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On the melancholy death of MARGARET KEITH,a widow in Anchtydonald in the parish of Longside,

... On tbt- meiancholy dtath of M.CRCARPT XPrir ! a ividow in Auclitvdonald in the parisl of Longfide., wvho was barbaroufly muldticd cl} Sunday, agth June, I00. Otcr feenes of woe, whote commnon griefs prevail, Where pitY melts at forrew's sortrfultale, D- ati-s folerin call in peaceful hope obey'd, No law tcanlgrc`'s3. *? uc--erllee bettay'd, (at has thir muie peur'd forth he, ?? lay, Aid ?? th- ...


... ODE FOR THE NEW YEAR, i8oi. BY HENRY JAMER PYE, Es%. t POET LAUREAT. f FROM dclup'd Earth's cifurp'd domain, i Where Occan fought his native bed, t Emerging from the flrinking main, Rear'd many a mountain Ifle its bead; Encircled with a billow zone, Fair Freedom mark'd them for her own. Let the vaft Continent obey A ruthlefs MAfter's iron Avay, ' Uncheck'd by aught fromn pole to pole, ...


... ODE FOR 'THE NEW TEARP-xoz. BY HiENRY JAMES PYE, Esq. POEer LARUREAT. Lo, from Bclkna's crimfon car, At length the panting Steeds unbound, At length the thunder of the War In feftive fhouts of Peacc is drown'd; Yet as around her Monarcb's brow, Britannia twines the Olive bpugh, Bold as her Eagle-eye is caft On hours of recent Tempeff paft: Thro' the rude Wave and adverfe Gale, When free The ...


... D I A L 0 G U E . .- - - -1 - B Rrtrveen the 2ear ISOI and the 2 ar Scz. Er JAme S TIoZiON, WEAVER, KiNLfAli. ON New 'cear's suron, at twal o'clock, The New Year thus the Auld befpoke; In words as thefi fhe feeni'd to fay Unto the Auld':-- Meal hafle away, Your r'fir and place to roe refign, The day was yours, but now 'tis mine. See rich and poor how fat they rin, , Wi' ftoups and kettles ...

Experiments and Observarions on the Culture of POTATOES, in a letter from Sir ARCHIBALD GRANT, the Monymusk, Bart

... tx.perimernts and Observarions on the Culture of POTATOES, in a letter from Sir AReH I- BALD GRANT, of Monymusk, Bart. T2 te CGondee{orUs of the 1ARMERS MAGAZINE.( [A Work of very high merit.] From sevetal letters that have appeared in your former Numbers, I have bcen induced to believe, that your correspondents in general have mistaken the proper form of a scoop for extract- ing the eyes from ...


... I -r ss - Virtue and Vice are Empire's life and deith. -YOUNG. Away grimn want, go hide thy niggard face ! Now finilng plqrity comes toblefs our ifle; A heart-felt joy illumines every place, And the cheel: of mif'ry wears a finile. The lowly hind once more by ruffic toil, By healthfidl labour, gains a livelihood: At dread of want his heart does not recoil; He fees his country flor'd with ...


... ODE FOR HIS MAJESTY'5 BIRTH-DAY, Wr HENRY JAMES P'E, E~O. P. B. No nore the tbunder of the plain, The ficry battle's iron ffoiw'r, Terrific, drown the duteous firain That grectt our Monarch's nalal keaur Peace, fearing hi-h on fi raph wings, >i.vr frikes her vicl's golden ftrings- IF-cponfive to the thrilling note, .ympihonious flrains of rapture float, .Vhile grateful mnyriads in the ?? join, ...


... ODE rFOR THE NEW IEAR,-;So3. Y - t.J. PYE, ESQ. POET LAUREAT. Thougis thc tempehluous winds uo mrore T'he main with angry pinion fweep; Though raging'gainil the founding 'hore No lonrcei Iowl the impetuous feaq; But foothed to art', the billows fluep, Save wheicfoft Z hpysr's tepid breeze Fans with its filkeam wing the rippling deep But fill w.ith unrernktting eve The pilot marks th' uncertain ...


... ENGLISH, SCO lS, AND IRISHMEN! - A PATRIOTIC ADDRESS TO l 1ir I gHWABITA fTS of the UAVITED D iNGDO. ENGLISH, Seors, and I isin-v', All that are in Valour's ken! Shield your King; and flock agen Where his facred hanners flee NnAV's the day, and now's the hour, Frenchmen would the land devour- Will ye wait till they cotie o'er To give ye chains and flavry? Who wou'd be a Frenchman's {lave ? Who ...


... Tunc-- Tnh Veinpjl. S CEASE rude boafter, bafe marauder, b 'Liften Scotfmen unto me; Britons, tell tie bold invader U We have ever rul'd the fea! From Jaffa's plains, with murder covcr'd, r Where the poifon'd bonsl was 5pour'd, V Where hellifh lull atud rapine hover'%, * See, he waves the threat'ening fword! Hark ! your Monarch, loudly calling, '4 In this hour of danger Itand ; s Up your ...


... -Gus .,-;i-w~i~ t, 5 h The ensu-nn -uinter promises to be a busy one I }' in the Literarv World. to Mr. Godwin'; Li-.e and ,Ve of Chauccr *I ri Father of English Poetry, a wo.k from which his Si frierds and the public art taught Io expect the of rest display ofhi . ge ius and indu!stry, will make to its appearance this month. Alr. G. in this curi- in ous and entertamninga work will unite his ...


... GRAND RIJVIEW- i , . Of the saperb and encoturqginig spe~ace vehich, was vesteiday etxhibited in Hyde Park, *te shall not attetmpt to give an adeuate- des- ctiption. They-wbo siw iti *ant no other pic- tutie than thht which dwells 6o their bwn recol- le1ildn. It ains, indted, a glhrioos Oaj for Old England. It displayed the youth of the first city I of the 'inivetee, asemb)led in mil-,tary ...