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Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... ~V.OODS IN IRGYLESHIRE FOR SALE. ! ., bib!i ?? roup, at thc houfc of i\r MefNi ol, onkeef~e- at D;n)baerton, the fifth day of February exCt, at Ic o'ciock n1oon.i ; H-,Li E-:! cf Ercadalbane's Woodsou his lands and I C.latc, coinnionly called the twenty-feven Merk . n; ofl OCHOW-thofe onl Letterbeg, and Letter- orc, on Lochowfide-and thofe on the lands of Gleno, ito, hiverurichan, and two bars ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I .an 3 HOUSES and GARDEN in the GALLOWCATE - ?? To be fold by private bargain, HE fuibje`'s lying on the fouthfide of St. Paul's El IL Chapel, colifting of two commodious dwelling HOUSES; two Manubffiory Houles, had a Garden, at prefent occupiedby Mr George Burnett, and tenants. i his property affords a moft eligible fituation for a mluaniufacturer, having accefs by the firect and the tY 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .PR iNTICĀ£' ' kA\'-TJ: i by ti- AB3.1' U :.3 IIP5'NL ; C4 Qo ?? eon I;Card tti r - vile k'J i ' isiragio nt, a Ml: aI he wit Wis, s fegav J :4 to X ?? i ?? .iiaie. _. U''1 PARAkIi L3. 1' ! D EErI-TS. rg'1'3i3' ?? .H S'';TA'E 1(''3!iLID' Ij To be aizii'd fo: yir L. r5 I -.-v it F' h. 1 i, fl -s, fio .: ' ' ty Ps>;~ :/ p:.1. 2 ?? fr- $-d PZ ?? nrds '7 :, n al, [ti- L . 8 2il i-* i:. I f ?? uv e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, On AT THE PORT OF FINDHORN, b s HE Sloop HENRIETTA, as formerly advertifed e I to bc fold by public roup, on th'! 7th of January, l n but as owing to the Roads being blocked up by the Rat fevere blowing, purchafers were prevented from comn- cho _ ing forward, the roup did not proceed. Notice is Rig i hereby given, that fhc will be fold by private bargain. be] ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CELEBRATED CORDIAL BALM or GILEAD. Cc FOR THE RELIEF A-ND CURE OF of Nervous D;lfordera, Coughs and Colds, M Female Complaints, Confumptions, C WVeAkneffes, . Lownefs of Spirits, Ci Lofs of Appetite, Flatulencies, th Indigeftion, Scorbutic Difeafes, Head-Ach, Pains in the Limbs, J Relaxation, Impurity of Blood, Bilious Cafes, Debilite, &c. &c. Prepared (only) by S. SOLOMON, M. D. And ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D ANTZIC HONEYY A4' BLACK- BEER, JAMAIC FUii-A tlJ1fc. ',jitN & ROBERT C A lTO have got to hand a . -L ,etable quantity of Honey and Black Beer . ccot quality, which will he fold reafonable- cl' Gold from the laft fllups from London, about 600 r ;ll-otl very fine Jamaica Rum, which they (lll con- itO fill at ss. and 6f. per pint, warranted geno- o iil:- foreign WINES of the heft qualities they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e .= t LANDS IN ABi-RDEENSHIRE FOR SAIE EU r 'fo be lold by private bargain, either tc-geth-:t or 1 epartely, the lalds and barony of Ll.N I URK, lyinr in the parifh of Lochdll, aflordivg a frclh-ld v alimfification in the ?? lands off TILLY- TO Flt;R, in the parifh of TI ough-and the Ia dof vf K-ELNGSVORD, in the parilh of Alford. For furthtr t particulure;, application may be m:cd to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD. v- CONSUMPTIVE COMPLAINTS lie RE generally occafioned by the ftagnation of the a- L blood in the lungs, till it is converted into puru- lent matter; this may be owing to nervous, bilious, aflim'atic, or dropfical complaints; excefs of libidin- al cus indulgencies ; leading a too fludious fedoitary life; ry heat of climate, hard drinking, immoderate ufe of i's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP sAIE OF HABERDASHERY. S'I'EWAlI1' rdepedlfullv iniformls his friends and O X . thc public, th it hl has this day begun to fell, : very reduced prices, his whole ?? of goods oil 'ind; a-id as it is his wifli to make room for a frefli T . thrtnmeut, befinr enteiring his new fhop in the Broad- 'recet, lie can afflrc them, that the goods he now offers, ' sill be fold vw ithour refrve, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :T-1AS REDUCED I.N PR10E 6d.per Poend. J OHN & R. CATTO have juft landed a confider- , able quantity of Black and Green TEAS from laft tale, which they are to fell 6d. per lb. under the for- raer prices; the qualities will be found very fine. They have' likewife got to hand feveral hundred Gallons ?? Dutch GENEVA, which will be fold feafonable. They slfo contiiue to -fell beft Jamaica AlUM at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FARMS 1O LET, IN ABERDEENSHIRE. HREE FARMS on the eftate of GAVAL to be 1 Let for fuch number of years as may be agreed on. One of the farms may be entered to immediately, and the other two at Whitfunday next. For further particulars, apply to George Robinfon, the proprietor, at Banff TACK TO BE LET. There is to be let by public ronp, wvithin the Trinity Hall of Aberdeen, upon Friday the 31ft ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f71y Publifred, Price 1s. 9d. or 2s. when fent by poft, t-3snamerited with a Portrait of Sir John Sinclair Bart. i THE FARMERS MAGAZINE, No. 1. Conf/'gng hadlty of Original Paper;. A Work excluffively devoted to AGRICUI.TURE AND RURAL AFFAIRS. To be continued z9parterly. Soid by the publifiser, J. Symington, bookseller, Edin. burgh; A. ANGUS & SON, and A. BROWN, Aberdeen; Young & Inmray, ...