Port of Hull Imports, From the 29th August, to the 4th Sept., both inclusive

... Wort of wtdtI Imp-orts, From the 29th August, to the 4th Sept., both inclusive. Marys, Johnson, from Hamburg, 873 qrs wheat, 17 bales wool Gee and Co Alte Liebe, Hachtmann, from Hamburg, 484 qrs wheat F Helming and Co Catherine Ann, Middleson, from Archangel, 1519 barrels Tar, 2100 mats Burstall and Lamplough Twee Gebruder, from Amsterdam, 450 qrs wheat Taylor and Co Sapho, Clementsson, from ...

Published: Friday 11 September 1840
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2701 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 


... HA MBURIGII CORN MARI .ET._ Qn± A 1 n 'VI . -n m -- STAPT OF TIIE (RAINT Mifl IRET AT IIAMiiURGII, Auguist °7O IS41. (Suir .i-lad exclusiviey £ ,r ihe ailt ?'ncjj t.t 537IMA-Th-, woasher for the L ot f Iiei hg o c Ine with foil huxeclioes holdera Hl .i brat veri more diii- pced to sel', ill CrioCIII ii-of whichl cozisiloiab]L puloelia-ss ave ir iade. Oi Iitalonday laor, after the arrival of ...

Published: Friday 03 September 1841
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1277 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 

The Markets

... . IVU MOCIO.. sen tly ( For the HULL CORN MARK]ET, see 1hird page. me WEEKLY CORN RETURN FOR HULL. d. O UL Traensnittedl July 17, to the Cosoptosller of Corn Returns, London. Aln account of the Quantities and Prices of British. Corn only, soldimn this iid market? from the retarnes delivered to the inspecter b the deacers, nd for the Week ceded yesterday se'rnight, computed by the standard do ...

Published: Tuesday 21 July 1829
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1248 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... FRoa1r TUEnSDAYNIGH2S GAfZETTE. s sANBRuPTs. IJames Chase, Chiswell -street, surgeon-Wi~n. Sboyer, sWeston-su per-Mare, Somlersetshire, grocer---~i l liam .Skinner, Wilmington-square, Middlesex, surgeon-Saml. .Cleaver, Hu ngerford -market, cemen tma ker-A nn Blriarly, ;Kirton-in-Lindsay, Lincolnshire, innkeepsr---iolsn S. ,Gregson, Manchester, bookseller-Geo. C. Moore, Blake- ney, ...

Published: Tuesday 31 August 1830
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 654 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

The Markets

... I be e For the HULL COVXMARET, see third pago. . in WEEKLY CORN RETURN FOR HULL. ne Transmitted on £Fridiyjiast,to the Comptrolltr'of Corn :er. Returns, London. lts, ^An iaceount of the; quantitiesan.d -prides 6f British Corn tin -only,:se0ldin tbisnamiket,ifrom the returns'delivered to 1s1, the 1iispectorby'tihedealets, tor'the weekended yes- ith terday lsetnni'ght, cotn4pute'd by the ...

Published: Tuesday 16 November 1830
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1646 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

The Markets

... t4be Onfivtarf. 01' For the HULL CORNMARKET, see tlifrdpage. al U WEEKLY CORN RETURN FOR HULL. Trdnsmitted oti Friday last; to the Coenptrolle'r of Corhi Returhs, London. V An acddriint of the quatitities and prices of 1ritish Corn B only, sold in this market, from the returns ddliverrd to L the Inspector by the dealers, for the wbek ended yes- se terday se'nriight, computed by the ...

Published: Tuesday 07 December 1830
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1360 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... FRoilr TUL'SDA Y NIGHTS G4Z?TTE. BANKRUPTS. John J. Hopwood, Chancery-lane, auctioneer-Thona es, W mn. Dade, Dorking, Surrey, corn-factor--Solomon N Berncastle and Samuel Solomon, Brighton and Lewe, 58 jewellers-John Hallet, Lyrne Regis, Dorsetshire, clo S8and watch-maker-Cbas. C. Daniel!, Norwvich, grorer- tea Geo. Armstrong, Liverpool, linen-draper-Samelel Fle- 72 sbaw, Liverpool, coaah ...

Published: Tuesday 06 July 1830
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 706 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... H ULL CORN MARKET1, ad Taqdcy, April 6.E in, This day's market has been met with a fair supply of at wheat from the farmers, but the accounts received from. 3a the principal consuming markets being dull and lower,E ett wehave consequently experienced a heavy trade to-day,c and English wheats may be noted is. to 2a. per qr. lower.I In foreign there was butt little business transacted, and l EN ...

Published: Tuesday 13 April 1830
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 701 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SUIPPING lN'TELLIGl'NVC. no a_ ?? - - II- OfrfollPb -G,-nrge of hiv !o. At Sp. 1'r, asapn-v , S Myna:3a:w~l~c-l r,Tri, 'a ! (a-i,32urv ieto, liel!1'-r6-: 2 logliulto , 11.f-- Vihe, R, -moidalv 1 :,sv~ i ll .1a-k- ni fri,m ti S d. B~r.0vr,, LNycll Jo~,,h . ,. Al. Zof io -. AL II sA ,IJ' 1.iipliZ, Tirr Li-. hioi,: lihotl, ia.Xi' / -; t1s isX ry A t ]'P4N-X~rd, ?? ?? iit Us A tV 1''-CB n I> ...

Published: Friday 07 June 1833
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 780 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE, At DuRSrisr-ScarbroW Castle, Mosey, from Quebec. . At LivERPOOL.-William Hannington, Miller, from 15 Restigouche. At Boul.OGNE-Kingstou, Tonge, from this port. n u the BRIELLE-Mars, Smith; Prince Leopold. Allison; se Providence Good Intent,. Atkinsont ;,ethel, King; from this port. 9 At FLususING-Margaret, Addison, from this port. r, At PErERSsURG-MOSCOw, Donaldson; ...

Published: Tuesday 18 September 1832
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1065 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... I. . .- . F. can the 21 st to the 27th Feb. both inel sie. SHIPS' REPORTS. Active, of Hull, Armstrong, from Hamburg, B 124,37 men -28 tons rape cakes, 42 casks 29 bags cloverseed, 113 bales tvool.-Gve & Co. agents. Aire, of Gcle, Pepper, from Hamburg, B 188. 8 men-31 tons rape cakes, 8 casks 64 bags clnverseed, 26 bags linseed, 48 bags soollen rags, I case glass, I basket potatoes, I parcel ...

Published: Friday 06 March 1835
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 716 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE At CiUsssBsY- Roseville, -, from Newcastle. At WUITBY-(ICres, Weckes, trom Cardiir, At WeLLs-Albino Smith, from Goole. At IARiWICU-Nasvy, Allen Ellen, Thompson from this port. Britannia, Buekicy ; Anne, Wilman; Endeavour, Carthorn; from Goole. Bessy Stranige, Selby; Fibher, Saval; from Setby. At GsAtvESENn-British Queen, Miller, from Queb:.c. Prince Itupert, Grove; Prince ...

Published: Friday 24 October 1834
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2422 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce