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DKRRYSHL-E. : ?? Meetir.g of :he ?? ti the F-nd railed iii this Count* for internal a'rfenee, hold.n at the

... Count i- flail in Derby, en F, i.lai I the loth of I) cember inflant. It -cas ordered, \ ,'bat re-v CloathLig fball be immediately pro- vide* for the feveral Troops of the Derbjfrt'e I dunteer Cavalry, and be paid f^r cut cf the Subfcription fund. Therefore Ju:h cf tlie Subfcrib.-rs as have rot already paid the full of ?? rejpedixe Subjcrifticns, are reqnefled to fay the fame immediately into ...

Published: Thursday 02 January 1800
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12813 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds  News 

Me we Mr. R. Furrance, w t erry has, by public adver- ringflac Commoo.—A of 800 gs. for uding out

... the empty cart at onc of ghe ter, figned Revenge, Woodward, a flater,in fi us Duke of ford.—E, a coll to aconcert, confilting of che dy of a Foreign cot; and W. Woodward, r War-Orrice, Dec. 28. envan his Nirs. aughters, latcly from Major A. to be was vening afters Paul Cerjat-to be imujer} attacked by er gentie- captain of a troop; s to ah i 4 totorious as HH. Bache to be. Capt. R. O'Donovan ...

. * CAXMUNDHAM ASSEMBLY ' will be on Wed-. i_3 uefday, January 8, 1800.- Admittance 4s. each. gilr Tea and

... coffee included. *T IPSWICH c fpIRST SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY for the X? year will he at the Aflembly-room, oa Tburrday, J.-10. 9-. Admittance to Non-1 _bfcribe»s, ._«ot livint inlpfwich, or within 6 stiles thereof, _s. ROBERT TROTMAN, EJq. > - -* d , REV. J EDGAR, $ Stewaids^ ,f> To be SOLD by Private; Contract, ONE undivided Moiety of an Eftate, lita-ted in Earl Soham, and Brandiftcn, ...

Published: Saturday 04 January 1800
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14490 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

E-AND :CR¥:.V'

... E-AND CR¥:. Esutei Rjrtercuce JI’NW on MotrW Cooetr of Horfplr t6 the Printer. R H A M. ’ja%m n?s U T RHA U» *' _^ f T? SCAPED from Justice, charged with diver* Burglaries Ute of Stcfli, In the Pariab^ofßyto^ he Throe Aaeemblie* the Bh*k the Cuamy of Durtuuo, Kodnian* l*hc said William Araucroqa afpaMt iMUt fmtT Afie, hye FAt laches W the ucemt the » pitted with SouU-vux, round or »u»ut made ...

Published: Saturday 04 January 1800
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 2543 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

A-»HE POST BOY carrying the Mail on Horfe- back frjm Wijtan lo C hor lev, i , ti.e ecu ity

... of Lancafter, was ftojt about fiee o'Clock in :!c Morn- ing of Sunday the 29th intlknt, in a L .ne . Lttveen V/cMhtcsrun M.ll _io . W-_ : ;. „„. l__ \. „ ».i , . on Foot, who liruck the Bey » ith a Sword, ar.J pull, 1 off his Horfe, which the P., -bfcer th--n mounted, r le away a Ihort D. fiance, tied the Horfe 'o a .ike in an Hedge, and took away the Mail and 11a .1. The following 8. ...


... . ' , GOU N T OF DU R AM. IySCAFED fi'om Justice, charged with dims Burgtariea and ARMSTRONG, late of Stella, the Parish of Ryton, jLi iu the County of Durham, The William Armurvne to he about forty Yean of Age, live feet eleven Inches high, florid Complexion, Uttlc pitted with the round or xtyut nude about the hfht end httle \valks upright, wears his own light brown Usr, cut tbwt, speak ...

Published: Saturday 11 January 1800
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 3397 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

MISS KIRBY begs Leave to inform her Friends -! and the public. That her fcliooi . psh* upon 1 the^oth

... of Jan. when fhe propofc-. to accommodate j Three additional Boarders. None admitted under 1 Six years ot age. fi^fT Terms may be had at the ' printer's. ?? ¦ BURES ASSOCIATION, For profecuting^ Fiiok*, &c. THE Annual Meeting of this AfTociation will hp j held on Tuefday, 14th lan., at the Queen';. , V~zd Inn in Bures. Pinner at Two o'clock, j ROBERT GARRAD, Treaairer^ j MERSEA, Dec. 30, ...

Published: Saturday 11 January 1800
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11208 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

W. T. TRANT and SON, DRI/C GIST S emd TEA-MEN, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. RETURN Thanks to their Friends and thi Public

... fbr all Favors, and wi Ih to inform them, That thry have laid in A Fre/ti and Choice AJfortment Of the following Articiei, viz. TEAS, COFFEES, CHOCOLATES, and COCOAS, Anchovha Miccaroni and Vermicelli Burgefs'l Ellcuce of An. Waa Cand'es chovics Ding {„ Carriages — — Walnul Catchup Spermaceti Candles — Oyjler Catchup Oibfcn'i Mogul and 1 Ltniotl Pickle Henry Vlli. Card) 1 Qtnp Sauce ...

Published: Monday 13 January 1800
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16316 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

T WANTED TWO SUBSTITUTES to serve In the 58th Regi- ment of Foot. Each Man, on his approval at Noiungham,

... fliall receive a liounty of Twen-y ' j App> *to Mr. PORTER, « the Bar!ey-M-.w, I ™' h Town-Hali, i„ D _H,y ;or to ELIAS I ?? ?? iUr, » ?? DetbyflureJ TOWN OF NOTTINGHAM Jas* C 1.-.0 W_.fil_t_.Vi. _ maa ' fthe Na ' Tie ot MAl * v PRICE h.irb be-,, commite. ti il.e Houfe I of Cone _u.n of this Town on a cha ge of ut-rine j _c, av.-.r.g the fame to L__*n Ure-i iv.V COCN fERFEIT BANK ...

Published: Thursday 16 January 1800
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10048 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds  News 

GENERAL HUE' A , > .p.oo ESCAPED from chargnl dircrs Burglaries jasssfenrs » the chkf of-the Vftrt of C>«»

... i, .-.l__l-l , ' ■ . ' WtWi Wlixuatf-TOWNS, of Ncwcurte upon Tyne, « 4 udavny 1 ■ , ■ WST, MMv W* A OYSTCm, tate of We*-Auckl»d> TVfe-SCUJJ bf paw? fer ri CoESBi MW WN. «f»Tif S!ZtS%SiS&, * CUtoW i-f'W’O tot* MdUmit «nd : ; lteßß;v>a>»t«y»Sc«>clo ...

Published: Saturday 18 January 1800
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 133 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds