... I Ti .e iEAST INDIA T tRAD. jihe tralJ18 to the East Ifdies being i6W 6open ot6 public cotnpetition the follosiing List ofArticles usually imported into that country,, from dreat Britain, may. serve as a guide to 'nerianis and other shipping Goods for.thdt;ntfiddr of the globe. ALr maid PonTit, both i;ncasks and bottled. ltooKqcand PAMPULvfS. BooTr and SrnoEs, Gentlemenls, )adiesj and ...

Published: Tuesday 10 June 1817
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1275 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 


... HUL' L A i?l 14, -'AA! ~ZUFNE*ws.' 45 sd'~Z4 hoiamxug,' Thei E'tops~! ' of'~tsler SothAt' Nmese, The6 ouu,'Cifrt.~ Ic Matt,'DivyerAi Danfhig,TThe 'Qute. Huod'ung cmFredercks; -all from this pocre; and E29Iet,Pluhkett,firfim titWhitbýA?gMeqid, The Anni Todd, from Whitby.-ej eeds, ROherLon, frowLondon and 6Lghr. iq t7o 'li, i~Thmpsop VAN' d~S'ul~ all fromt Haimburg; a Iii ...

Published: Tuesday 15 April 1817
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 718 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHWPING 1NTELL1GI?NCE; ABThIVA4LS. Al TaAvasMtNoa -Tb ItiAehe, Schacht; t .AltFLIISHItO,.-Tihe Si Michael, Snsitltisn; Al t YvMOejra-Tt'Ih ~';e aYIi Charlotte. Hay; Ait DflNiitinN,-The Delight, Grayw ;~ali frnout this port. Ats GigAVitSx;.,-TlieYirik.Merchanll,HFigginiboilman, In r,-: C hitreit e. At DF..Ic .,-.The Orb, .Pintgnip, froip Ctadiz.: Oi; D}Vv.t;,-4'lhe Lt;Pd AUther~t; LIScCis, ...

Published: Tuesday 31 January 1826
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 681 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIPPING 1NTELLIOGNCE. VI At Li vERPOOL, the 10th inst.-TheNymph, Levett, from this port. At DLAL-4ibe Cicero, froma Pictou, adsie u ul s. At Lssnot-The Grace,1Hail, fronm Trieste. Winds/ at Bea/-Jan. 12, SE. ; 13, SW. lw ad .mr sse grate ;14, WV. 15, NE. by B. fresh breeze;I 161, ESE, ditto; 17, 6. byE'. s~strong breeze. II Wjsds at Fiis/,eet/-Jan. 1i, SW. fresh breezes; 12, SW. to SE., 13, ...

Published: Tuesday 22 January 1828
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1793 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... : - ~~~~. 7. . zeea,. ARRIVALS. -: taus, At the CAPE of GooD HOPE-WOOdbidle, Ovstoii, from' hichSt. Heiena. 'ivet At RAMsGsATe-Dorothy, Peacock, from L'o6hdon', for om* Trieste, with loss of anchor and chain. SiarDudtrf,'for low, St. Michael's' Enterprize, Lowrie, for Messina; Soth from side this port. * lond In WHITay RoAns-Enterprize; Terry, from Wyburg';. bon, and Astrea, Page, from ...

Published: Tuesday 30 November 1830
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1193 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

The Markets

... Craig Alarlicto. y Y. | tt' For the HuLL, COIN MARtKET, see third page. .n WEEKLY CORN RETURN FOR HULL. Ir Trinmsauleed on Fridity lost, to the Comptroller of Corn !d Returins, Londiow. r An account of the quantities and prices of British Corn e only, sold in this market, from the returns delivered to n the Inspector by the dealers, for the week ended yes- r terday se'nnight, computed by the ...

Published: Tuesday 30 November 1830
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2137 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

HULL CORN MARKET, Tuesday, August 3

... HIU.LTL CORN MARAlKET£, :Tuesda!,, /higust 3. There hlas been scarcely any grain offering from the far- nsces, and the fine hot weather we have bceen latterly ex- 'pericacing has 4and it effect. op the trade, whichi-has beenr dull and lifeless in the extreme ; there is so little~busiriess pa~ssing,0 that it is difficult to give a correct currenicy.-f When sales of English wheat have been mnade ...

Published: Tuesday 10 August 1830
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 619 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHI 'PPING INTIELITG liNCi'. ; ' ~AIteIVALtS. - t.-At PLYMOtrTlH, 6thl August-Coriolanus, Fox, froes Cadiz to this port. At QUJEBEc, 2d July-Victory, Simpson, from thlis port;-with passengers. At CUXssAVE*-Thomss Moulden,S'pencer, from Goole. * At FALn7ou'ru-Lady Keithj Whitt, from thlis port. At MiisAsiCiis-Minerva, Mudd, from this port. -At YAiesou's'l-Vallenia, Davison; FlorencejBright. n | ...

Published: Tuesday 10 August 1830
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1031 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

The Markets

... '. : . -, . : i , . - - - -1 ---, -; ---. ?: - . I , ;? 1? ? . i, ? .. . . ,, , is'pTifto. e!| - :*tForT the HULL, eo A gitKUT, j ee, tkiir4piage. t'. . WEEK.LY CORN PiETURN iFOR iIIXLL. Thrnsmitted D :Fridqytlajt, to t1le Co.,froller of Co : - .. Rburos, L-nd9., . t;r~ a eqnnt~ofhPe qhtjiiies ~d pgestof FrHtish Corzn difl, Bo1d ini t tb6 t1rndeliv4eed td the !nspeor:h tie dalrs irt'ie k ...

Published: Tuesday 15 March 1831
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1218 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... . L CORN UAIARKET., - 17 ^> > . g :,'aesdayj :I Feiruery cil : e;lhere is a 4very thin' attendarice of bothi nyersi fnd' , steensto-this dayrs mzarket,' {nI eonoequen6c of the tem- pestuous state of-the -weather; tbe busintess -passing has been,- o'nsetiiently, limited. .oFor ther best xconditioned' > - parcels of,,,whbeat,: an ,advanceonf is to, 2s per qr. has been a id; anxd op the sec9ndary ...

Published: Tuesday 08 February 1831
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 640 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... REPORT ON AIANUFACTURES,TRADE, l AND SHl'IPLNG. . I (Froms the 211foning H~erold.) Psrt, Ginsoxz, at ship-ownec an d shsip-builder of hull1, havinrg great opporttluni ties olknowying thle general state of tlhe shipipinge tyade, describes it to be in anl extremsely distressed slate. lI e coisipletcly lp'ovei as- thle other weittsesses have dlone, thle C sitter fifflacy otf thle opinioss that ...

Published: Friday 29 November 1833
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1885 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE aers, OffDovn-Rachel, Irvin, from Quebec, with loss of bulwarks, quarter and stern damaged, and leaky, having also been struck by a sea. any At GnAvEsEND-Eliza, Keighley, from Hambro'. In- , he dustry, Ulfers, from Harlingen. Aurora, Swaffin, from pro- Lisbon. Sophia, Blake, from Quebec. any At F.r.sroUrts-Zior, Ducker, from Terra Nova. i the At FistirRe.ow-Eleanor, ...

Published: Tuesday 25 December 1832
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1048 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce