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... In our last communication on this subject we stated that no further proceedings would betaken until an answer was received to the memorial addressed by the Cormier's Jury to tne Home Secretary. On Thursday the following letter was received by the foreman of the Jury (Mr. S. Palmer) from Mr M.P. forth., borough, to whom the memorial had been sent : — lir , c .. T . Hitchin, Wednesday, May 11 ...

The late Catastrophe at Yarmouth

... The adjourned inquest was held on Wednesday, when Mr. J. Walker, the engineer appointed by the Home Se- cretary to investigate the causes of tbe late accident, submitted the result of his examination. The general con- clusions from his evidence were : — lst. That the imme- diate cause of the accident was a defect in the joining or welding of tbe bar which first gave way. 2nd. Tbat the quality ...


... The lessee of the Royal property last evening gave his first Grand Bai Masque and Carnival for the season. It was numerously attended, and deservedly so, inasmuch as the entertainments provided were of an unusually attrac- tive character. The illuminations were splendid and the entertainments in the theatre were magnificent. The amusements were of a most varied nature, and were duly ...


... On Friday an inquest was held on the body of a man who died at Bethnal-grren, while endeavouring to ascertain by experiment the sensation of hanging. Major Hamilton, in command of the bead quarters 13th Light Dragoons, attempted suicide at Maryborough, by cutting his throat. He was discovered in the last stage of exhaustion, but happily in time save iiis life. Further confirmation of the ...


... IMPORTANT RAILWAY MEETING. Thursday, Inst, n meeting was held at the Town Hall, in compliance with requisition the Mayor. lake into consideration the injury likely to result to the merchants and traders this town, if the aud Dereham Railway Act be passed into law. Among the gentlemen present were O. D. Palmer. Johnson. S. Palmer. R. S. Lonsdale. E. H. L. Preston. J. N. Sherrington, J. C. ...

Herr Staudigl.—The following particulars, which have been communicated to a friend of the great basso, ~.r e, ..

... l '' interest by his numerous admirers, and will show how much he is reverenced and beloved by his brother artists, and the pubic of his native town (Vienna.) On the day of his arrival there, from his late vist to England, grand serenade will be given lum before his house, the street will be guarded police, and a grand fete held. There is to be a chorus with quartets—a young Englishman (Mr. ...