Published: Tuesday 24 January 1804
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2574 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... anti every particular neccflary to be communicated. February, 1804. A GREAT SAVING TO THE PUBLIC, At the Stores and*tJrocery VVarehouf No. 13, Thomas-Street. GAM informs Ins Friends and the Public, that ha* ..a about 2000 Gallons re i Malt Spirits, diddled ...

Published: Tuesday 06 March 1804
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 733 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... fupport this indiétment the child was produced, when Mr. Ewing, of Counfel for the prifoner, objected, on account of her extreme youth, to her being fworn. Mr. Ruxton, of Counfc! for the Crown, then put feveral preliminary quettions to the witnefs, her an{wers ...

Published: Tuesday 10 April 1804
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2604 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

WED NK S DAY April i. 1804

... the nature and cendency the B.ii before the Houfe. The Motion was agreed to, and the Bill ordered to tie committed for Mr. Co try gave notice, that on Monday nest lie fhould move in the Committee f Sdpily, tor to enable the Lonl Lieu enant Irel indto ike ...

Published: Wednesday 11 April 1804
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2849 | Page: 1 | Tags: none