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Derby Mercury



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Derby Mercury

COURT of KING's BENCH, Saturday May 25

... Li I COUfRT of KING's BEm T-, baturd ay Alay e5. l t 78 - - Is.-aB r ^}1 AA Irl-s 13-P Dr . tvuf arm ulfl su~z a ADDLEf~4 AdJ -- .Pcrjuny.-Mitdlefex Eleaion.-Thos. Price, otherwife John Wright, Matthew Creefe, other- *wife George James, William Jenkins, otherwife William Prince, conviaed of having taken the Freeholders' Oath, apd polling at the ladl Elec- tion, for Sir F. Burdett, they being ...

TRIAL of Admiral Sir R. CALDER

... TRiA L of Admiral Sir R. CA LDER. Oin Mlonday, Dec. 2S, a Court Alartiail cononenced on board thle Pi lice of Nales, to inqtirc into the condud and procredings oi' Vice Ad riral Sir Robert Cald er, wsitli his ia jefty's fqiuadgell un er his comuliatld, on the 23d day of lJly ]all. Thlie fitli witiles examicned wtas Admiral Stirling, who Wil5 fint interrogated bv Air. BicLkIell, oin the part ...


... -ili. f,8- AtDerby, Mary Btilkley.for uttering coun- tit rraey, was ordered to be imprifirned 1'6 months P ild aureies bor ber good behaviour for two years;- to] rr'tb Wilfa, Charged witl manflaughter, was acquitted; Ctbriut Wifliarn Cook, charged with giving falie evi. 5'there wasno piofecution.-'he bufinefsat the Nisi At ish rlad iot conclud.(l when this paper weiit to pre's. At ...

TRIAL OF LORD VISCOUNT MELVILLE, Before the High Court of Parliament

... I TRIAL or LOAD VISCOUNT MIELVILLE, Before the High Coutrt of Parliamhent. ' coon - tiated I On Tuefd4a the Z9th, of April, tbe Trial commenced, mited when teni charges weNe exhibited againftl Henry. Lord op the Vifcoalit Melvile, by the Coinnuons of Englaud, viz. cenes ' Fuast-Thatllenry V'i1ouut Lord Melillc, 'hilelha r into enjoyed the Office of TreafirY of the Navy, and previous awing ...


... I SUMMERAS§IZES,180f6- l4i(4ad.-Lord Elientborough, aild Mr. Juhici Rooke. r Alarfak.-Sir Yames Maiisfiela, and Mr. J66t1ce Grlufe. , Htnne.-lrd Chief Wroiir, und Mr. Jultice Heath. WeJlerns-Mt.13atouThoinfimn anid llr. Jufiiee Chambre. . rfbrd~-Mr.,Juftiee Lawvrence, and Mr. Jufliee Le Rlanc.. N rtherji-6wtr. Biron Graham, and Mfr. Baroll Sutton. NEWTON: RACES. I' Wediierday. Jaie. 11, ...

[ill] P. PALM

... 4,1 , 5*j0 'I? .T PIUSP. PALM.. f *YSotr bive, no:~004edd the particulars of( ~ l4m~gsrde oftheb'0rPal; f' alm -that, tQ intit i te.tiecs, Bonaparte order- I I'.liO0Oropies -of;edece of the mock tri- a 'bjutia .,t~r~b~e dctdair over the Continent. Shnure piftriots here h~e. &u return fubicribed r 1.. for the h1icatio r ritnd .ifhiribution of'60,000 copt*stf. thlaclofkd ettqr, which he wrote ...


... On the niaht of the 28th of Auguft the fol- lowing atrocious circumfiance took place at ; Baffaterre, St. Kitt's. Mr. Francis Conflable, C ia man naturally of a gloomy babit, but whofe b. probity and placid manners for Leveral years pafl had gained him the rerpea and efteem of _ the inhabitants of the iflatd, quitt d his flore, and went home an s apparent compofure as he lhad ever been. el ...


... XT!AofDE tt itft. . 1 I-;. ~ - . . O It this wck falls toi our lAL&t6 have 'o corin municute one of the stncit &fVidtil IN urders that. Urts, perhaps, civer colmitte4ii inthis couty, lyColopanjied by iiflialicea. (if 'barbaritv that have no paril'lel: in 'the blootly alis of gull. (leu*-g A14en, hlhure-i, bf Upper MA) field, in tile coulty. of itaffnrd; is the motttiour Who rtands foremoti inl ...


... COQURT MA RT1AL. l TRIAL OF LIEUT.-GENERAL NVWIITELOCI E. The gveat length of time which this trial occupied, and the imuine-ife body of evidence, written and parole, which hIs been adduced, render it iopollible fbr us to give any sore than a mere fumnmary of the proceedings. 'Ille Commitlion and tihe differeijt articles of charge being read, and tire Members of the Court fworn, the H1 ...


... ; . fI7 T.TC(r ., Ni Al ULetb% 441fies; ltti!iym ir fo? jy'AT7- t h i !petty lle t prolrtV'f I jis.lI eli f r Wtt; I fivpl wottiepeotl *rnthie lot;d b.~ tti rsr1nlm ;d*el Iin n 11i0e dl.e I ian. * 8 d lie; liii l et aele.ut Ain~dr r .t ttia esr I 14? h*t^e tIRlpI iotutid 1 *u.,tls Ijlgl 'l~xet id l'eniwti'.tJ. tthr brak in II . the Sn 1, drttb1titt EfIuairn .Jiickioui .4 Thdervlelsu rt'aver, ...


... I .;.4fv.WTpl rtant XING'IS BENCI, *A1IflDAY, J.'NI 4i §1i: Topping.tInted, thit the pIlaintiff, who keeps ai Ju- venstle Library he l )otid t;reet, btougih this action againft 'the dlfetidatlt, a ei'.a:iderable, b ;kieli in Leiideglld- .Ireet, for a libel i hix cliaratler, which appeared it the tsird uad lfusrili neu ntubrs nif a poppiulr p 'ludicl work, ' d T hc Satir, 1, r, 111O ...


... - F, , - COA r-, ji . ., - - If 'This was' an -it'tion fo- erim. Coit!7 :thd the, isitiff laid his datas , 1 0,0001., 'ilve Attoritey Gentra fRated tite pliatii'S cafe to the to Inuch as on 8 oernter trial. T1he It.earmed Counlel itsen- Itated a8 Variety of flaas, lichv, be ifaid, molt be cunclulive. wileis the Jury ex- ctd.sirtt.ito -prove the parties naked in-bed together. ttatilwe-c ...