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... THE FASHIONABLE WORLD ?? D .. . .. I -A^ D7I~'Xa~SrAt' AND ClLtiwO ~t:T>E= A. - Z A ?? D the Duke of Wellington gae an eltcrant entertain oto' ' Suadiy. a t hs eat. Straisia94-Iants. tta rtaarus.par of dAistinction, aaong TVhoni iwee tnust ?? lhorig n .5 nlb4tu saders atid .51inrti rs: .. .. ~ e a :> . Th6 Ambassador of the Netherlands Literl. party oI 'dkdr1ignisbed p, arages. oa 3Moi0dayt, ...


... I : 'Oi DON >AM UAhR PdiA& iOP, .1 [From ACXFr.MA2X1 S RersSlTOhY.`] ; HAtrs-Dass.-A round dress composed of velours epinj'e; the colour is difflculK to describe ;.it is between a drtrk Yawn and a sage green. without bii-ng extctly eithets but of the twQ it is sleerest to thegieen. 'The oody isima deratier more thad halfi hilgh; the back has a little falness at-,the'Aotton, of- the waist; ...


... 7rUE FAtS.IIONABLE WOLLD. --A itMEF AkiSTRACnatA '5 Among the fashionable arrivali at Greshern-i -.Hdhel, Sack- sille street, ?? Most Noble the Marquis and Mfarchio- ness 4f Downshire and suite; .Lord Arthur Hill; time H.on. V. P. Yelverton Thomas Coddington, ?? J. D. Towse, Esqe- of London; Doctor' Green, Malcolm Brown, Esq.- Pollock . and Captain Harrison. Mrs.Jones Irwin has arrived at her ...


... JUVENILE EXHIBITION Vo Asits i'goPRlE¶TOR OF THE 1 AEEMAN 35OUR NAL. 51s-Observing in an, advertisement in the 17eekl Freeian1 of the 24tu Decembpr, an invita- hoe to the public to view specioiens. of Pnmanship, Mappin.. 8ard Philosophical Diagrams, I availed myself lf the invitation, and must say', was most amply icpaid for my trouble, and highly gratified. Mr. Barber, ol AungieIr-street, ...


... I PR T E. EXTRA`CTS FROM IVANEIOE. Tue fallossinO is one of those beautifiul and highly poetical 'ticriptionn of woodland scenery, with which :this unequalled wrirer so frequenptly ?? us. It is 6iken from the-intro- ductory scene. In that pleasant district of mertyEngland& which is wa.: tere by the tiver Don, there extended in ancie'nt ?? a large' fgorest, covering ti e greater part of the ...


... |. ' ' BIrMINZHAYKTm- THg . Sj.Th 'TO WE$ EDITOR.. niavi SiThe conseqpence of the meny e -thdestrction of tliis ,lbh re; that~ now agitate piblc opi- pioi, l think it syluy- te impress on the ond ofjvery one the strobngeonvictionaon my0owin,that its'orgin thust bn.- tirely attuibated to aceident, and not to the intent of -ny Ivvf disposition; and. I fee ?? anzrous tolmakethis ?? , that I ma7 ...


... TUBE FASItFNABLE WORLDe I 7-A PRIt F ABSTRACT ANtD vt1tMtOICLE iFtXE XTii m ._ A Morning Paper says, Ire lament to state, that advice was received at Kensington Palace, on Snday, announcing that his Royal Highness the Duke of Kent's illness had assumed nost alarming symptoms. It is an ingaummationt on the cheat. Monday morning Sir David Dundas set off express to Sidmoutbi Ao-attend on his ...


... TnlP, P.IS fl ,p VAp :s F . - .I iastir A RITKACT ?? (uI.NC, Fr TFti TIMES. ' The ?? C~lt liii o,.ie~ v .e~n Me tivg. this selson) a day ol' dpeigittlaa lie raio y attil gatr 53tus 'iegiee'S. thle, &C. ~eft: DU tvert usi, indtic ot-l y sve kottA. andl adinirably per-rtirnied. Sesi-a I inw' ?? posi to 151St brought t6rward,I&, id iv irmiy appattd,-d. io'si t -,I- a 51 nody to the lernur SrSeri ...


... TMYE FwSoHJNAIL)L WORL., - At B m:RIESE AIIsIVRACr CH:RO cNttoliC.L 0' TIIF TSIjs.`-- Arrived at the Prince of Wales's 110ttl. Gerard Irviae, Esq and family, from their Seat. Rioci':6eld, County Ferniataagt ?? their way to londun. VI Lady Mtidmay gave a splendi l bill and suoper on T'oseda last, at ier residene of £Egatv lhouse, Xiocalitasltr. alos iic were present most of ihe distingishi d ...


... I : Dh UR Y-L.4 ?? TiikLA Tfn.. e We copy the foivting account of Miss Byfrne' rfceeot Benefit in London, wi1h very g eat plea.d e tr (From the ?? IHERAED of Friday.) e The most brilliatit and numerous audience we Is have. ever seen at this Theatre, was assembiedcuast, snigbt to .itness the varions, pcrfointance Nhichi; were announced for tie benefit (if MIiss Byrne. Im it the private boxes ...


... TiHE FAHdTONAW. ABL £ 4. -A C9R)RIttF AZt 5tRACT ANU SIM 0 f 0 Tg tS. _ ARRIVALs BiY THE H O),XfiED PACKETS. * Bytlrho l-t'rose. liiuu. Geuerel VMaboo, i'l.i.P. ('ototnel Foaterdale. ~esbrs, M1,r rinf. hM.P. N,,reil, Sadler, Henry, W~iet, ilihetrds. Jack1son, Antler'on, ,sd:Voocit.; .*y the Uliill.-MeASr&. CoileieoCId, two DWrns, Crosby, an1d lialey. - By the,Lirerpmol;'-l~nn..A. H. ...


... I T ~i II'i E PJSIL IA jBLL (itL, >, . I F . . I I I . .. _1 I: -, , . . . -, , 5T O.FACT . tZOSO CLS OF TitE. TIMES.- Am(,ngst thl-e ?? Grt-,.iax i ' ;IckvWi*.socK M~rs. L;.rgwrlYth. fU t~t.~dBlipw, oe. accel. ?Ji} d Si,, the f. lm . Buvr,% Coit Lucs:is Wv'.:t . 1.d .;rul 'a . Edw. B. ioi.i'o p, jenry 'ititite. ( .is. fr ' H. B. funte;, lnubcst I ?? Stc v1il tUi~c.>, . i.. Ilock, John Chire; ...