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TiW A -v Z7 -C 21 «r -r .-r- x . : c, ?i-r l ?? i ?? ■

... era* bead j L_3& nqn3 ?? ob_i ••*-. _r. 3_aa_c*gjbE as Jic^T- £■ A-it ?? .tht-y -rracfc •v.v.Zxz.-Jt ?? T^'Oard-a-LTj-toa _ibirid ; _ir, a rnjg, ?? i ?? | ?? xiwsjr .br-cii die .^£.-ib_i_:h .dsge. 3 A'V.e -_c.'xisa3r.% .ssi-d tiir s_.^j_id Tac ?? nde 9v -patfe ...


... Till fupplv of ?? tl. tbi! il ,y v.,s pretty ?? ; and, as few ' cartel have draped in bain tbe Elbe, and cur neighbouring 1:4. wtek were dull and cheaper, tiie fale, iiere were very benvv at is. and n_ pr quarter eicclen- lion. But little fine Matting Barley .T ?? tbe 'ales were there- lew, 311.1 no alteration ran be timed in prices ; but inferior mnlitie* were ...


... ITOIME OF LORDS — Apr'! -JOa Lord Hulla mi role to make his motion relative to the Catholics of Ireland, which he introduced by a fpeech ol fome length, to (hew that it would be nrudent and ptoper, in the prelent moment, to fatisfy the- minds of the people of that country that fomething real and ?? towards thofe of the Catholic periualion was intended by the Minilters, and would affuredly ...


... A RMIES tN SUA BIA. | I I ! A few copies only of the .Sun have been received in town with the following intelligence, which we Hop the prefs to infert :— S O N O F F I CE—uu-_ut owe, .. M. We Hop the prefs to make the following very impor- tant ?? were this morning re- ceived from Mr Wickliam ; they are dated en the Bth, from C7__ and contain accounts of tl-.e late obilinate aftions at F.ngen ...

MAT _ 3 . ?? the King iftei reviewing the fight infantry j 1 James's, where he held a levee,

... which was the mofl j j crowded send (plendid ever witnefl— l, tlie inbili y and j Loyal ?? were prelented to his Majelly en his j !ate providential ef.-si.c frosn the in habitants of .1 nnm- j ber of boroughs, &c. Aft r the lerechis Majefly entered the Great Cota. cil Chamber, where being fealed on the throne, ihe Kino receive- the addrefc of the Hoofa of Lord: aad When its.- members had with ...

Vf AR-O F1 I C E—May -,r

... Scots Brigade—Lieutenant John Inncs to be Captain of a company, by purchafc vice lieutenant Colon- G-Uefpte-who retires. ' Kn'fign Perer MacArthnr to be Lieutenant, vice In- fVVt', who has beenfnperfeded. -Lieutenant fames Allan to be Adjutant, vice Donald, who refigns. Afiiilant Surgeon John Smi-.h, .rom the 7.5 th foot, to be Surgeon, vice Sheiky, dc- ...

IXO—j's MARINE LlST—June 3

... IXO—j's MARINE LlST— June 3. Tnl Ph._s.ix privateer of Jcrfcv, h.s taken and fen t into that ifland a Freer, brig, Laden with logwood, tobacco, and c.itton; alfo had an engagement oft' Boiirdcausc with a French brig letter of marque in ballall, which Ihe drove cs*. lhore ar.d I * The Union, Bowler, from Charleslos; to England, is captu- ?? Somen er, Pie———, bom Gu.rsilcv to Briflol, has been ...

J E R S E V—July S

... J E R S E V— July S. The behaviour of the RuJians during their (lay here has given fo much f-tisfac-iori, that .hey have obtained the unanimous -approbation of the iflanders. The States of the ifland have prefented them with a vote of. thanks for -their good and exemplary conduit during thefr refi- dence ; and it is remarkable that net Jne folita- ry inftancc of theft has been charged 'to the ...

On the melancholy death of MARGARET KEITH,a widow in Anchtydonald in the parish of Longside,

... On tbt- meiancholy dtath of M.CRCARPT XPrir ! a ividow in Auclitvdonald in the parisl of Longfide., wvho was barbaroufly muldticd cl} Sunday, agth June, I00. Otcr feenes of woe, whote commnon griefs prevail, Where pitY melts at forrew's sortrfultale, D- ati-s folerin call in peaceful hope obey'd, No law tcanlgrc`'s3. *? uc--erllee bettay'd, (at has thir muie peur'd forth he, ?? lay, Aid ?? th- ...


... 1 ?? .-■• -. : •:• 1;- -3 ,1: 3*3 ?? \\ltl wai 3s -1 ■• ' 7 . ?? , 1 ?? 7-; ..■c'7,.7;i:/.i77 we-eii ?? ...