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... On the 1 6th initant, two days before the prefent froit commenced, our old Coirefpondent Whackum foretold to us, ** that in a few days a froit would fet in, which, with little, if any, ir.termiffion, would continue till the beginning of February ; and that, during that period, N. E. E. and E. S. E. would be the prevailing winds. This prediction, which hitherto has been completely verified, he ...

V EDINBURGH—Due.-:mi:sit ..t. l._ 9

... V EDINBURGH— Due.-: mi: sit ..t. l._ 9. Ara Meeting ' ?? of tii. City and Suburbs, The LORD PROVOST in the Chair. The Meeting having heard the Report from their Commit- tee reed, It was Rehired, Tiiat the poor ofthe City and Suburbs he supolied wiih food am! fuel at reduced prices, for such period as may be found necessary; But ihat it is inexpedient at present to' enter into a yet.-.m- ...


... ?? .P-mii-i- Mount 0. subscription, formerly _in:iv/> « d-.mani. I adverted, - *~ 65 .8 O L-5937 .8 s r.r=« rhc Ilnke of Cordon. »5 .o o „.-. FliMr, Esq. of Dominica, s*l° ° H__on. Robot ?? E*_. r-i-arucrm-JhUfofhUMi.jc?- L ?? i fl- ••-'ihc. ?? II o 0 ' A Cfebolm, Esq. rf J-nnaica, « lo = eSeand&q. of Grenada, ' 6 6 o . Rodger., _ 1..65 18 o 1..61-13 14 2 L,reeCour_, lcmr-e. -■ ...


... FRENCH NATIONAiL ?? :'nuT2. BY G. CUriiS. Tutt diamond, which its brilliancy and r ?? -dared f 0 pre-ci.->ui to liimia:: vi . , ;v . j and they ?? na!_ it an emblem of the ?? of the decrees of late. ...

|-4VAR-Or;'lC--. (ISt-f.MN-CV.STL.-.. Dec. 20. 1799

... f. ?? Feasible Drains. | Conn* Andrew al-ujorihaak. to be Lieutenant, vice Evatt, I Bsiraed-, dated November 10. 1799. r a . Batlaßa, Ar f yle Fencibles. »i)on-.:_i ?? ivu-gstone to be Ensign, vice Ogilvie, resigned, ?.I'Aiti.ur to be Ensigh, vice M'pherson, appelated fciartentiastei in t! c Bc_th foot ; boih dated October 19.1799- --^■V.-.utam Falcon r, late a Captain 111 the Ist battalion, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~V.OODS IN IRGYLESHIRE FOR SALE. ! ., bib!i ?? roup, at thc houfc of i\r MefNi ol, onkeef~e- at D;n)baerton, the fifth day of February exCt, at Ic o'ciock n1oon.i ; H-,Li E-:! cf Ercadalbane's Woodsou his lands and I C.latc, coinnionly called the twenty-feven Merk . n; ofl OCHOW-thofe onl Letterbeg, and Letter- orc, on Lochowfide-and thofe on the lands of Gleno, ito, hiverurichan, and two bars ...

We mentioned in cur paper formerly that in the ?? which brought over the papers from France, there came as

... paffenger, a French courier, with whom the Cull eel or of the Cufloms had immediately fet off to town. It is Cti'l that he brought a letter from the French Government to Mimfters here, and, upon en- quiry, we believe this to be the fait. What are the fpecinc contents of this letter we do not pretend to know. We have long forefeen that proportions for peace, or at leail: fome overtures to that ...


... Thi* .lev, . Jan. 2. . ar twelve o'clock. 3 per cut. con. 6,l— Omnium, — Exchanges on Dublin 1 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I .an 3 HOUSES and GARDEN in the GALLOWCATE - ?? To be fold by private bargain, HE fuibje`'s lying on the fouthfide of St. Paul's El IL Chapel, colifting of two commodious dwelling HOUSES; two Manubffiory Houles, had a Garden, at prefent occupiedby Mr George Burnett, and tenants. i his property affords a moft eligible fituation for a mluaniufacturer, having accefs by the firect and the tY 3 ...