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South Wales, Wales


Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That an AD- JOLRNMENT of the Epiphany General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, for the said County, for the Trial of Prisoners committed and held to bail on charge of Felony and Misdemeanour, will be holden at the Tows. HALL, in the Town of CARDIFF, in and for the said County, on WEDNESDAY, the Twenty-first day of FEBRU- ARY next, at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon, when and ...


... MONMOUTHSHIRE. PALM SUNDAY.—At Saint Wooltos Church-yard, New- port, the graves were never seen more beaulifullv deco- rated than they were on last Sunday, popularly termed Flower Sunday. The Churchyard was thronged with visitors throughout the day. The grave of the late Rev. Mr. Francis, at Saint Paul's, was splendidly dressed with the choicest flowers. This primitive custom carries with it ...

[No title]

... LONDON MARKETS. CO It N K XC HANGE, MONDAY. Last week the total receipts of grain froui all quarter* were very much smaller than for some time past. Of foreign wh-at there were quarters, and rather over 2.00,) quarters of gnglish; of barlfy about 2,000 quarters Kn^lish and f.ireign and llietoial of oats was 4,97 I quarters. Altogether iltirioj the wtek the trade ruled stratly, ith a small ...


... AND LIST OF TAIIiS, NOTICES, ETC., IN THE COUNTIES OF GLAMORGAN, MOXMOUfM, AND 1SRECON, FOR THE EN- SLTINO WKEK. Fun. Jo. FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT. Morning, 1st lesson, li);!i ch. Gen.; 2nd do., Sth ch. Luke. Evening, 1st lesson, 22nd ch. Gen.; 2nd do., 'Jud ch. Ephes. -6. Mercury rises Oh. 17m. ——- 27. Length of day lOh. 40,n. 28. Moon souths 52v> hiirh. MAR. 1. St. David. Ember Week, ——— 2. Si. ...

[No title]

... MERTHYR AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. Tin: CASTLE BALL. — This ball-the second of the .,eason-came off on Thursùay week, and ifs promoters had the satisfaction of finding it prove eminently suc- cessful in every respect,-the company being numerous, and comprising most of the leading families of the place; the room was in exquisite order the lights admirable, only surpassed in brilliancy hy the eyes of ...


... The Great Western Railway Company have resolved to carry parcels, not exceeding 121bs., to distances not exceeding 20 miles, for 6d., including delivery. SKIN DISEASES.—DR. POWELL'S TESTIMONY OF THE EFFICACY OF HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT.— Extract of a letter dated 16, Blessington-street, Dublin, February 9th, 1847. Professor Holloway.—Dear Sir,— Having devoted my particular attention for ...


... K III DAY, JULY G, IS 19. HEALTII of Tow:o;s ACT.-The commissioner ap- pointed by the Board of Health has commenced his en- quiry into the sanatory condition of this town, as will be seen on reference to our other columns. The first day (Wednesdaj) was devoted to dis ussion and on Thurs- day evidence was taken. We have 111 room for length- ened comment ou the proceedings; but we think it is ...


... Li the Su-an, -Mcl'ie, (rom Nint.s, y 1 SJciis of flour I i the LiLO jiuais, Ii. uuseati, from Nwtes. 01 4 sacks 0; Hour In lhc VV lis III, DUI,k;lk, C?d u, li JII the Iutreprid, Le Bris, from Au rierue, 97 qri. of wheat; 77 of oais 7 qrs. of beans in the Union, Fookcs, from liuukirk, 690 sacks of flour ...

,Huerarg Eanrtif*

... øortrr. THE CHURCHYARD AND THE CROSS. BY ELIZABETH YOUATT. I know a. quiet churchyard, where the moss Flings its grey mantle o'er the mouldering stone; And where the dead steep silent and alone, Beneath the shadow of an anri:>;it cross. No dainty carvings on the ho, of prayer, No architectural beauties to flight. No pictured glories to the sight— An emblem lone th;:t undent cross was there. ...


... IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. (Continued from our fourth page.) In the House of Lords on Monday no business of im. portance was transacted. On Tuesday the Bishop of Exeter presented a petition from certain of the clergy of the county of Bucks, pray- ing for the repeal of so much of the statute of the 25th Henry VIII. as renders deans and chapters and bishops liable to the penalties of pretmumre. The ...


... GENERAL MISCELLANY. CON. — Why is a rook like a farmerl Because he gets his grub by the plough. HINT TO SrEECtiiFiEns.— Franklin and Washington never spoke longer than ten minutes at a time. The sale at Stowe is expected to realize £ 100,000 the cost of the effects is said to have been at least thrice that sum. VERY hate to hear people talk behind one's back, as the robber said whell Ihe ...