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Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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BIRTHS. At Copenhage

... n, her Royal Highnefs the Duchefs ?? prince. s MARRIED. Si At Comrie House, Perthshire, David Wedderburn Esq. son of Sir John Wedderburn, of Bal- lindean, Bart. to Miss Margaret Brown, daughter of George Brown, Esq. one of his Majesty's Com- missioners of Excise for Scotland. DIED. At Edinburgh, in his 3gth year, Mr David Willianmfon, poulterer. At Paradikes, near Edin- burgh, Mr John Still, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Tbe Late AMrs AMONTAGUE. The obfervation of Home refpefling Queen Elizabeth, is applicable to this Lady. We are not lb much to confider her fex as her abilities. ' I e was an excellent fcholar ; fle pofftffed a Found judamont and In exquilite ralre. Ieler lllay on the Writings and deni- -us of Sioskefpeare, in ani':er to the frivolous olj eftions of Voltmire, mult always rank her with the hell ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DIED. I At Durris, Mifs Margaret Innes, eldeft daugh- ter of John Innes of Durris, Efq. Lady Doug- \ las, relidt of Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Douglas, a Bart. At Dublin, the Earl of Clanwilliam. fi Amongft the unfortunate f fferers on board n the Qeen Eaft India n(ip, was Edward Mayne, f( Erf. younger of Powis Lodge, writer in the fer vice ofthe HOD. Baft India &ompauy. The fbnd hope of his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At Kilmarnock, TJames Hindmarfh, Efq. merchant, NewraflIe. to Mifs Janct Della Brown, daughter of p Mr Wm Brown, writer n K Imnarnock. At Bath, Lieut. Col. Robert Campbell, tb Mifs H. Farier; ed daughter of Jam.s Farrer, Efq. At Dundalk, John Armfliong Efq Lieutenant and Adjutant of the 71ft ig . 1 regiment, to ?? Macrae Dalrymple, eldeft daugh- er tr bf Brigadicr-General Dalrymple. t ...

i t BIR'IHS. Lady Br

... uce, of Stenhomfe, a daughter. The Lady of John Corfc Scott, of Sinto6, Efq. a fon. Thc 1Marchionci of Bath, a daughtet. MARRIED. a At Edinbur-h, Alcx. Wylie, of Corfock, Efq. to t Mifs Margaret uillclfpic. Fiedcrick ftreet. At (CIaf. gow, j3hn smellic, Efq of Jamaica, to Mifs Giace B ogle daughttv of (corgc Boole, Efq. At Kinned- dvi, nicar Elgin, thc Rcv. Mr John M'Donnell, ?? nifter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHIS. I'sI5 Crinningham, of Craig, nds, a forn and datugh- ter. Mrs Coi. Maitland, a daughter. Mis Dun- can of Parkhill, a daughter. hlic Lady of Sir Hr-c- tor M'Xenzic, of Gacir!oh, a fCn, The Lady of G. H. Rofe, Efq. M. P. alin. MATRRIED. At Ed!inbrgh, Mr Mowhray, writer to the fignet, to Mits Elizabeth Scougall, fecond daughter of the iate Mr John Scoauoall. poirchant in Leith. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mirs cli~c of Fin ~r TI,. o r L:WI of Jrmt,:tcr. A~t C t!C-unL AL, ?? ?? a Iont , , AtT ?? T .kRlv' I Aii t ii-r *) 7 'i Ic\ I i2k i . ?? F ' I Mri I.Ch t t r i f'ir a K*.- \, d'tc. ii:t of too ?? t ?? ;, p\ .ii 1 on ;ii. At Mon o'k. , EI).. L v it ;nigcr ot \Arnot, to N it' 1 1 lim hz ci i No. dcru nn Eiq. 1 ito of Lot- | A't IT, ith: ,IJ xdc ' A.. Tr Aln: At Dal di, Mr - ?? Dr iI!, ?? -l i ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. 'rhe Counte's of Sut:herland, a fon. At Ray Lodge .he I ady of 1' illianm Irafer, Efq. a fon. At Bartley Lodge, Hamnpfliire, the Lady of Charles Lyell, Efq. of KU:'.idy, a :;ughtmr. At Chatham, the Lady ofCon- zai510orrer Hiipe, a fon. MARRIED. At Edinburgh, Capt. John Bruce of the late 76cin rEgimnwr, to MifS Ha naal Howard Young, daughter aft'e late Rev. Robert Youiig, miriller ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... It; I ' 1S t.- N ~ tiiv W :.t:.Crrfl , I A A k: R' nnc ?? '' tR! , Ic , ?? UM oI' Iovts I 2I Ur S~c1 ?? f Iih Col it 'I ?? r'i, c * 2 ' ~ ci 1 ' ,N tc 'c't1-4 . .. ?? .. ?? . II w i il41 oII Ii C d '.TIC1 c ' rinc 1r't' I & n ' ' a l t i c r c c o c 5 U I li 1 p \ j , ±t1IOI) ,11ftx w M t . W LkLicc Co. ?? 1Ci'Tu:P N i'iic'ittb c 1 'Ifnia.,. , H .oicn c P I ap ivii in rfcbt ::-d A.. lix ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... |BIRTHS. At the the house of her father, Provost Bowie, in Ayr, t Mrs Capt. Alex. Campbell, of the Perthshire Militia, of a daughter At Hollin Hall, Yorkshire, the Lady of Capt. Blaydes, of the 3d West York Militia, a daugh- ter. At London, the Lady of Lieut. Col. Drinkwater of a son. The wife of Thomas Davis,of Cllilcyard, Bankside, a fine boy, her first child. She is in her It 53d year, and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1T1NE~'1w , of SIR? RAL\?PH! LE[ROi;] . . )tlh of. Aril tt:j: remains of (Tu:ci S~t Ralpji Abeeri-mahby, 1. B, Nvue interrcd at Thdta7, in one of the saliant ansiks of fort St El- -.The follorwinig is a copy of the Order of'Pr-occrsisn. Fubaltern's Gt:ard ofthe Royal Artillery, with armis reversed. 7'our six-pounciers, drawn by Artillery-men. ?? Amnunint-tion Waggon's, drawn by Artillery- Dien ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B!RTi'S. T~ ad'i;f of Sir JiLlle Nainmth, Bart. a fti.- -.anc' ?? iln Bait, a taugi'tcr. At Othtertyre, Lady i lYa,- *attr r., a 4,w. At Shrulihill , n'=r Ditrthintg, -, - li'l' Hot. a ia lie, a da.iligtcr. At Hoernhv t 4 c Y-or,.'i ire, the Duchrfs tof Leed , a daneghter. 1 . i orn, ?? Lady of Cap. Scott, of 6.i> Royd:l Navy et . Ti s Lady of Dr CG icAh' o, Ciiffsod-ftri, i -1e ' Ir.Shave, of ...