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luefdays Mail

... luefday s Mail. fl-OM IH- f.r>KUO M GAZETT.. '•'• .* C» , tc., Dec. a*. P. )..i 1. ; , - t f 11 „te C.m*rd: \ if A J OK A-NDRF/V CORBETT to |\ /■ «- L icutrna- '.Colonel, wit hour pur- i V fi chafe, vice Stavtley, appointed to •*- •**■ t.e command _f the aBth Light»et-_..;or William Paul Cerjat I?. .' ' Vl *;y;»V cc : - : '' r -;'.t.— Captain -Lieutenant VViidam \li.crto ...

Cabinet of Apollo

... Cabinet ofpoub. 'LINES .ON MISS H-.RR-NG-ON, . OF THE VINE INN, WEST COIKES. S-Wzz T Maid, whofe Punch all Punch excels, As thuch as thou the brightcft Belles, ,.Wbhrc is the Juice, the juice divine, Ir. richncrs that casn rival thinc As thus il extacy I cried, A Cupid, wvith a fulile, replie!, . I thou. Wouldft have a richer fip, Go safte the near on her lip !, ...

v -.._;. _.y ,x Sunday s Mails

... L')SDON,-j..n. 3—4. * 'V A_lS I'ipri- t. ti.r ;i 1 _'. . tec ed \—J •' •'• '• l'«.-j{h». Ti.i) I'jMiun no i_t ■ •■• \i* .•:*. 1 imp -ttat. Z-. Tl - Rr.yaiiit *■*•; ■. .. torx'ri -i: 1 i * _ iui,; hi: a :V->fir, ■* «• .«'•■■■ •_ in - tn: . . ct .1 much at xirty to ■ ■■*■ p .'.-? (.i ye r.Bur.t. — I icy hay. Pr .- ca:.,-^u\ : urn t_ Ft.* tc : i_.c -.*-ct_. yof U-:- -tnij. . I. mo up rii.c In ...

LON'DOS,—l sVonday,) Jan. 6

... LON 'DOS,— l sVonday,) Jan. 6. Paris Papers were received yefterday of a day htcr than thofe which arrived on Saturday I morning. Their contents are not important. ! .Augereau has been appointed to the command I ol the French Army in Holland, in the room lof General Brune, who is Prefident of the I ; War Section of the Council of State. In the j j letter, in which the Chief Conful informs I ...


... Agricii'icrni Ke, tt f r _ re__cr. pHE m.|.i , pen », #f , hl , y T . %l|t , . bsut , Xc - ,'.,' '■ '* -■• '-Cftrrn-p t i-. j-Urr „ „'' ' -' ■■-■ >• •• • M ;-' fri _ __.,- -« ' »• p- * »n>. pi .Tr q-,-..t te .-»■,. . r: , ,[, t . «♦*,'.,.„, r tl§ . ti .j w , Kt| _ a ...

Tuefday's Mail

... FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE. ADMIRALTY OFFICE, Janu. Extraft of a letter from Mr. Robert Holier, Com- mander of the Private Schooner of war the Revenge, to Eva.i Nepean, Efq. dated Viana, the i6th December, 1799. I Have the honour to acquaint you, for the information of their Lordftiips, that on the 4th inft. at five A. M. in Vigo Bay, I was attacked by four Spanilh privateers, two fchooners, a ...


... PORTSAIOUTIY THEA'JRIClLS. ~~ I: ?? - ?? IA s As -other, concerns have prevented u',ioh ;gf arten~ding te Theatse fine iit hasileexii o~eed, Jof by Mr. C~ollins, for thc prefent feafon, except 'Ia on Thurfday laft, we flsall infest thie fdllowing. di t~rief~ fletch of the Performances on that even-~ b~ ing. was Tke Sctaelf r Scandal, th and the ?? Song, No Supper. Having tb feii this ...

t&trsrday & Sunday's Mails. |

... LOW DOX,— 7uk. _? 4 - 2v I 1 THURSDAY arrived three H.inburgh [ inaiit, and on Friday a fourth ; ry 1 neither ot thefe, however, we j any accounts c.t io late a date as thole I ir the French papers, which have been received urt Gizetc mentioned the ...

Tuefday's Mail

... FROM IHE LOUDON CAZETTE. DQWNIXG-STREET, Jan. jt, iSoo. A DISPATCH, of which the follow- ing is a Copy, has been received from Lord W. Bentinck by Lord Grenville. Head-quarters, Borgo St. Dalmazzo, Dec. 4, 1799. MY LORD, It is with tne greeted fatisfaflion that I an- I nounce to your Lordfhip the furrender 01 Coni. The batteries opened on the 2d in the morning, i and on the 3d the ...

Cabinet of Apollo

... Cabimt of 4pObo, _ ?? THE KISS. - lii Humid pledge of roft aff ils 1' - Magic Union I Virgin Kis KI3 Tend'reft tie of young connection, Vii Sureft pledge of future bil.s. Friendfhip's firft and laft enjoyment, Natures birth, and Infint's play; m Love's firft .fnow-drop, young employment, Brighteft dawn of future day I la Sorrowing joy I-Adieu's laftadtion!.. ctl Oh ! what language can exprefs ...


... -O(pwv- Tbe HOLLr-TPEE. By R. Ssoubey. O reader! haft thou evcr Itood to fee The holly treci? The eye that contemplates it well perceives Its glof'V leavs Ordered by an intelligence fo wvfre As might contounid the atheifts fophifrires, Belo, a circiing fence, its leaves ;e Iceni IWrinkled and keen, No grazing cattle thro' their prickly round Can rcach to %wVoud, Bllt as they grow whele nothilg ...

Cabinet of Apollo

... C abtiet of qMotl. - 8-71E SHIPWRECKED SAILOR; THE COTTAGERS. Bereft of all my little ftore, Hungry ani naked.I'm caft onflhere> Your kind relief beftow I ar you, your wife, your children all, I' ve ?? calil; -Oh, prayxclieve my woe! Cold blows the wind, the-fea beats high, Thunders are pealing, light'ningsfly'; Some fheltir pray boeftow ! I I've ?? forycu the battle's heat, I've ...